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Exchange studies in winter semester 2025/26

We are now accepting nominations and applications for the winter semester 2025/26. You can find more information under "Application and admission procedures".

Before coming to HTWD — Application and organisation

Are you studying at one of our partner universities and would like to study as an exchange student at HTWD? Would you like to further your professional development and get to know German culture? Then you've come to the right place. We will inform you about the simplified application procedure, language requirements and all questions regarding travel, accommodation, visa and more.

After consultation with the respective faculty, it is also possible to study as a freemover at the HTWD.


  • 15 June for the winter semester (end of September - end of February)
  • 15 November of the previous year for the summer semester (beginning of March - mid July)

Non-EU students are advised to send their applications before the deadline due to the lengthy visa procedure.
Please send the application documents to international(at)htw-dresden.de.


To be admitted at HTWD as an exchange student, you must be nominated by your home university. After the nomination by your home university (name/first name/email address/study period/faculty/course of study by e-mail to international(at)htw-dresden.de), you can apply for a study visit at HTWD using a simplified procedure. The following application documents are required:

  • Application for admission to studies (form) (signed by you and your home university coordinator)
  • (Online) Learning Agreement (your course selection approved and signed by your and your home university coordinator)
  • Resume/CV (in English or German)
  • Transcript of Records (overview of your grades, issued by your home university, in English or German)
  • Proof of language proficiency (proof of the language you will be studying in, English and/or German at level B1/B2)
  • Signed request for HTW login (the document will be send to you via email)
  • up-to-date passport photo (for your HTWD student ID card, minimum size of 180x240 pixels in JPEG, PNG or GIF format, view from the front, neutral background)
  • copy of passport or ID
  • Proof of a valid study visa (can be submitted later)

Please have the International Office or the ERASMUS university coordinator of your home university confirm your study visit at HTWD on the application form for admission (page 2). Without this confirmation no admission can take place.


Once you have send us your application and after approval of your responsible academic coordinator in our university, we will issue you a letter of admission. Please understand that this procedure might take some time. With this letter of admission you can apply for a study visa at the German Embassy in your home country (if necessary).

If you have any questions regarding your application, please contact international(at)htw-dresden.de by e-mail.

If you have any subject-related/content-related questions in preparation for your study visit at HTWD (Learning Agreement), please contact the responsible academic coordinator at your home university or the responsible academic coordinator at HTWD.

An overview of English taught courses can be found here: https://www.htw-dresden.de/en/international/coming-to-htw-dresden/exchange-programmes/modules-in-english 

The Faculty of Business Administration offers a wide range of English taught courses from which you can choose. An overview of the courses can be found on the website of the Faculty of Business Administration. Please note that the courses of the Faculty of Business Administration are only accessible for exchange students with whom the home university has an exchange agreement with.

Courses for ALL exchange students:

  • German/English/French/Spanish language course (CEF-Level A1 to CEF Level C1, 3-5 ECTS)
  • “Introduction to German culture” (module number Z007, 2 ECTS, NO GRADE, only passed/failed, taught in English)
  • “Introduction to Business in Germany” (ONLY in winter semester!, module number W002, 5 ECTS, taught in English)
  • “Introduction to Business Simulation Game” (module number W005, 3 ECTS, NO GRADE, only passed/failed, taught in English)
  • “Intercultural Communication” (taught in GERMAN in summer semester!, module number Z011, 5 ECTS, NO GRADE, only passed/failed)
  • “Intercultural Communication” (taught in ENGLISH in winter semester!, module number Z013, 5 ECTS)

In our module database "Modulux" you will find more information about the modules as well as the course content. Please use the filter function and enter the module numbers.

Modules in German language can also be viewed via the module database "Modulux". Go to the modules and filter by "Faculty" or "Assignment to curriculum".


As an exchange student you will receive an Academic Coordinator (supervising professor of the responsible faculty) for the duration of your study stay at the HTWD, who will support you in all academic matters. With your Academic Coordinator you can clarify all questions concerning the planned study programme at the HTWD (Learning Agreement), the registration and participation in examinations and the examination results (Transcript of Records) as well as subject-specific questions. During the Welcome Week you will get to know your Academic Coordinator in a personal meeting.


In order to be admitted as an exchange student at HTWD, you need a Learning Agreement, in which you list the courses you would like to attend at our university.

Starting with the academic year 2022/23, all Erasmus+ exchange students need to create the Learning Agreement completely digitally via https://learning-agreement.eu/ as Online Learning Agreement (OLA). You can find instructions on how to do this here: Online Learning Agreement.

Exchange students who will not be studying at HTWD through Erasmus+, please fill out this template.

The Learning Agreement is a contract between you, your home university and the HTWD. The Learning Agreement specifies which academic achievements you wish to achieve and to what extent.

You should discuss the choice of course with your supervisor at your home university and clarify in advance which courses are recognised at your home university or not. The Learning Agreement must be signed by you, your supervisor at your home university and the responsible Academic Coordinator at HTWD.

If at the beginning of your studies at HTWD there are changes to your chosen courses, please submit the change to the International Office. You, your home university and your Academic Coordinator at HTW Dresden must sign the changed Learning Agreement.


As an exchange student, we cannot provide you with a ready-made timetable. Unlike students at the HTWD, you have to create your own timetable. Your Academic Coordinator will help you to choose the courses (if you need to change your Learning Agreement) and how to put together the timetable during the first weeks of your study visit.

Academic year schedules and academic year calendars ("Studienjahresablaufplan") can be found under "Links and documents" on the "My study" page.

