Examinations and examination regulations
Examination regulations of the Faculty of Business Administration. These pages are only available in German.
Final theses
Information and links about final theses at the Faculty of Business Administration
Examination Committee
Members of the Examination Committee
At the Faculty of Business Administration, a joint Examination Committee is responsible for all degree programs. The committee is composed of three university professors and one representative each from the staff and student groups. The chair and the vice-chair are held by university teachers. As a rule, the members are appointed by the Faculty Council for three years, students for one year only. It is possible to reappoint the members of the Examination Committee. Here you can find the current composition of the Examination Committee.
The Examination Committee is appointed by the Faculty Council and is responsible, among other things, for compliance with the examination regulations of the degree programs, the appointment of examiners and assessors, the crediting of previously completed periods of study, credits and examinations, and the decision on appeals.
- Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Angela Wienen (Chair of the Examination Board)
- Prof. Dr. Stefan Handke
- Prof. Dr. iur. Kerstin Kreul
Staff Member:
- Heike Böhm
Student Representative:
- Enna Leinhos
Contact: wiwi.pruefungsausschuss(at)htw-dresden.de
Tasks of the examination committee
The Examination Committee is responsible in particular for:
- The organization of the bachelor's examination of the bachelor's degree programs/master's examination of the master's degree programs.
- Compliance with the examination regulations of the bachelor's and master's degree programs with regard to the scope and type of examination performances.
- The appointment of examiners, assessors and examination committees for the assessment of the bachelor's and master's thesis.
- Reporting on the development of the actual processing times for the bachelor's and master's thesis and for suggestions for reforming the study and examination regulations,
- The confirmation of the certificate of suitability according to § 48 paragraph 1 sentence 1 No. 2 BAföG.
- Decisions about
- the final failure,
- the recognition of study periods, credits and examinations completed in Germany and abroad, usually with the cooperation of the university lecturer responsible for the module,
- the issue and extension of the deadline for the bachelor's and master's thesis,
- Admission to the defense of the bachelor's and master's thesis,
- Failure to attend, withdrawal, deception and breach of order,
- the recognition of study and examination achievements and periods of study,
- the declaration of invalidity of the bachelor's and master's examinations,
- the confiscation of certificates, diplomas and diploma supplements,
- Appeals in accordance with the examination regulations,
- Exceptions to the examination regulations in exceptional cases.
Current information of the examination committee
Recognition and crediting
Decisions on working student jobs, internships and BAs:
A working student activity is not recognised:
- It is not practicable to recognise a working student activity, as the respective experiences are experiences are very individual and would then have to be compared with the specific would have to be compared.
- Unlike a work activity, the student is supposed to experience real working life. Contracts for work are often individually designed.
- Internships often offer the opportunity to work in different areas of the company and/or to work on a of the company and/or to carry out a closed project.
Bringing the BA forward before the internship is also not permitted, as the experience gained in the internship should be incorporated into the BA.
from the internship should be incorporated into the BA.
Taking both examinations at the same time is not permitted:
There is a recommendation from the PA 07.05.2020 on this:
- §6 (4) PO stipulates for oral and written examinations that two examinations may not be taken two examinations may not take place at the same time.
- The PA follows the statements of the former internship representative, Prof. Prof. Hartmann, that taking both examinations at the same time would lead to a double a double burden over several weeks that should not be underestimated. Preparatory mental and organisational work and research for the BA thesis, on the other hand BA thesis, on the other hand, can be done very well during the internship.
download area
- Application for recognition of WO modulepdf - 505 kB
Weitere Dokumente/ Antragsformulare finden Sie hier: https://www.htw-dresden.de/en/university/facultys/business-administration/studies/examinations