Strategic Focus
Policy Papers
- Guideline on the Handling of Intellectual Propertypdf - 129 kB
- Guideline for Handling Research Datapdf - 107 kB
- Open Access Declarationpdf - 120 kB
Weitere Dokumente/ Antragsformulare finden Sie hier: https://www.htw-dresden.de/en/rt/strategy
University Development Plan 2025
In the university development plan until 2025, we have summarized our focal points for the further development of the research landscape at HTW Dresden as follows:
- Maintain high quality of research by creating freedom for researchers and providing the best possible research services,
- Keeping the volume of third-party funding stable by sharpening the research profile and approaching new donors,
- Supporting young scientists by further strengthening cooperative doctorates and establishing an accompanying graduate service and
- Increase usability by making greater use of aspects of open science and public image.
Profile Areas
The research and teaching at HTW Dresden is based on three interdisciplinary profile areas:
Protection of natural resources
- Analysis of our natural habitat
- Development of innovations and technologies to optimise land use and circular economy
- Resource-efficient, sustainable and environmentally friendly value creation
Developing future-oriented mobility and infrastructure
- Developing future-oriented mobility concepts
- Use of low emission drive systems
- Energy storage, distribution and conversion
- Construction and building operation using sustainable technologies
Shaping, networking and digitalising the economy and work
- Automation and digital transformation of future working environments
- Human-machine interaction
- connecting communication, production and information processes
- business-management considerations
EU Research Priorities
HTW Dresden has selected two interdisciplinary research foci. These two focal points shall contribute to the profiling of the university and to the European orientation. They are therefore also called EU research priorities. These are the areas of Digital Systems and Natural Resources. Both areas are characterised by well above-average third-party funding, numerous international cooperations and high interest in projects in the European Research Framework Plan Horizon 2020. They also fit in with the seven "societal challenges" in which, according to the EU, research and development can make significant contributions.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gunther Göbel
Vice-Rector Research, Sustainability and Technology Transfer
- Z 259
- +49 351 462 2523