Summer semester 2025

  • Welcome Week: 10th of March till 15th of March 2025
  • Lecture period: 17th of March till 5th of July 2025
  • Examination period: 07th of July till 26th of July 2025

Winter semester 2025/26

  • Welcome Week: 29th of September 2025 until 04th of October 2025
  • Lecture period: 06th of October 2025 until 31st of January 2026
  • Examination period: 02nd of February 2026 until 21st of February 2026

Summer semester 2026

  • Welcome Week: 09th of March till 14th of March 2026
  • Lecture period: 16 March 2026 until 04 July 2026
  • Examination period: 06 July 2026 until 25 July 2026

Language is the key to the culture and society of any country. For everyday life and leisure time in Dresden it is very helpful to pick up a basic knowledge of German. The German language is considered to be somewhat difficult and certainly requiring motivation to learn in the beginning. The reward, however, is that it will smoothen the way into your new environment.


Students who wish to attend regular courses at the HTW in German and/or English require good to very good German and/or English language skills (B1/B2).

The Language Center of HTWD offers free language courses in "German as a Foreign Language (DaF)", English, French and Spanish in the winter and summer semesters. The levels of the language courses are defined on the basis of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2). If you successfully complete one of these language courses, you can earn ECTS credits for it. 

In order to take a language course, it is essential that you attend the information sessions during the Welcome Week. You will receive further information on this shortly before the start of the Welcome Week.

You can find more information on the homepage of the Language Center.

If you would like to prepare yourself linguistically before the start of the semester, we recommend language courses offered by TUDIAS in downtown Dresden (with fees). 

Students are subject to compulsory health insurance to be able to study in Germany. This means that you can only enroll if you can prove that you have such health insurance. For all students from outside EU or EEA countries we recommend to take out a German health insurance  with a statutory health insurance company (e.g. AOK Plus, Techniker Krankenkasse, Barmer...) before your come to Dresden.

Students from European Union or EEA (European Economic Area) countries 

Students who are statutorily insured in these countries prove their statutory health insurance by showing their European Health Insurance Card (EHIC), Global Health Insurance Card (from the UK) or Eligibility (from a treaty country). You are therefore already insured through your home country and do not have to take out additional health insurance in Germany. Please note that your insurance may not cover all costs in Germany. You should therefore make sure that you know exactly which benefits you are entitled to in Germany before you enter the country. Before your arrival in Dresden, you must register with a German statutory health insurance company (e.g. AOK Plus, Techniker Krankenkasse, Barmer...) using your EHIC card. Inform the statutory health insurance company immediately that you are studying at HTW Dresden. The health insurance company must then submit a so-called electronic notification to HTW Dresden.

The university number of HTW Dresden is H0002257 (sender number-university)!

Students from other countries (statutory or private health insurance)

Statutory health insurance: Students under the age of 30 may obtain insurance from any German statutory health insurance company (e.g. AOK PlusTechniker KrankenkasseBarmer....) at a student rate (currently about 145 Euro for health and long-term care care insurance), which includes all legally mandated benefits. To register with a statutory health insurance provider, you will need your passport and Letter of Admission from HTW Dresden (Zulassungsbescheid). You can secure insurance for the intended period of study from your home country, before arriving in Germany. You do not need an address in Germany or a certificate of enrolment from the university! Your Letter of Admission is sufficient for registration with a statutory health insurance. The health insurance company will transmit the information about your insurance status electronically to HTW Dresden. The university number of HTW Dresden is H0002257 (sender number-university).

Private health insurance: The following applies to students under the age of 30: If you obtain a private health insurance in Germany or wish to bring a policy from your home country, you must nonetheless contact a German statutory health insurance company and obtain an exemption from the statutory health insurance obligation. You can also do this online before you arrive in Dresden, e.g. with Techniker Krankenkasse. The staturoy health insurance company will transmit the information about your insurance status electronically to HTW Dresden. The university number of HTW Dresden is H0002257 (sender number-university)! The exemption cannot be revoked; it is valid for the entire duration of your university studies. If you have private health insurance, you will have to pay in advance for all medical services and medication in Germany and then request reimbursement from your health insurance provider in your home country. If you are privately insured, you cannot switch to a statutory health insurance for the duration of your studies.

When issuing the residence permit (only non EU-students), the Dresden Immigration Office also checks whether your private health insurance is sufficient for the stay in Germany and corresponds to the scope of a statutory health insurance in Germany.

Information on health insurance in Germany can also be found on the DAAD website.

Please also check before you start your study visit whether you have sufficient private insurance in the event of a claim (e.g. in the case of damage to property or personal injury caused by you to third parties, accidents or theft).

After you receive your letter of admission from HTWD you should check the immigration formalities available from the Federal Foreign Office. Information is also available from the German missions in your home country. Leave enough time to complete all the necessary steps, such as obtaining a passport and arranging insurance and the permits, before leaving your home country. 


If you are an EU citizen, no visa is required to enter or to study in Germany. A valid passport or identity card is sufficient. 


As a rule, all other international exchange students require a student visa – especially if they want to stay in Germany for more than three months. You will need to apply for the necessary visa at the German embassy in your home country before your come to Germany. So reserve enough time - several weeks/month - for the process! For a student visa, you need admission to study and proof of sufficient financial means.

Citizens from the following countries: Andorra, Australia, Brazil, El Salvador, Great Britain and Honduras, Iceland, Israel, Japan, Canada, the Republic of Korea, Liechtenstein, Monaco, New Zealand, Northern Ireland, Norway, San Marino, Switzerland and the USA can also obtain a required residence permit for study purposes after entering Germany. You have to apply for this residence permit at the Dresden Immigration Office within three months after entry in Germany.


