Team photo
Annie Spratt, Unsplash

Contact and Consulting at the International Office

Do you have questions about studying abroad? We are happy to answer them!

Consultations and inquiries are carried out in person or answered via e-mail. Please send your inquiries by e-mail to international(at) and we will reach out to you as soon as possible.

Personal office hours: Tuesday and Thursday 01:00 to 03:00 p.m., Z 232

We can also be reached at the telephone numbers listed below.

International degree-seeking students should contact Ms. Britta Weber at + 49 351/462-2015.

Name Phone Room Mail Function
Terpe, Juliane 462 3377 Z 233B Head of the International Office, Internationalisation
Hammermüller-Sweeney, Ines 462 3458 Z 232 Advice student mobility Faculty Business Administration
Jentzsch, Cornelia 462 3601 Z 228A Financial administration, general advice student mobility
Ruggieri, Antonella 462 3528 Z 233A International Study Programmes and Internationalisation
Skrypezak, Anne 462 2590 Z 232 Advice on student mobility and Erasmus+ program for students
Weber, Britta 462 2015 Z 231 Advice for prospective international students with the intention of graduation and refugees
Wunderlich, Lisa 462 2590 Z 231 International student recruitment

Further contact persons at the HTW Dresden

The faculties' international advisors are your contact persons for academic advice during your stay abroad and provide information on general academic questions and the faculties' international partner universities.

Programme coordinators of the faculties support the contact with specific partner universities. They share advise on specific questions about the partner university and the current course offers. They also provide support in drawing up the Learning Agreement.

Student Contacts

Two student organisations are committed to internationalisation at our university:

The Referat Internationales provides information for stays abroad and supports the International Day at the HTW Dresden every year in November. Current information is shared via the instagram channel of the StuRa.

Faranto e.V.  our student initiative for intercultural matters at the HTW Dresden. It promotes international exchange through various events and supports international students at the HTW Dresden. Furthermore, it organises the buddy programme for international students at the beginning of their studies.