The HTW Dresden is a regionally anchored and internationally oriented university with a wide range of practice-oriented courses combined with a variety of experience in application-oriented research.
strategy of internationalisation
The HTW Dresden - University of Applied Sciences adopted an internationalisation strategy in 2012 and set itself goals in 3 fields of action. The internationalisation process of the HTW Dresden is actively implemented with measures in these 3 fields of action.
International cooperation and networks: sharpening depth instead of broadening breadth
Internationalisation of teaching and research: regional anchoring and global networking
Marketing and communication: Made in HTW Dresden
The service areas and the faculties support and accompany the internationalisation process. The internationalisation strategy was updated in 2020 together with all those involved at HTW Dresden and adopted in 2021. Faculty-specific strategy papers were also created as part of the further development. All documents can be found in the internal area.
To ensure that the strategies always remain accurate, up-to-date and, above all, lively, the International Office, the International Affairs Officers and the individual faculties regularly discuss statistics, activities and collaborations. The next evaluation and update will take place in 2026.
Language Policy of HTW Dresden
German is the main language of teaching and communicating at the University of Applied Sciences Dresden. Knowledge of German is still indispensable for the acquisition of intercultural competence, for integration and everyday life in Germany and for the job market. That’s why we recommend our international students to benefit from the free German courses at the HTW.
English is the main vehicle language for international exchange and communication with partnerships. We want to improve materials and schedules in English and to increase the number of international study programmes in order to simplify the access to international study and research.
Other languages are relevant for the communication with international selected partners and for special study programmes.
Information about our language courses can you find under Language Center.
The European Commission assessed HTW Dresden's Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) application with 100 out of 100 possible points and awarded HTW Dresden the valid ECHE for the years 2021 to 2027. The ECHE sets out basic principles and quality requirements that higher education institutions must meet when applying for and implementing activities under Erasmus+. You can find the document in the internal area.