Faculty of Business Administration


Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Swen Günther

Research projects

  • From 04/ 2021: RL validation funding on biocompatible packaging materials, interdisciplinary project (interconnector), funded by SMWA/ SAB, 2 joint partners (HTWD), duration: 18 months
  • 2020-2021: Transfer barometer: Determining indicators for measuring success in knowledge transfer, funded by Stifterverband, 10 participating universities or research institutions, duration: 12 months
  • 2019-2021: Transfer_i: Joint project on transfer indicators as part of the BMBF funding line QUEL (interconnector), cooperation partners: HTWK Leipzig, OTH Regensburg, 4 sub-projects, duration: 30 months
  • 2018-2019: LiT.funding "Cooperative teaching projects", 7th cohort, 2018/ 19, BMBF project via Hochschuldidaktisches Zentrum Sachen (HDS), joint project with TU Dresden, 2 professors, duration: 12 months

further information on Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Swen Günther

further information on research projects 


Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Swen Günther

Responsible Person for Master of Enginieering (M.Eng.)

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Swen Günther


Academic Employees


M.A. Silvia Liubenova Popova

  • Current project: Transfer barometer (Stifterverband)
  • Role: Project work in the area of indicator development and validation
  • Studies: Master "International Management" at HTW Dresden
  • Practical experience: Intern in marketing & communication - Blind-Link (Hanoi, Vietnam), working student in the fields of knowledge and technology transfer as well as method development (TRIZ-Reverse) - HTW Dresden

M.A. Paula-Marie Bormann

  • Current project: "Transferindikatorik" - BMBF joint project
  • Role: Project management and project cooperation in the subproject Business, PhD student
  • Studies: Master "International Business" at HTW Dresden
  • Practice: Consultant at MRL Consulting, Dresden/ Various
  • Research: Transfer and innovation management, creativity and stressors

Research Assistant

  • Dominic Janitz: Master programme in Industrial Engineering and Management, Transfer_i indicator analysis