Non-EU students who are enrolled at a university in an EU country no longer necessarily require a German residence permit if they plan to stay in Germany for study purposes for less than 360 days. This is covered by EU Directive 2016/801, the so-called REST Directive for researchers and students.

As a host university, we have to submit an application for mobility to the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF), which must be approved before you arrive. Full notification to BAMF absolutely must be received no later than 30 days prior to your entering Germany.

The notification which HTW Dresden sends to the Federal Office must comprise the following documents:

  • Residence permit for study purposes from the first EU Member State (must be valid for the entire duration of stay in Germany)
  • Recognised, valid passport
  • Declaration on securing livelihood (According to § 2 Abs. 3 Satz 5 AufenthG, the livelihood of students is considered secured if they have a monthly amount equal to the current BAföG maximum rate of 992 EUR/month, the national standard that defines the absolute minimum of expenses that a student needs to cover for an appropriate standard of living.)
  • Declaration of sufficient health insurance cover (at least 30.000 EUR sum insured)

If you are planning a stay for study purposes of more than 360 days, then you will be required to apply for a visa.

Further information can be found on the website from the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees.


Find out in good time about the entry requirements that apply to your country. You can find an overview of visa requirements/exemptions for entry into Germany on the website of the Federal Foreign Office.

Never enter on a tourist visa! A tourist visa does not entitle you to study, nor can it be converted into a residence permit for study purposes after you have entered Germany.


Residential accommodation offered by Studentenwerk Dresden, the student service organisation, is the best way to live with fellow students and enjoy short distances to the university at reasonable cost (rental period at least 4 months). You will find all useful information on the student dormitories, their equipment and locations, on applying for a room and all contacts at: https://www.studentenwerk-dresden.de/english/wohnen/wohnheimkatalog/  To apply, you need a copy of the admission letter from HTW Dresden. Please contact the Studentenwerk Dresden directly with any questions concerning halls of residence.

If you arrive outside the arrival times specified by the Studentenwerk Dresden, we recommend that you stay the first night at the International Guest House of the Studentenwerk Dresden, a hotel or youth hostel in Dresden. The A&O Hostel/Hotel near the HTW Dresden is only 500 m away from the main train station.


You can also choose from a wide range of so-called shared apartments and rooms in Dresden. Rooms in shared apartments are often furnished and rented out for short periods of time as well. The Studentenwerk also offers a subletting exchange. See the list of useful links below for your search for the best accommodation: 


For study stays of up to 3 months there is the possibility of accommodation in the International Guest House of the Studentenwerk Dresden. As the capacity of the International Guest House is limited, you should contact your academic advisor or the International Office of the HTW Dresden in good time.



The "Runfunkbeitrag" is required after hiring a room anywhere in Germany. After receiving a letter from "Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk" (Beitragsservice von ARD, ZDF, Deutschlandradio) you need to pay a legally fixed Licence fee for public-service broadcasting channels with the amount of 18,36 EUR per monthly and per flat. This amount can be shared between the roommates. However, under certain conditions, you can apply for an exemption from the licence fee.
More Information


There is no tuition fee at HTWD, but a semester contribution is charged (approx. 307,28 EUR, as of summer semester 2025). The semester contribution includes contributions to the “Studentenwerk Dresden”, the student council (called STURA) and the German semester ticket (available via a cell phone app), which is valid for local public transport throughout Germany.

Exchange students need to pay the semester contribution by bank transfer from their home country before traveling to Dresden. This ensures that the HTWD student card and HTW-Login (to activate your German semester ticket) can be issued to you during the Welcome Week. Please note that a bank transfer takes several working days until it is registered at the HTWD bank account. You will receive an email with the amount of the semester contribution and the exact bank details in good time before the start of the semester.


For living expenses in Dresden, you can expect to spend around 600-800 EUR per month, depending on your individual lifestyle. 

Please plan on the following monthly expenses for your studies in Dresden:

  • rent 250 EUR on average
  • living expenses 200 EUR on average
  • health insurance approx. 130-140 EUR (if required, applies to non-EU students)
  • public broadcasting fee 18,36 EUR*

You will also have the following costs per semester:

  • semester contribution (including German semester ticket) 307,28 EUR (as of summer semester 2025).
  • deposit for the dormitory 300 EUR**
  • study materials 50 EUR***
  • residence permit 110 EUR (if required, non-EU students)

* Mandatory payment as soon as you have rented a room somewhere in Germany. After receiving a request from the "Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk" (contribution service of ARD, ZDF, Deutschlandradio) a legally fixed contribution for public radio and television has to be paid, amounting to 18,36 EUR per month per apartment. This fee is divided by the number of roommates in the apartment.

** The dormitory requires a deposit in the beginning with the first payment, which will be refunded at the end of the contract period if you leave the room clean and without damages.

*** Our university library offers many books and e-books, magazines and online databases for free. You decide which book you want to buy yourself anyway, but you have no obligation to buy books. You can work with our books in the library.


HTWD and the city of Dresden is your new home for the time of your exchange studies. As an exchange student, you will need to deal with a number of organisational matters. We will be happy to accompany and support you every step of the way to ensure that everything runs smoothly. A Welcome Week will take place to help you get started with administrative matters.

There are several options for your journey to Dresden.

