Faculty of Informatics / Mathematics

Team Members


E-Mail Telephone Room Projects

Reichelt, Dirk (Prof. Dr. rer. pol.)+49 (0)351 462 2614 Z 340 Holder of the Professorship for Information Management
Ringel, Robert (Dipl.-Inf.)+49 (0)351 462 2797 Z 541 Cinderella, Leopolt,
Wieland, Uwe (Prof. Dr. rer. pol.)     Honorary professor
Khasawneh, Omar (B.Sc.) +49 (0)351 462 2236 Z 902 Lab X

Cyber-Physical Production Systems


E-Mail Telephone Room Projects

Haas, Till (Dipl.-Ing.) +49 (0)351 462 3824 Z 902 Group leader, ICV
Helmert, Stefan (M.Sc.) +49 (0)351 462 2166 U 144 OSHIE
Kobzak, Sergei (Dr. rer. nat.) +49 (0)351 462 2184 Z 902 ICV
Metzler, Johannes (Dipl.-Inf. (FH)) +49 (0)351 462 3901 Z 902 ICV
Nguyen, Dang (Dipl.-Ing.) +49 (0)351 462 2183 U 133 Future Mobility
Petzold, Valentin (Dipl. Ing.)   Z 917 oSHOP
Schäfer, Saskia (Dipl. Ing.) +49 (0)351 462 2172 U 133 Future Mobility
Schiller, Torsten +49 (0)351 462 2802 Z 917 Lab X
Seiler, Philipp (Dipl.-Inf. (FH)) +49 (0)351 462 2102 Z 902 ASYN4CVA

Enterprise Information Systems


E-Mail Telephone Room Projects

Vogt, Stefan (Dipl.-Inf.)   Z 902 Group leader, ICV, Fed-X-Pro
Gehrhardt, Ingolf (M.Sc.) +49 (0)351 462 3047 Z 902 Semiconductor-X
Lofing, Eugen (Dipl.-Inf. (FH)) +49 (0)351 462 3523 Z 902 Fed-X-Pro
Patolla, Paul (Dipl.-Wirt.-Inf. (FH)) +49 (0)351 462 3050 Z 902 Fed-X-Pro
Schmidt, Martin (M.Sc.) +49 (0)351 462 3070 Z 541 Fed-X-Pro

Industrial AI


E-Mail Telephone Room Projects

Bahrpeyma, Fouad (Ph.D.) +49 (0)351 462 3040 Z 902 Group leader, HTW PostDoc, CLEVER
Heik, David (M.Sc.) +49 (0)351 462 3875 Z 902 ProMenTat
Sunilkumar, Abishek (M.Eng.)   Z 902 CLEVER

Production Planning & Control


E-Mail Telephone Room Projects

Reichelt, Dirk (Prof. Dr. rer. pol.) +49 (0)351 462 2614 Z 340 Group leader
Deckert, Dominic (Dipl. Inf.) +49 (0)351 462 3805 Z 902 LOTSE
Telatko, Rocky (M.Eng.) +49 (0)351 462 3765 Z 902 LOTSE

Transfer & Innovation Management


E-Mail Telephone Room Projects

Reichelt, Dirk (Prof. Dr. rer. pol.) +49 (0)351 462 2614 Z 340 Group leader
Bielitz, Pia (M.Sc.) +49 (0)351 462 3049 Z 902 Lab X, ProMenTaT
Haustein, Jessica (M.A.) +49 (0)351 462 3872 Z 902 Lab X, Saxony5
Jäpel, Nicole (M.A.) +49 (0)351 462 3046 Z 902 Saxony5, ProMenTaT
Pilk, Tom Richard (M.A.) +49 (0)351 462 3514 Z 902 Lab X, oSHOP
Rabis, Florian (Dipl.-Wi.-Ing.) +49 (0)351 462 2141 A 512 oSHOP
Veliu, Cäcilia (Dipl.-Psych.) +49 (0)351 462 2151 A 512 oSHOP
Wiesenhütter, Katarzyna ( Dr.-Ing.) +49 (0)351 462 3240 A 514 oSHOP

Student Assistants


Degree Program Projects

Bahram, Cûdî

Industrial Engineering oSHOP

Blümel, Mathis

Electrical Engineering Lab X

Kretschmer, Moritz

Wirtschaftsinformatik oSHOP

Özer, Taylan

Business Informatics Semiconductor-X

Pingel, Felix

Design Lab X

Pönitz, Jan-Luis

Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen ICV

Ratnikova, Marija

Media Informatics Lab X

Rodmann, William

Business Informatics ProMenTat

Former Employees

Name Projects attended
Jürgen Stein Intelligente Sensorsysteme zur Optimierung der Fertigungsabläufe
Marco Kruse e3f und KoSeBOT
Eric Starke DigiLotse, Verteilte Produktionsplanung mittels paralleler multikriterieller evolutionärer Algorithmen
Teresa Kleber DigiLotse
Javad Ghofrani Debuti, COREM, Arrowhead Tools, KoSeBOT
Robin Lutz KISS-MINT
Robert Pampuch CASO, DigiLotse
Kim Voß SimiKom, Industrie 4.0 Modellfabrik
Markus Höfgen ID Ideal
Eric Brandt CASO
Felix Brandt CASO
Marc Tieding  

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