Faculty of Design




Honorary Professor

Name E-Mail
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Axel Spickenheuer axel.spickenheuer(at)htw-dresden.de

Design Team

Design Team

Name Telephone
(0351 462 - )
Room Email Tasks
Eberlein, Michael (B.A.) 3267 U 432 Email Modelmaking workshop
Kabella, André (M.Sc.) 3208 S 544 Email physical computing, visualization, animation
Kreibich, Peter (M.A.) 3202 U 504 Email
Mahn, Volker (Dipl.-Designer (FH)) 3266 W 206 Email
Park, JeongHo (M.A.) 3203 U 504 Email Creative Coding und Prototyping App
Pierburg, Anna Constanze (Dipl.-Designerin (FH)) 3201 U 504 Email Administration, IT staff

Research staff

Name Telephone
(0351 462 - )
Room Email
Baumgarten, Katrin (M.A.) 2289 U 616 Email
Bellinger, Katharina (M.A.) 2281 U 616 Email
Duteloff, Jonas (M.A.) 2274 U 410 Email
Elsner, Linda (M.A.) 2279 U 616 Email
Schlieben, Paul (M.A.) 3576 U 410 Email
Wahl, Ramona (M.A.) 3420 S 543 Email

Adjunct Lecturers

Name Field of Work E-Mail  
Baumgarten, Katrin Design Studies katrin.baumgarten@htw-dresden.de  
Elsner, Linda Three-Dimensional Repertoire linda.elsner@htw-dresden.de  
Köhler, David Design Practice david.koehler2@htw-dresden.de  
Lorenz, Anna-Luise Products in digital contexts annaluise.lorenz@htw-dresden.de  

Teaching Staff from other Faculties

Name Telephone
(0351 462 - )
Room Email Tasks
Urban-Greatorex, Kate (M.A.) 3360 Z 719 Email English
Leuschner, Heinrich (Dipl.-Kfm. (FH)) 3837 U 249 Email
Richter, Thorsten (Prof. Dr. iur.) 3303 Z 620 Email commercial law | private commercial law | labour law


The Faculty Council is responsible for all matters of fundamental importance to the faculty according to § 93 SächsHSG.

Advisory members:

  • Prof. Dr. phil. Florian Alexander Schmidt (Dean)


  • Prof. Dipl.-Des. Marcus Keichel
  • Prof. Dipl.-Des. Sebastian Schmieg (Vice Dean)
  • Prof. Dipl.-Des. (FH) Christian Scholz
  • Prof. Dipl.-Des. Diana Simon

Equal Opportunity Officer:

  • Dipl.-Kffr. Natalie Koppitz

Staff member:

  • Dipl.-Designer (FH) Volker Mahn

Student Representative:

  • Florian Zeibig

The Examination Committee is appointed by the Faculty Council and is responsible, among other things, for compliance with the examination regulations of the degree programs, the appointment of examiners and assessors, the crediting of previously completed periods of study, credits and examinations, and the decision on appeals.


  • Prof. Karen Donndorf (Chair of the Examination Board)
  • Prof. Dr. phil. Florian  Alexander Schmidt (Vice)
  • Prof. Dipl.-Formgestalterin Elke Mathiebe

Staff Member:

  • M. Sc. André Kabella

Student Representative:

  • Severin Göbel-Groß

The Faculty Council appoints a Study Commission for each degree program, which advises the Dean on the organization of teaching and study activities.


  • Prof. M.A. Joanna Maria Dauner (Dean of Studies)
  • N. N.

Student Representative:

  • N. N.

Equal Opportunity Officer:

  • Natalie Koppitz
  • Prof. Dipl.-Des. (FH) Christian Scholz (Stellvertretung)
  • Prof. Dipl.-Formgestalterin Elke Mathiebe
  • Prof. Dipl.-Des. Diana Simon (Vice)
  • Prof. Dipl.-Des. Diana Simon​​​​​​​