By airplane

  • Airlines offer daily worldwide connections to and from Dresden. Direct flights to Dresden are available from airports such as Frankfurt am Main, Munich, Stuttgart, Cologne/Bonn, Düsseldorf and Amsterdam.
  • Dresden Airport is about 30 minutes by car from the city center and is located directly on the A4 highway.
  • Deutsche Bahn trains run regularly between the airport and Dresden's main train station.
  • The airports of Berlin, Munich and Frankfurt am Main are also easily accessible from Dresden. These cities are connected to Dresden by train and long-distance bus lines.

By train

  • Intercity and Intercity-Express (IC/ICE) trains operated by Deutsche Bahn connect Dresden with almost all major European cities.
  • Dresden's main train station is located in the center of the city. Numerous regional and suburban train connections link Dresden with the immediate surroundings.

By long-distance bus

  • A fast, inexpensive and direct connection between Dresden and major cities such as Berlin, Munich, Vienna and Prague is also offered by traveling by long-distance bus from Dresden Central Station (Bayerische Straße, 01069 Dresden) or Dresden-Neustadt Station (Schlesischer Platz, 01099 Dresden).
  • From here you can use, for example, FlixBus bus connections to German and European cities.  

By car

  • You can reach Dresden via the A4 and A17 freeways.

Additional travel information can be found on the following pages:


At the beginning of each semester there is a Welcome Week for our new international students one week before the start of the lectures. The week is organized in cooperation with the student organisation faranto e.V.

Dates Welcome Week - summer semester 2025 (The program can be found here.)
10th of March 2025 until 15th of March 2025

Dates Welcome Week - winter semester 2025/26 
29th of September 2025 until 04th of October 2025

Exchange students are strongly advised to take part in the Welcome Week. The Welcome Week includes, among other things:

  • an overview of HTWD
  • campus tour
  • registration at the International Office
  • information session on the organisation of your studies and the selection of your courses
  • support in making appointments with your HTW acadamic coordinator
  • introduction to the university library
  • introduction to German and English language courses
  • opening a bank account (if necessary)
  • confirmation of a valid health insurance from your home country or conclusion of a German statutory health insurance
  • help with formalities for the Citizens' Office Dresden ("Bürgerbüro")

Detailed information on the Welcome Week program will be published on this page. Please note that the program will be updated on an ongoing basis.

For enrollment as an exchange student at HTW Dresden, the following conditions/documents must be fulfilled:

  • valid passport or identity card
  • valid visa for study purposes (if required, applies to non-EU students)
  • Proof of health insurance recognized in Germany
  • Payment of the semester contribution


The association faranto e.V. organizes a buddy programme for international exchange students. You will receive further information by e-mail before you start your studies abroad at HTWD.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/farantovereindresden/ 

Your enrolment takes place during the Welcome Week. All exchange students must enrol upon arrival at the International Office (HTW Dresden, Friedrich-List-Platz 1, 01069 Dresden, Z-building, Room Z 232). 

For enrollment as an exchange student at HTW Dresden, the following conditions/documents must be fulfilled:

  • valid passport or identity card
  • valid visa for study purposes (if required, applies to non-EU students)
  • Proof of health insurance recognized in Germany
  • Payment of the semester contribution

Students at HTWD receive a student card in the form of a chip card at the beginning of their studies and serves as:

  • Student ID
  • library card
  • Access authorization card for entrance in the university buildings and selected laboratory areas

Furthermore you may receive a discount with your HTWD student card in some places like museums, cinemas and zoos.

Terms and conditions of the German semester ticket ("Deutschlandsemesterticket")

The semester ticket

  • is only valid in combination with a valid identity document;
  • is non-transferable and does not permit the transport of additional people; and
  • does not permit the transport of bicycles or dogs.

The semester ticket is valid

  • in the winter semester from 01.09. until 28./29.02.;
  • in the summer semester from 01.03. until 31.08..

The semester ticket is primarily provided digitally to be accessed on a mobile device.
To do this, you must log in to the following platform using your university login:

Accessing the digital ticket: [LINK]

The semester ticket is valid within the area of validity according to the tariff regulations of the Deutschlandticket.

In short, the ticket is valid throughout Germany for local public transport (ÖPNV) and local railway transport (SPNV), i.e. for:

  • Commuter trains (RegionalExpress, RegionalBahn or S-Bahn) in 2nd class
  • trams
  • underground trains
  • city and regional buses
  • most ferries
  • bicycle rental (MOBIbike/nextbike)

The ticket is not valid for intercity trains (ICE, IC, EC) and for most special transport services.

Detailed information can be found on the StuRa website: https://www.stura.htw-dresden.de/stura/ref/verwaltung/ticket/geltungsbereich_en 

After moving to Dresden you are obliged to register at the local Citizens’ Office Dresden (“Bürgerbüro”) within two weeks if you stay longer than 3 months.

Please make an appointment before visiting a Citizens' Office: Online appointment.

Without appointment, all Citizens' Office's (Altstadt, Blasewitz, Cotta, Klotzsche, Leuben, Neustadt, Pieschen, Plauen and Prohlis) will offer the possibility to visit the office without prior appointment every Tuesday and Thursday. This means that registration can be completed on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. You can find the addresses of the Citizens' Offices here: https://www.dresden.de/en/city/anliegen/citizens-offices.php

In order to register your address, you need: 

  • passport or identification card
  • rental contract
  • Landlord's certificate/housing confirmation („Wohnungsgeberbescheinigung“, your rental agreement is not sufficient)

Any change of address must be reported to the Citizens' Office. Before you leave Germany you have to deregister and will receive a certificate confirming your deregistration (“Abmeldung”).

