Special Characteristics
- Specially developed programme
- There is a wide range of modules in English
- Choose the number of modules in agreement with your home university (maximum 30 ECTS)
- Most modules have 5 ECTS
- The modules are taught in small groups
Course Structure
The Faculty of Business Administration of HTW Dresden offers you a broad variety of different courses from which you can choose. We strongly recommend you to set up your learning agreement in the following way:
- Course number: W001
- Level: Bachelor
- 5 ECTS
- offered in the summer semester (not offered in summer 2025)
- Course number: W002
- Level: Master
- 5 ECTS
- offered in the winter semester
- Intensive course for international students (CEF-Level A1 to CEF Level C1)
- 5 ECTS
- Offered in the winter and summer semester
- Further information on foreign languages can be found on the pages of the ZfB
- Course number: Z007
- Level: Bachelor
- 2 ECTS
- offered in the winter and summer semester
- Only ECTS, but no grades are given.
- Course number: Z013
- Level: Master
- 5 ECTS
- offered in the winter semester
- Course number: W005
- Level: Bachelor
- 3 ECTS
- offered in the winter and summer semester
- Only ECTS, but no grades are given.
- Course number: Starts with a W
- 5 ECTS per module
- Some courses are held in the winter and others in the summer semester
Bachelor-Modules in English
- W102 Study Skills (2 ECTS)
- W317 Work- and Organisational Psychology
- W338 Corporate Planning & Management Control
- W342 Marketingmanagement Promotion/Advertising
- W348 Process and Quality Management – Execution
- W414 International Business Enviroment & Communicatons*
- W432 Organizational and Supply Chain Design (last time offered in winter 24/25)
- W532 International Business Strategy – Concept & Research
- W534 Human Resourses Management – Plan, recruit, develop
- W539 Corporate Responsibility
* restricted capacity
- W305 Process and Quality Management – Strategy
- W349 Automotive Management (not offered in summer 2025)
- W352 Marketingmanagement – Product*
- W432 Organizational and Supply Chain Design
- W461Scientific Writing
- W462 International Team & Project Management
- W463 International Trade Simulation
- W466 International Business Law
- W471 Competitive Strategy
- W542 International Business Strategy – Analysis & Reporting
- W544 Human Resourses Management – Lead, perform, reward
- W546 Supply Chain Management – Planning of Supply Chains
* restricted capacity
Bachelor modules in German can be viewed via the Modulux module database. Go to the moduls and filter the study programmes " International Business", "Business Administration" or "Business Administration and Engineering“ at “Assignment to curriculum”.
Master-Modules in English
- W291 International Business and Technical Law
- W292 Sustainable Supply Chain Management
- W294 International Project and Industrial Process Management
- W297 Agile Innovation Control
- W623 International Management and Globalization
- W626 Human Factors in Industrial Processes
- W935 Scientific Writing (2 ECTS)
- W940 Strategic Business Simulation
- W944 Academic Research Skills (3 ECTS)
- W712 Diversity Management
- W720 International Business Law (not offered in summer 2025)
- W825 Resources and Uncertainty in Strategic Management
- W830 Current Issues in HRM
- W921 Agile Green Business Design
- W933 International Economics
- W934 Strategy and Sustainability
- W936 Change & Complexity in Organisations*
- W937 Management of complex leadership tasks
- W940 Strategic Business Simulation
- W941 Innovation Management
- W942 Business Process and Operations Management (not offered in summer 2025)
- W943 International Supply Chain and Sales Management
- W944 Academic Research Skills (3 ECTS)
- W950 International Marketing Management
* restricted capacity
Master modules in German can be viewed via the Modulux module database. Go to the moduls and filter the study programmes “Business Administration and Engineering” and “Management of small and mid-sized companies” “ at “Assignment to curriculum”.
Due to capacity constraints with regard to some of the business courses and overlapping of courses, we may ask you to change your learning agreement accordingly. We will be in close touch with you on this matter.
The timetables for the winter semester will be published at the beginning of October. The schedules for the summer semester will be published in March.
Most of our lecturers use the learning plattform "OPAL" and the video conference tool "Big Blue Button".
Find here some tutorials (in german, some are in English)
In "OPAL" you can change the language into English:
Log in with your S-number and password. Your name is in the top right corner. Click on it. You will get to the settings. Select the tab "Systemeinstellungen" (system settings). There you can set the language to English. Save your settings. That's it.
Please also note the information for students regarding the corona virus.