6th SME Day 2016
Controlling in medium-sized companies - trends and challenges
Dresden on Wednesday, 27 April 2016, 2 - 6 p.m.
The majority of medium-sized companies see controlling as a management task. However, the management tools applied often do not meet the complex demands placed on the management of a company. Empirical studies regularly show deficits in the application of advanced and modern controlling approaches in SMEs. This finding is also a pressure to act for small and medium-sized businesses against the background that the most frequently cited reason for a company's insolvency is the lack of or inadequate controlling.
The 6th SME Day at the Dresden University of Applied Sciences therefore dealt with the trends and requirements for modern controlling in SMEs. In addition to professors from HTW Dresden and TU Dresden, company representatives in particular also had their say with their experiences.
The individual topics were:
- Innovation controlling in medium-sized companies
- Consistent data analysis through data warehouse systems
- Integrated corporate planning - core element of the strategic partnership between company and bank
- Business Intelligence on the basis of an integrated ERP system
- Personnel controlling in a medium-sized and regional company
- Establishment and maintenance of an energy management system in a medium-sized company
- Introduction of a project controlling system
- A look into practice - case study on environmental controlling
As in previous years, the event was very well received. More than 100 guests, company representatives, scientists and students, were welcomed.
In addition to the focus on content, the SME Day offered the participating companies the opportunity to talk to future graduates of the university as potential junior specialists and managers and to get to know the potential of the HTW Dresden.
The organiser of the conference is the Centre for SMEs of the Faculty of Business and Economics. Its aim is to intensify the dialogue between SMEs and the university and, in particular, to inspire students to work in SMEs.
- Innovation controlling in medium-sized companies : Prof. Dr. Swen Güntherpdf - 0,97 MB
( german, not barrier-free )
- Consistent data analysis through data warehouse systems : Prof. Dr. Axel Tollpdf - 1,37 MB
( german, not barrier-free )
- Personnel controlling in a medium-sized and regional company : Gunther Seifert KONSUM DRESDEN eGpdf - 1,55 MB
( german, not barrier-free )
- Establishment and maintenance of an energy management system : Andre Kluge, M. & S. Schröder GmbH & Co. KGpdf - 432 kB
( german, not barrier-free )
- Introduction of a project controlling system : WSB Neue Energien Holding GmbHpdf - 1,46 MB
( german, not barrier-free )
- A look at the practical case study on energy and environmental controlling : Christophe Hug, Geschäftsführer Tilia GmbHpdf - 1,63 MB
( german, not barrier-free )
- Integrated corporate planning : Lukas Hofmann, UniCredit Bank AGpdf - 1,63 MB
( german, not barrier-free )
Weitere Dokumente/ Antragsformulare finden Sie hier: https://www.htw-dresden.de/en/university/facultys/business-administration/translate-to-english-zentren-und-labore/translate-to-english-zentrum-fuer-mittelstand/sme-day/6th-sme-day
Prof. Dr. Torsten Gonschorek
email: zfm(at)htw-dresden.de
Agenda 6th SME Day ( german, not barrier-free )