Please always do remember to notify all important authorities (HTWD, German health insurance company, etc.) of your new address.

    EU citizens

    Citizens of the European Union as well as the European Economic Area (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway) can work and travel freely throughout Germany and the EU and do not require a permit for long-term stays. All you have to do is register at the Citizens' Office Dresden.

    Non-EU citizens

    Students from non-EU countries who stay longer than three months are obliged to apply for a residency permit for academic purposes at the Immigration Office Dresden within the first three months after entering Germany. This also applies to foreign nationals who are exempt from the entry visa requirement (citizens of Australia, Canada, Israel, Japan, New Zealand, the Republic of Korea or the USA).

    Address: Immigration Office Dresden, Theaterstrasse 13/15, 01067 Dresden

    Please make an appointment before visiting the office by sending your first name, surname, date of birth, nationality, date of arrival, entry visa’s expiry date, passport and the reason of your stay. Please use the contact form on the website or via email ("termin.auslaenderbehoerde@dresden.de").

    Along with the date and time of your appointment, the office will send you a list of the documents required. Fill in the residence permit application beforehand and hand it in at the Immigration Authority together with the following documents:

    • fully completed application form
    • administrative charge (110 EUR in cash or ec-cash)
    • rental agreement (original and copy) 
    • current proof of adequate health insurance (original and copy)
    • proof of secured livelihood (original and copy), for example scholarship or private savings
    • certificate of enrollment (enrollment or admission letter of HTW Dresden, with copy)
    • current biometric photo (not older than 6 months)
    • current valid/new passport or passport replacement document (with copy)
    • Visa for study purposes (except USA, Australia, Israel, Japan, Canada, Korea, New Zealand, Switzerland)

    The Studentenwerk Dresden offers all students a variety of catering options at a reasonable price. For cashless payment you will receive the MensaCard Emeal at the cash desks. You can obtain the MensaCard Emeal for a deposit of 5 EUR and presentation of your HTW student ID as well as your ID card/passport at the cash desks. Information about locations of canteens, cafeterias and menus can be found on the website of the Studentenwerk Dresden. The Mensa "Matrix" is a 5-minute walk from HTWD.

    The cafeteria "Listig" is also used by students from HTWD. The cafeteria is situated in the ground floor of the Z-building of HTW Dresden and is open from Monday to Friday 08:30 a.m. until 03:00 p.m. You can buy handmade coffee specialities of the "Dresdner Kaffee- und Kakaorösterei", waffels, pancakes, sandwiches, sweets and different drinks. There are also several vending machines located in the building with a selection of drinks and snacks. In addition, many third-party restaurants can be found nearby the campus.

    If you do not have a bank account in EURO currency, it is necessary to open a German bank account to debit the rent. Normally students are exempt from account maintenance fees.

    To open an account at a bank, you will need:

    • passport or national ID card for identification
    • confirmation of registration (“Meldebestätigung”) from the Resident Registration Office in Dresden
    • German tax identification number (will be sent by post after registration at the Resident Registration Office in Dresden)
    • enrolment certificate from HTW Dresden ("Immatrikulationsbescheinigung")

    The most common form of a bank account in Germany is a “Girokonto” (giro or check account). Once you have opened a bank account you will receive a debit card, or cash card (“EC-Karte”), which enables you to withdraw cash from the majority of cash machines in Germany and Europe. This is normally free of charge at your own bank’s ATMs and those of the “cash group” or “cash pool” that your bank is affiliated with. Cash machines from other banks will charge you a fee. Many shops allow you to pay for goods and services using the cash card in conjunction with your PIN or signature. Online banking is also available when holding a “Girokonto”.

    Lectures in the summer semester 2025 start on Monday, 17.03.2025 (calendar week 12, even week).

    Lectures in the winter semester 2025/26 start on Monday, 29.09.2025 (calendar week 40, even week).

    The timetables for the winter semester will be published mid September, for the summer semester in the beginning of March.

    The timetables and room schedules for the respective current semester can be found in the link below. The summer semester 2025 starts with the calendar week 12, i.e., with an even week. Please note that changes to the timetables can be made even in the first few weeks of the semester.


    In the "Additional courses" section, enter the course code in the first line, e.g. "W002" and select the course in the extra window that appears. Then click "Individual timetable". The course time for the odd and even week will appear.

    Faculty of Business Administration: During the Welcome Week, there is an Information Session on study organization for all exchange students admitted in the Faculty of Business Administration (Bachelor and Master). 

    All other faculties: Your academic coordinator will assist you in preparing your timetable during the Welcome Week. Do not worry if the meeting takes place during the first week of the lecture period. You can still attend the lectures you might miss during the first week.

    During my exchange semester at HTWD

    You will receive your personal HTWD Login when you enroll at the International Office. With the student IT account, you can log in to student computers, the student web, use the library's resources and log in to your HTWD email account. If someone at HTWD likes to contact you or inform you about something, this is the email address they will use. Therefore, make it a habit to read emails sent to your HTWD email address.

    Once you have gained access to your student account at HTWD, you will have access to several digital tools, systems and programs for studies. Log in and familiarize yourself with these before the course starts.

    HTWD email via groupware: https://groupware.htw-dresden.de

    Wifi via eduroam: https://www.htw-dresden.de/en/university/organisation/zid/service-overview-and-instructions/wi-fi-/-wlan/eduroam

    Virtual Private Network (VPN): VPN allows you to access e-books outside the eduroam network of the library and to access your university drive -> https://www.htw-dresden.de/en/university/organisation/zid/service-overview-and-instructions/virtual-private-network-vpn

    If you have technical issues, the student Service Desk is the central contact point for all inquiries from students regarding of the IT-Services of HTWD.

