Pilot project Audit Internationalisation
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From 13th to 15th August 2017, a six-member committee of the DAAD conducted a pilot project at the HTW Dresden to deepen the internationalisation of the HTW Dresden. The process was divided into an analytical part and a series of workshops. The aim was to support and advise all parties relevant to internationalisation in the internationalisation process and in the implementation of the corresponding measures, as well as to examine structures and processes at the university.
An intensive analysis was carried out in advance on the basis of extensive central documents and the self-reports of the eight faculties. The analysis of the documents was supplemented by interviews with the university management, the Department of Academic Affairs, the International Office and a group of international students. Subsequently, in workshops with all faculties with defined professors with management responsibilities and internationally active professors, the strengths of their faculty and the most important internationalization goals and measures were worked out. The goals were operationalized by a multitude of proposals for smaller and larger measures. At the end of each workshop, the results of the respective faculty were related to the internationalisation strategy of the university.
Based on the results of the documents, discussions and workshops, the DAAD team prepared a comprehensive final report with more detailed findings and recommendations. The report is the basis for the further project planning 2017-2020 of the HTW Dresden.
The DAAD pilot project re-audit "Internationalisation of the HTW Dresden" was carried out by a DAAD committee on November 16 and 17, 2020. The focus was on the analysis of the internationality of the university and the further development of the overall strategy based on this as well as the transition to the implementation of the internationalization process. Due to the corona pandemic, the event was completely digitalized. In the first part, the faculty-specific strategy papers were presented and discussed. In the second part of the event, the individual strategy papers and the overall strategy were evaluated with the university management.
- Certificate Internationalization Projectpdf - 453 kB
Weitere Dokumente/ Antragsformulare finden Sie hier: https://www.htw-dresden.de/en/international/international-profile/audit-internationalisation