Faculty of Design

Sommerwerkschau 2024

© Robert Arnold

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HTWD Fakultät Design Werkschau Sommer 2024

Faculty of Design

The studies at the Faculty of Design at HTW Dresden are focused on the integrative design of hybrid products and applications, in which physical, medial and communicative aspects of design are addressed in an integrated manner from the very beginning. The Bachelor's degree programme »Design: Product and Communication (BA)«, a 7-semester programme, is followed by the new consecutive 3-semester Master's degree programme »Design: Products and Interactions (MA)«.

Students are provided with plenty of space to experiment and explore their individual themes. The focus is on the development of a critical awareness in dealing with questions of aesthetics, sustainability, digitalisation and the social implications of design.

With currently approx. 150 students and 9 professors, the study programmes are characterised by their personal, direct and communicative atmosphere. The faculty offers dialogue-oriented work in small groups and an intensive engagement with the aesthetic, technical, cultural and social dimensions of the design field. The curriculum conveys both practical design skills as well as theoretical skills in project-oriented courses. The programmes are centred around designerly approaches to transform abstract ideas into concrete forms, to solve problems in regard to the usage of complex hybrid products, and to tackle tricky questions in regard to how we, as a society, want to live and work together in the future.

Founded in 1992, the Faculty of Design draws on over thirty years of experience in product design. Numerous design awards, patents and spin-offs by graduates bear witness to the success of the educational profile. The engineering context of HTW Dresden and the proximity to numerous cultural and research institutions in Saxony, as well as to cooperation partners from industry, offer ideal conditions for the development of new design solutions.

The studios, laboratories and workshops of the faculty are currently still located in the historic buildings of the university. In 2023, all facilities of the Faculty of Design will move to a new building currently under construction on the HTW campus.

Current Events

› Exhibition an the end of the semester: Werkschau 5./6.7.2023
Exhibition and presentation of semester projects and master theses.

Dates for portfolio consultation
We offer portfolio consultations prior to the application process for the Bachelor's program.

New Master: »Design: Products and Interactions«
Extended application deadline! Apply now until November 15, 2022. Start of studies in the summer semester 2023


About us (in German)

Q&A // Studying design at HTWD

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Q&A // Design studieren an der HTW Dresden

Digital Werkschau

Student projects and final theses

[Translate to English:] Startseite der WWWerkschau

Design: Produkt- und Kommunikation - Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
Unter „Produkt“ verstehen wir heute nicht nur materielle, sondern auch softwarebasierte Produktlösungen und vernetzte Services, die, begleitet durch medial inszenierte Kommunikation, Zielgruppen emotional und differenziert ansprechen. Sie haben Ideen für die Entwicklung dieser Produkte und Nutzungsstrategien in einer digitalisierten Welt? Es interessiert Sie, mit welchen Programmen und Technologien neue Produkte und Services in der Zukunft entworfen werden? Dann ist dieses Studium genau das Richtige für Sie.



Study type



Winter semester

Accredited until 31st August 2030 by HTW Dresden
Accredited until 31st August 2030 by HTW Dresden

Period of study

7 Semester(s)

ECTS credits


Teaching language


Design: Products and Interactions - Master of Arts (M.A.)

Der Master »Design: Products and Interactions« ist ausgerichtet auf die Gestaltung hybrider interaktiver Produkte, bei denen Materialität und Medialität von Beginn an symbiotisch zusammen gedacht und entwickelt werden. Technische und handwerkliche Fertigkeiten im Umgang mit zeitgemäßen Entwurfswerkzeugen sind hierfür ebenso wichtig wie planerische Fähigkeiten und abstraktes Vorstellungsvermögen.

Design: Products and Interactions - Master of Arts (M.A.)

The Master's programme »Design: Products and Interactions« focuses on the design of hybrid interactive products in which materiality and mediality are symbiotically interconnected and developed in sync right from the very beginning. Technical and craft skills in commanding contemporary design tools are just as important as planning skills, aesthetic sensitivity and abstract imagination. The programme is the right match for design students who want to deepen their specialisation and pursue their individual design research interests and projects.



Study type



Summer semester

Accredited until 31st August 2029 by HTW Dresden
Accredited until 31st August 2029 by HTW Dresden

Period of study

3 Semester(s)

ECTS credits


Teaching language



Secretary's office Faculty of Design
U-building room U 609
Phone: +49 351 462 2147
Fax: +49 351 462 2184


Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Dresden
Fakultät Design
Friedrich-List-Platz 1
01069 Dresden
› Directions and campus maps