    OPAL and BigBlueButton (BBB): Most of the teachers use the eLearning platform OPAL and the video conferencing system "BigBlueButton" (BBB). 

    There are some instructions about it on HTWD pages: https://www.htw-dresden.de/studium/im-studium/e-learning-angebote.

    During the first days of the semester, be sure to log in to OPAL and enroll in the courses you will be taking during the semester. Lecturers will upload course materials, exercises, and other information to the electronic course folder. Go to: https://bildungsportal.sachsen.de/opal/dmz/ and log in with your HTWD student Login (s-number and password).

    In OPAL you can change the language settings: Login with the s-number and password > On the top right you will see the name > Click on it to get to the settings > Select the tab "Systemeinstellungen". There you can set the language to English. Save. Done.

    There are two time options for the 3rd double period to divide up the lunch break. Please refer to your timetable.


    Option A


    Option B









    1. DS

    08:00 - 09:30



    1. DS

    08:00 - 09:30



    09:30 - 09:45



    09:30 - 09:45


    2. DS

    09:45 - 11:15



    2. DS

    09:45 - 11:15



    11:15 - 11:30




    11:15 - 12:00


    3. DS

    11:30 - 13:00



    3. DS

    12:00 - 13:30



    13:00 - 13:45



    13:30 - 13:45


    4. DS

    13:45 - 15:15



    4. DS

    13:45 - 15:15



    15:15 - 15:30



    15:15 - 15:30


    5. DS

    15:30 - 17:00



    5. DS

    15:30 - 17:00



    17:00 - 17:15



    17:00 - 17:15


    6. DS

    17:15 - 18:45



    6. DS

    17:15 - 18:45



    18:45 - 19:00



    18:45 - 19:00


    7. DS

    19:00 - 20:30



    7. DS

    19:00 - 20:30


    Room names comprise a letter (which indicates the location) and three digits (the first digit indicates the floor). Examples: S 325 = seminar building, 3rd floor, seminar room 325 or Z 107 = central building, 1st floor, lecture hall Z 107

    Locations (Campus Map, Friedrich-List-Platz):
    Z = Central Building, Friedrich‐List‐Platz 1
    S = Seminar Building, Friedrich‐List‐Platz 1
    U = Universal Building, Andreas-Schubert-Straße 6
    N = Teaching Building Naturwissenschaften, Andreas‐Schubert‐Str. 10
    L = Teaching Building, Schnorrstr. 29
    K = Technikum, Uhlandstr. 25
    M = Canteen Building, Reichenbachstr 1
    A = Office Building, Andreas‐Schubert‐Str. 23
    H = Straßenbaulabor (SBL), Schnorrstr. 56
    P = Campus Pillnitz


    The examinations at the HTW Dresden usually take place in February and July of each year. The exact period can be found in the academic calendar of the respective academic year. If your exams are completed earlier, you can also leave earlier. At the latest one month before the start of the respective examination section, the specific examination dates will be published. To do this, enter the name of the examiner and press "Suchen".

    The following examination types are possible:

    • oral examination (MP)
    • written examination (SP)
    • alternative examination (APL)

    APL ("Alternative Prüfungsleistungen") are usually taken during the current semester. APL are tests, presentations, project work, exercises, oral performance tests, etc. The dates are announced by the examiners. 


    All exchange students must register for the exams. To register for the examinations, please send the current version of your learning agreement to the International Office (international(at)htw-dresden.de). You will be informed about the registration period by e-mail. In addition, please inform the responsible professor/teacher of the course about your participation in the examination before the examination.

    If you do not register for the exams with your current Learning Agreement, you are not entitled to take part in the exams!


    Deregistration from the examination is possible without giving reasons up to one week before the examination.
    ► After the end of the deregistration period, withdrawal from an examination can only be made for good cause, e.g. as a result of illness, on presentation of a medical certificate.

    If an examination date cannot be attended at short notice due to illness, a medical certificate must be submitted to the examination office within 3 working days of the examination. If you do not withdraw from the examination, it will be considered as failed. In the event of failing an exam, the examiner may be contacted to make arrangements for a retake date.


    You can view the examination results in the QIS portal after publication until your exmatriculation. Once you are exmatriculated, you will no longer have access to the grades.


    • 1,0 - 1,5 = very good
    • 1,6 - 2,5 = good
    • 2,6 - 3,5 = satisfactory
    • 3,6 - 4,0 = sufficient
    • 4,1 - 5,0 = fail
    • 5u.e. = unexcused absence
    • m.E. = attended

    All exchange students receive their Transcript of Records by e-mail as soon as all grades have been reported to the Examination Office by the professors/lecturers. 

    Please wait until 4 weeks after the official end of the examination period before contacting us about your Transcript of Records.

    As long as you are not yet exmatriculated at HTWD, you can view your grades via the QIS portal.

    HTW Dresden applies the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS).


    If you wish to stay one more semester at HTWD, please confer with your home university as well as with your Academic Coordinator from HTWD. Please bring the form for prolongation of matriculation to the appointment with your Academic Coordinator. You need to sign as well as your home university and your Academic Coordinator from HTWD. You must also complete a new Learning Agreement. Please hand in the signed prolongation of matriculation at the International Office. You will then be issued with a letter of admission for the following semester.

    Please remember to pay the semester contribution for re-registration within the re-registration period.


