Why don't you do an internship abroad? We will come and visit you.
Before you apply for an internship abroad, you should clarify for yourself where you want to go and with what goals. Is a certain type of company or language important to you? Do you want to deepen a certain focus of your studies, etc? You are looking for an internship in a foreign company independently. You can apply worldwide to a company of your choice. You will receive support:
The internship representative of the faculties are responsible for the practical semester. They receive current, international offers and are happy to help you. Contact them and let them advise you.
Contract templates for internship contracts can be found in the internal area of the HTW Dresden in the document "Muster Praktikumsordnung".
Find out in good time whether you are sufficiently insured (e.g. foreign health insurance, liability insurance, accident insurance). If necessary, additional insurance should be taken out. The DAAD insurance package is recommended. Existing insurance cover is mandatory for Erasmus+ stays.
Please note that for internships outside the European Union, special visa requirements usually apply. Further information can be obtained from the International Office, the embassies or consulates or on the homepage of the Federal Foreign Office.
Funding in Europe
If you would like to apply for an Erasmus+ sponsored internship abroad, please contact our partner LEONARDO-BÜRO SACHSEN.
Duration of internship: minimum two to maximum twelve months
Content related to studies (both compulsory and voluntary internships)
Services of the Leonardo Office:
Advice on the preparation and implementation of the internship
year-round application
NEW from 2024: You must apply at least 2 months before the start of the internship. If you apply at shorter notice, funding will start after 60 days at the earliest.
more than 2500 contact addresses of intra-European internship institutions as well as the possibility to view reports of experiences of former interns
Erasmus+ scholarship starting from 690 Euro per month (depending on the cost of living in the target countries)
under certain conditions, graduate placements may also be supported
The application for foreign BAföG should be submitted to the responsible BAföG office (depending on the target region) at least 6 months before a planned stay abroad, separately from the application for domestic BAföG. Even if you do not receive a domestic BAföG during your studies at the HTW Dresden, you should still inform yourself about the Auslands-BAföG, since the monthly foreign grant, the grant for tuition fees (up to 4,600 EUR), the grant for travel expenses or the foreign health insurance grant often amount to several thousand euros. More information can be found at www.auslandsbafoeg.de.
The International Office is not authorised to fill in or confirm BAföG forms. Nevertheless, we would like to give you a little help at this point:
Form 2
Form 2 is generally not confirmed by the HTW. According to an agreement with the BAföG offices, the 4th certificate of matriculation (bottom right) is simply attached to this form. This certificate contains the additional note "(also as a template at the Office for Educational Assistance according to § 9 BAföG)". Should problems nevertheless arise, please contact the student office.
Form 5 (Confirmation of previous performance)
If you have any questions about Form 5, please contact the examination office.
Form 6 (Confirmation of mandatory internship)
This form will be confirmed by the responsible internship officer of the faculty. The confirmation is only given for compulsory internships, not for additional or voluntary internships. The expert opinion on the visit of the foreign educational institution only takes place after special request of the Bafög office in the faculty.
Funding worldwide
AIESEC is an organization run by students for students that helps students find internships. AIESEC mainly supports students of business administration
The Alberta-Saxony internship program is supervised by the LEONARDO-BÜRO SACHEN. It enables students to complete an internship in the Canadian province of Alberta.
This program, which has been running since the beginning of the year, gives students from all German universities the chance to complete internships in innovative Israeli startups and high-tech companies, in order to return to Germany with the know-how they have gained and the contacts they have made, and subsequently strengthen the German startup scene.
"New Kibbutz" is funded by the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) and implemented by the DAAD in cooperation with the German-Israeli Chamber of Industry and Commerce and the Israeli Embassy in Berlin.
If you would like to apply for an Erasmus+ sponsored internship abroad, please contact our partner LEONARDO-BÜRO SACHSEN.
Moving to the 2021-2027 program generation, the Erasmus+ program now also allows for the funding of student mobility to EU partner countries and countries associated with the EU. With this part of the program, stays in Switzerland, the United Kingdom and countries outside Europe can now be financially supported.
For whom is the HAW.International worldwide scholarship suitable and what is supported?
Students of all disciplines in bachelor's, master's and diploma programs at German HAW/FH are eligible to apply. Under certain conditions, persons with foreign citizenship can also be included in the funding measures. Funding is provided for study stays and stays abroad as part of a final thesis. Double funding via Erasmus or PROMOS and HAW.International is not possible!
Application: The application documents have to be submitted completely and in due time directly to the DAAD according to the official DAAD call for applications.
Application deadline: -26.02.2025 for scholarships starting between July 2025 and January 2026 (selection date May 2025) -29.08.2025 for scholarships starting between February and July 2026 (selection date December 2025)
The application deadlines are updated at least once a year. In most cases, they are in the same period as the previous year.
IAESTE is an organisation run by students for students. It arranges paid and supervised internships abroad in over 80 countries worldwide. These are mainly for students of engineering and natural sciences. For IAESTE an online application is necessary.
The Institut Ranke-Heinemann awards scholarships and grants as follows:
Every freemover who wants to study in Down Under will be included in the scholarship program.
All universities and study programmes in Australia and New Zealand are affiliated to the programme, which guarantees financial support and assistance throughout the application process through IDP Education.
