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Innnovation Funding at the HTWD
EFRE - Funding 2021-2027
Validation of promising research results to open up potential applications
What does the grant program offer me?
- Grant for the validation of research results with the aim of testing, proving and evaluating the innovation potential of promising research results and opening up possible applications.
- The outcome of the projects should provide evidence of the technical and economic feasibility of these research results and their suitability for transfer to industry.
Program module:
- Projects to establish, implement and improve processes for the systematic selection of the most promising research results for commercial exploitation and their validation within the framework of a budget to be managed independently by the applicant scientific institution (program module).
Individual project module as well as upstream orientation projects:
- Projects to validate research results that are promising for commercial exploitation (single project module).
- Projects for the exploration of a concrete field of application or the identification of application options (orientation project).
Funding Program „PiA“ at the HTWD
On August 10, 2020, the Saxon State Ministry of Economics, Labor and Transport (SMWA) adopted the Directive on the Promotion of the Validation of Research Results (RL Validierungsförderung). The program aims to improve technology transfer between research and industry.
In the program "PiA - Bringing Potentials into Application", promising research results are tested for their suitability for industry and society. For this purpose, HTW Dresden received a total funding volume of 1.11 million euros from the Free State of Saxony. In the period from 2022 to 2025, ten individual projects with a budget of up to 100,000 euros are to be supported in four funding rounds in order to transfer the latest scientific findings more quickly and in a more targeted manner to industry and society.
Funding will be provided for projects to establish, implement and improve processes for the systematic selection of the most promising research results for commercial exploitation and their validation - within the framework of a budget to be managed independently by the applicant scientific institution with a project period of up to 48 months.
- Total duration: 01.01.2022 to 31.12.2025
- Planned total volume: 1.11 million € (funding by the SMWA)
Single project module - support for the introduction and dissemination of modern technologies
- Projects to validate research results that are promising for commercial exploitation.
- If necessary, an orientation project may be added, which serves to explore a specific field of application or to identify application options.