    In most cases, you need to extent your study visa (exchange students from non-EU countries) at the Immigration Office if you want to stay longer as planned. Please schedule an appointment via email "termin.auslaenderbehoerde(at)dresden.de" and extent your study visa. You need to take your admission letter for the next semester with you. Usually, you get a temporary visa called "Fiktionsbescheinigung" valid for a few month until you get your residency permit ("Aufenthaltstitel"). Please show the "Fiktionsbescheinigung" and/or "Aufenthaltstitel" to the Student Office in order that you can re-register for the next semester.

    If you stay at HTWD for longer than one semester, you need to re-register within the re-registration period by paying the semester contribution for the upcoming semester.

    Recipient: Hauptkasse Sachsen
    IBAN: DE06860000000086001519
    BIC: MARKDEF1860
    Bank: Deutsche Bundesbank
    The current amount of the semester contribution can be found here or on the QIS portal.
    1st line purpose: personal payment reference number (SBKZ) for the summer or winter semester
    2nd line purpose: matriculation number and name

    Please note: a bank transfer will require up to 6 working days until the money can be registered at HTWD. As soon as the amount has arrived at HTWD, you will be able to update the stamp on your student ID card with the card printer.

    In case the semester contribution only arrives after the end of the re-registration period, the university charges a late fee of 10,- EUR. A lack of re-registration in due time may lead to expulsion!

    The deadlines for re-registration and the amount of the current semester contribution can be found in the information provided by the Department of Student Affairs.

    Enrollment certificates can be conveniently printed from home via the QIS-portal.


    The Dresden University Sports Center (DHSZ) organizes many and varied sports courses for thousands of students and employees of Dresden's universities every semester. The Dresden University Sports Center is a joint central facility for university sports of the TU Dresden as well as the HTW Dresden. The range of sports offered is one of the largest and most diverse in university sports in Germany. Here you can find sports from A like Aerobic Boxing to Z like Zumba. Please refer to the information of the Dresden University Sports Center for the current offer.


    During the semester the student association faranto e.V. offers several events in social, hiking, trips and party. In addition, the Studentenwerk Dresden Culture Office promotes the cultural and artistic interests of students.

    Student clubs (Did you know? Dresden has the most student clubs in Germany.)


    • Saxon State Opera Dresden › www.semperoper.de: The Saxon State Opera Dresden is not only responsible for the world famous Semper Opera House, but it also runs the ”Kleine Szene”, and the chamber music hall of the Semper Opera.
    • State Operetta Dresden › www.staatsoperette.de: Dresden‘s State Operetta offers operettas, broadway musicals, and rock operas.
    • Drama › www.staatsschauspiel-dresden.de: The State Theatre shows classical theatre, contemporary pieces, matinées, and musical concerts.
    • Landesbühnen Sachsen › www.dresden-theater.de: The Landesbühnen Sachsen are based in Radebeul but also maintain the Felsenbühne Rathen in Saxon Switzerland. Theatre plays, concerts, operas, and musicals are staged there throughout the summer.

    More Theatres

    Parties and Festivals

    Information regarding events and festivals can be found at › www.dresden.de 


    • Deutsches Hygiene-Museum Dresden › www.dhmd.de: With its interdisciplinary projects the HygieneMuseum deals with essential questions concerning the life sciences. The well-known permanent exhibit features the human body.
    • Old Masters Picture Gallery › https://gemaeldegalerie.skd.museum/: The collection displayed in the Semper building at the Zwinger comprises masterpieces of 15th to 18th century European painting.
    • New Masters Gallery › https://albertinum.skd.museum/: The gallery at the Albertinum at Brühl’s Terrace exhibits masterpieces of the 19th to 21st century.
    • Green Vault › https://gruenes-gewoelbe.skd.museum/: The fairytale-like world-known treasure chamber of Augustus the Strong is located in the Historic Green Vault in the Dresden Castle (time-limited, buy in advance). Additionally, the New Green Vault offers the possibility to view more than 1,000 inestimably precious exhibits.
    • Botanical Garden › www.tud.de/bot-garten: The Botanical Garden of TU Dresden shows around 10,000 kinds of plants from different climate zones and different regions of the world – altogether in an area of 3.25 ha close to Großer Garten.

    General Information

    Trams and buses within the city are operated by the Dresden Transport Services (DVB), which is part of the wider network Oberelbe Transport (VVO) of regional transport providers. Schedules and information about the ticket prices are provided on their website and at each tram or bus stop.


    You can find free smartphone apps for public transport in Dresden by searching your app store for "VVO" or "DVB".

    For journeys involving trains the “DB Navigator” app by Deutsche Bahn is useful to have.

    Find here a map here.

    Semester ticket ("Deutschlandsemesterticket") 

    DVB trams and buses as well as various S-Bahn and regional trains (Regionalbahn, Regional-Express) connect Dresden and the surrounding area and can be used with the semester ticket ("Deutschlandsemesterticket").

    Scouting SN – especially for international students

    To create a level playing field for students when starting their careers, the Career Service offers international students special services and comprehensive advice.

    In the new Projekt Scouting SN, the Career Service supports international students in application procedures, job search, the search for internships, and the supervision of final theses in companies.

    The Career Service networks international students with Dresden companies. We accompany the application process with coaching and advice and are also present at the company if necessary.

    You find information on the subject of applications and career entry on the career service website and in the e-modules in the opal course of the career service. English workshops you find in the calendar of events.

