Information on internships at home and abroad at the Faculty of Business Administration
General information
The internship is an integral part of the bachelor's program (mandatory), which usually has to be completed in a company or in another institution of professional practice to the extent of full-time employment.
For Bachelor students, an information event on the internship usually takes place at the beginning of the summer semester. In preparation, you will be invited a few weeks in advance by the person responsible for the internship at the faculty to an OPAL course containing important information and forms.
If you have any questions about the internship, please contact Prof. Neuvians or Ms. Otto.
Specific instructions for the bachelor's degree programs
- Search and application for funded internships abroad (e.g. foundations) possibly 1 year before the internship
- Otherwise: approx. 3 - 6 months before the start of the internship semester.
- Internship period (full-time): at least 12 weeks (cf. Study Regulations § 5, Para. 1)
- Length of the internship paper: 6 pages of text (cf. resolution of the BW-StuKo of 05.11.2019).
- ECTS credits: 15 credits (cf. study regulations, appendix p. 3)
- Self-initiative
- Job exchange of the HTW Dresden
- Company contact fairs (HTW and TU Dresden)
- Industrial and commercial enterprises
- Banks and insurance companies
- Authorities/offices/institutes
- Business and tax consultancies
- …
In all operational functional areas that have an economic and organisational background:
- Management/executive board
- Accounting/Controlling
- Logistics
- Marketing
- Human Resources
- …
The internship position should be selected according to the focus of study and personal career aspirations.
- 3 copies (2 originals and 1 copy)
- At the same time, find the supervising professor for the internship (receives a copy of the contract), but also for the Bachelor's thesis (7th semester) (+ second supervisor).
- Original contract copies: Signature of the internship officer after checking the prerequisites on the basis of the performance record from the QIS portal.
- Prerequisite for the internship:
- Examination Regulations (§ 3, Para. 2) as of WS 2017/18: 143 of 150 ECTS credits from the first five semesters of study
- Examination Regulations (§ 3, Para. 2) as of WS 2024/25: 140 von 150 ECTS credits
- On the basis of the internship certificate and the internship report
- Handover to the HTW supervisor, who assesses with "pass" / "fail".
Maintain contact with the supervising HTW prof.
- Hand in internship certificate + internship report 14 days after the end of the internship to the supervising HTW professor
- Hand in the form "Internship Procedure" or the form "Internship Abroad" to the person in charge of the internship.
Internship Regulations Bachelor's Degree Programs dated 21.03.2023 Note: This document is not barrier-free and is only available in German.
- Internship procedurepdf - 0,98 MB
- Internship certificatepdf - 2,01 MB
Weitere Dokumente/ Antragsformulare finden Sie hier: https://www.htw-dresden.de/en/university/facultys/business-administration/studies/intership
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Nicola Neuvians
Internship coordinator of the Faculty
- Z 617
- +49 351 462 2409
Response times:
by arrangement