Independent, neutral and free study guidance (no fees)
Funding opportunities:
Down Under Study Grant: Guaranteed grant of up to 10% of the tuition fees of a semester, i.e. depending on the study programme, savings of between 500 and 3000 dollars.
Travel expense scholarship: 1000 Euro grant per semester. Raffle among all students.
In addition, access to all scholarships of all Australian and New Zealand universities.
For whom is the PROMOS scholarship suitable and what is supported?
Students enrolled at the HTW Dresden can apply for the PROMOS scholarship with the intention of graduating. Stays in the country of origin cannot be funded.
On the website PROMOS bewegt you will find the report of the same name, in the course of which you can accompany the (fictitious) student Lea, who sets out to get to know PROMOS.
As part of the DAAD PROMOS programme, the HTWD supports the realisation of
Study visits (1 to 6 months/monthly partial scholarship rate)/Theses (university/monthly partial scholarship rate or company/travel allowance) ,
Internships (6 weeks to 6 months/travel allowance),
Study and group trips abroad under the direction of a university teacher (package) to non-European countries.
Please submit the following application documents for the current calendar year to the International Office of HTWD by 15 February of the calendar year (by e-mail as a PDF file to international(at)htw-dresden.de):
Application form PROMOS (please save on your computer first and then fill in, DO NOT fill in on your mobile or browser)
Proof of examination results (e.g. Transcript of Records)
Proof of language proficiency (HTW/DAAD language certificate as language certificate after successful course participation or as module mark on certificate, in the case of lower semesters also language certificate on Abitur certificate counts, note: To acquire the HTWD/DAAD language certificate without prior course participation, please contact the language centre. The exhibition can take up to 4 weeks. A self-assessment of language skills will not be accepted as proof of language proficiency).
Study project / letter of motivation
Learning Agreement (if available)
Confirmation from the university (if available)
Internship agreement (if available)
Confirmation of the company (if available)
The selection procedure is carried out according to the subject, language and personal requirements of the students on the basis of the application documents. The selection of scholarship holders and the order of students (including reserve or replacement candidates) are made according to the award and selection criteria of the PROMOS Selection Commission of the HTW Dresden. Each faculty determines an order for the applicants of its own faculty. For better comparability of students from different faculties, a point system is used. The selection committee determines a cross-faculty order.
The decision is based on a number of factors:
Academic achievements
knowledge of languages
study project
Extra-curricular activities (committee activities, StuRa, faculty council, faranto e.V., IAESTE - local committee, AIESEC - local committee, involvement in the supervision of international exchange students of the HTW Dresden)
Priorities/sub-priorities are defined in the light of the project abroad, regions/countries/universities, degree programmes, study progress and multiple funding.
Partner universities have priority
Stays in CEE countries have priority over other countries
Engineering courses of studies before economic science courses of studies
Students of international degree programmes (IB, IMES) before other degree programmes, as they have to complete compulsory semesters abroad.
Students who have already been supported in another program by the HTW Dresden will be treated as subordinated students.
For candidates who want to move up, it may also be possible for the scholarship award to be confirmed at a later date with a new notification.
RISE Worldwide is a program to promote worldwide research internships for German students of natural sciences and engineering.
For the Vulcanus Japan program, which begins in August 2025 and ends in March 2026, can apply
Citizens of EU member states or COSME* partner countries,
Students of an EU / COSME* partner university enrolled at the time of application between the 4th official academic year and the penultimate year of the doctorate**,
and present an enrolment certificate which is valid until at least 1 month before the start of the course of study.
(*) You are not an EU citizen? If your home country has joined the COSME and the contract has come into force, then you can apply. (You can check the status of your home country and your university here.) (**) Computer science, mechanical engineering, chemical, electronics, biotechnology, electrical engineering, physics, telecommunication, nuclear engineering, civil engineering, metal, materials, ceramics, production system, GNSS, etc. (this programme does not cover non-scientific studies)
The programme consists of industrial placements for EU/COSME* students in Japan. The students complete:
a seminar on Japan,
a two-month intensive Japanese course,
an six-month internship in a Japanese company
Gain insight into the full range of advanced technologies used by a leading Japanese company;
Learn Japanese, the Japanese culture within the enriching,
With a view to a future career, acquire the ability to interact with Japan in human and economic respects.
The application documents must be submitted by post in accordance with the application procedure by the deadline 20.01.2025 for the program from 01 August 2025 to 31 March 2026.
Would you like to gain experience abroad and think that an internship in a company in Taiwan is a good opportunity?
You now have the chance to do so through the TW-SiiP project – “Taiwan – Saxon international internship program”. You will complete a two to six month internship through provided internships and receive a scholarship from the Taiwan Ministry of Education through the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST).
Internship start: possible from August 2024 (from December 2024 at the latest)
Funding: approx. €750 per month + subsidy for flight costs (approx. €900)
Application deadline:May 31, 2024 for students of all degree programs
Further information about the program and the application process: https://tud.link/h54k
We are very happy about postcards. They will receive a place of honour on our pinboard.
Address: HTW Dresden - International Office, Friedrich-List Platz 1, 01069 Dresden
After my internship
If the internship abroad meets the requirements of the internship regulations of the HTW Dresden, there are usually no problems with academic recognition. In any case, you should contact your faculty's internship officer before the start of the internship and inquire about the required formalities (e.g. internship contract, report, employer's confirmation). At the International Office you can obtain sample internship contracts in English and French.