    OPAL: https://bildungsportal.sachsen.de/opal/auth/RepositoryEntry/5996019714/CourseNode/98693729352546

    Career Service Webseite: https://www.htw-dresden.de/en/studies/career-service

    As an international student, your allowed working hours are determined according to the country you came from.


    You can work as much as you like, without special permission. But if you wish to work more than 20 hours a week, you are required to make insurance contributions, just like German students.


    Students from everywhere else are not allowed to work more than 140 days a year, or 280 half days. To work more, you need special permission from the "Agentur für Arbeit" employment agency and the immigration office Dresden. Permission depends on the unemployment rate where you are living. You also cannot be self-employed.

    The following website provides more information on this topic: https://www.study-in-germany.de/en/germany/everyday-life/work/



    First Aid and Medical Care

    Having a health insurance is obligatory.  With your health insurance card you can visit the doctor in case of malaise. You can find doctors with knowledge of foreign languages in the database of the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians. You will find a list of all the specialists and can filter for doctors that speak your language. Note that the doctor but not all their staff may speak the respective language. Enter 01069 in the field "PLZ", select Hausarzt under "Fachkriterien", and under "Zusatzangaben" in "Fremdsprache" select the desired language skills of the doctor, then click "Arztsuche starten". If no doctor in Dresden speaks your native language, then select English.

    An overview of hospitals in the city of Dresden can be found on the website of the city.

    The hospital Universitätsklinikum Carl Gustav Carus Dresden offers Service for International Patients.

    For psycho-social counseling the Studentenwerk offers english speaking services. Please find more information here. Additionally you can find a list of english speaking therapists here.

    For usual visits, call the doctor’s office in advance and make an appointment. For some doctors – even for general practitioners – you might get on a pretty long waiting list. So: In urgent cases (if you are really sick), go to the general practitioner when they open in the morning and wait until they treat you.

    The doctor gives you prescriptions (Rezept) which you can hand in at the pharmacy to get the right medicine. Some of them have to be paid completely by yourself, for others you just have to add a small fee or they are completely paid by the insurance. During the night, on weekends and holidays there is a emergency pharmacy service. Certain pharmacies are open or can be reached by ringing the bell at the door. Since the pharmacy in charge of the emergency service ch-anges, you can either go to any pharmacy in your area, where the current emergency pharmacy is pointed out on the door or find it in the emergency service schedule of pharmacies.

    In cases of emergency or urgent/life-threatening illnesses call:

    Police: 110
    Ambulance/Fire Fighters/Rescue services: 112
    Poison control center: +49 361 730 730

    Help in case of racist assaults

    Germany is rated as a secure country. Yet it reasonable to avoid some places at certain times. In the light of the current "refugee crisis" resentments to strangers augment. We do our best and hope that you feel safe and welcome in Dresden.
    Should you become victim of racist assaults anyhow, "Opferberatung der RAA Sachsen" will be on hand with help and advice for you. "Victim consultation of RAA Sachsen" are competent consultants and companions for legal action. They give emotional support and can place you to therapists if needed.

    Beratungsstelle RAA Dresden
    Bautzner Str. 41, HH
    01099 Dresden
    Tel. 0351 - 8894174
    Fax: 0351 - 8049671
    e-mail: opferberatung.dresden(at)raa-sachsen.de

    If you need help, are threatened or insulted, please do not heistate to approach us at any time.

    The Room of Silence is a free space for all who want to get away from everyday life, find themselves, meditate or even pray. Whether Muslim prayer, Christian worship or silent meditation without any religious background - the room is open to all who are looking for a moment of silence in the everyday hustle and bustle.

    The Room of Silence is located in the Dresden State and University Library (SLUB), Zellescher Weg 18, 01069 Dresden, Level 0, Room 0.65.

    Directions SLUB: https://www.slub-dresden.de/en/directions 



    My departure

    As an exchange student you will automatically be exmatriculated at the end of the semester. You don't have to do anything.

    If you are leaving earlier, it is advisable to exmatriculate. To do this, you must submit the completed form to the Student Office during office hours. Exmatriculation automatically ends access to the QIS portal.

    After you have written your last examination at HTWD and before your departure back home, please complete the following tasks:

    • close your German bank account, if you have one (Deutsche Bank, Commerzbank,…)
    • return any books you have borrowed to the university library
    • return your Mensa card
    • if necessary, deregister from the German Health Insurance (AOK, TK, Barmer...) with the deregistration certificate from HTW Dresden and the deregistration certificate from the "Bürgerbüro" (Resident Registration Office Dresden)
    • de-register from the Citizens' Office Dresden

    Please fill in the form “Formular_Abmeldung_ins_Ausland”. Unfortunately, the form is only available in German. In the field “Bisherige Wohnung”, you write down when you are moving out (“Tag des Auszugs”) and your address in Dresden. Please cross “alleinige Wohnung”. In the field “Künftige Wohnung - Auslandsanschrift” you write down only your home country. In the field “1” you write down your family name, first name, birth name, gender, date of birth, and country of birth. Sign the form at the bottom. You need to bring the signed form and your passport or ID card to one of the Citizen’s Offices in Dresden.

    Please make an appointment before visiting a Citizen’s Office: Online appointment.


    Without appointment, all Citizen’s Offices will offer the possibility to visit the office without prior appointment every Tuesday and Thursday between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. You can find the addresses here: https://www.dresden.de/en/city/anliegen/citizens-offices.php

    De-registration is possible at the earliest one week before moving out or within two weeks after moving out.

    Forms and documents

    The documents are not yet accessible without barriers. Information can be obtained by telephone at +49 351 462 -2590 or -3458.