![[Translate to English:] Banner Prüfungsangelegenheiten](/fileadmin/HTW/Studium/2_im_Studium/Pruefungsangelegenheiten/Bilder/Banner_Pruefungsamt_1.jpg)
Welcome to our central Examination Office
our central Examination Office supports you with the following:
Exam organisation
- Exam dates: Examination period and Alternative examinations and other examinations beyond examination period
- Exam registration
- Exam de-registration (without giving reasons until 1 week before the examination)
- Withdrawal from examinations for a valid reason (e.g. illness) and template medical certificate
- Sitting exams in advance (free attempt)
- Module database (Modulux)
- Disadvantage compensation
- Notification of pregnancy and declaration of participation in lectures and examinations
Recognition of exam performance
Grades portal (grades overview and reporting)
Issue of certificates, attestations and documents
- Transcripts, diploma supplement, etc. Certificates
- Certification of transcript documents from HTW Dresden
- Grade attestation
- BAföG certification (according to Section 48 BAföG)
Consultation hours
We would like to ask you to continue to address your concerns to us via email or telephone. If you are unable to contact us by phone or email, you can reach us during the following office hours:
in person:
Tuesdays: 9:00 – 11:00 am
Thursdays: 13:00 – 15:00 pm
An individual meeting can be arranged!
by telephone:
Mondays: 9:00 - 11:00 am
Tuesdays: 13:00 - 15:00 pm
Thursdays: 10:00 - 11:30 am
Transcripts of records confirmed by the Examinations Office are available at the Examinations Office during personal consultation hours upon presentation of your student ID. You can also receive them digitally via your university email address.
All regularly enrolled students are automatically registered for examinations, i.e. for regular first attempts as well as for re-examinations and repeat examinations, provided that a date is offered.
If you wish to take examinations from higher semesters or during a leave of absence, please note that you must actively register at the Examinations Office. (e.g. if you are taking a semester off) In these cases, you can register using the free attempt form or informally in writing at the Examinations Office.
The form for deregistration from an examination is available from the Examinations Office or on the Examinations Office homepage. The form must be submitted to the Examinations Office at least one week before the examination date. In the case of examinations during the semester, such as assignments, deregistration must take place at least one week before the topic is issued. The date of receipt at the Examinations Office is decisive.
The instructions on the form must be observed.
It is not possible to deregister from a second resit examination.
If you withdraw from an examination due to illness, you must immediately submit a medical certificate together with a declaration of withdrawal from examinations to the Examinations Office. The templates for both forms are available on the website of the Examinations Office. A certificate of incapacity for work (Arbeitsunfähigkeitsbescheinigung) cannot be taken into account.
If you withdraw from an oral examination, the examiner should be informed of your non-appearance.
The application for recognition is available from the Examinations Office or on the Examinations Office website. The form, the transcript of records and the module description of the work completed must first be submitted to the respective examiner of the module at the HTW. This examiner will carry out the examination.
After the subject examination, the application for recognition must be submitted to the examination board of your faculty for approval. Please also submit the transcript of records and the module description.
Please note the deadlines specified in the examination regulations, within which recognition can only be granted.
You are also welcome to send us your forms digitally. Please note that we can only accept any forms (deregistrations, certificates, withdrawals, ...) if they come from your university email address. Forms must be signed by hand.
The dates of the APL and the dates for the SP and MP outside the examination sections are announced either via our website (Pillnitz: please also refer to the faculty's own page) or via the respective examiners. Please check the announcements regularly so that you do not miss any examination dates.
The dates for the written and oral examinations of the examination section are usually published on our website in mid-December in the winter semester and usually at the end of May in the summer semester.
The topics are issued by the faculties. You can find more information on the website of your faculty.
Theses are submitted to the faculties.
Degree certificates are created and issued at the Examinations Office. Graduates can choose between postal delivery (registered mail) and self-collection.
In order to bridge the processing time of the graduation documents, an advance confirmation of successful graduation can be issued.
The form is available from the BAföG office and must be confirmed by the Examinations Office and then signed by the faculty. The conditions set by the individual faculties for a positive decision and the authorised signatories of the faculties can be obtained from the Examinations Office.
The protection periods under the Maternity Protection Act also apply to female students. It is generally not possible to take part in courses and examinations during these protection periods. We ask all affected students to fulfil their duty of notification in accordance with §15 MuSchG as soon as they become aware of their pregnancy and to report to the Examinations Office with suitable proof (usually a maternity pass). If desired, participation in courses and examinations can then be made possible.
You should be aware of the retake deadlines for examinations. The first repeat examination (2nd attempt) must be taken within one year. The second repeat examination (3rd attempt) must be taken at the next possible date.
4 semesters after the end of the standard period of study, all examinations not yet taken are deemed to have been failed and you must then comply with the resit deadlines specified above.
If you have not taken any of the examinations specified in your examination regulations for 4 semesters, you will be exmatriculated ex officio. You will be exmatriculated at the end of the semester in which you receive the notification.
There are also deadlines that may differ depending on the examination regulations, e.g. cancellations, registration for free attempts, recognition. Please refer to your respective examination regulations for such deadlines.
Anja Ballmer
Employee Examination Office
- Z 223
- +49 351 462 3992
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Faculty of Design
Faculty of Business Administration

Ramona Mischke
Employee Examination Office
- Z 224
- +49 351 462 3992
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Faculty of Agriculture/Environment/Chemistry
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Yvonne Triebsch
Head of Examination Office
- Z 223
- +49 351 462 3992
Faculty of Informatics / Mathematics
Faculty of Spatial Information