![[Translate to English:] Ausschnitt eines Workshops mit Kindern](/fileadmin/HTW/Fakultaeten/Informatik_Mathematik/Forschungsgruppen/Modellfabrik/Bilder/Projekte/MicrosoftTeams-image__3_.png)
KISS-MINT Workshop: Formats of potential development for young STEM talents
The shortage of skilled engineering personnel begins with the lack of motivated young people who decide to study a STEM discipline. This is partly due to the fact that young people of school age lack practical, low-threshold access to topics and projects in science and technology.
All-day programmes (GTA) or project work with pupils are simple formats that can provide creative and individual access to STEM and help them to develop their own potential.
Martin Schmidt and Robert Ringel will pass on their own youth work experiences from GTAs and school projects in a practical workshop for teachers, students and other interested participants.
The workshop is intended to encourage people to work with pupils as part of all-day programmes or projects. Our focus is on supporting children and young people in their development and enabling them to take their first steps towards professional orientation. We use our experience from the KISS-MINT project and other GTA projects to show which methods have proven successful.
Share in the experience of many years of voluntary work and the practical recommendations gained from it.
Contents of the workshop:
- Die Projektmethode nach Frey,
- Grundlagen motivierter Projektarbeit
- Beispiele ausgewählter Angebote
- Entwicklung und Reflexion eigener Angebote

Next date:
07 and 14 March 2025
(two-day event)
Time: 14.00 -17.00
Place: HTW Dresden
Registration by e-mail to: robert.ringel@htw-dresden.de
Download Workshop Material (in german)
- Workshop Potentialentfaltung - Teil 1pdf - 2,60 MB
- Workshop Potentialentfaltung - Teil 2pdf - 872 kB
Weitere Dokumente/ Antragsformulare finden Sie hier: https://www.htw-dresden.de/en/university/facultys/info-math/research/smart-production-systems/projects/kiss-mint/translate-to-english-kiss-mint-workshop
Python poster of programming basics (in german)
- A2 Python Poster - Grundlagen Programmierungpdf - 534 kB
- A3 Python Poster - Grundlagen Programmierungpdf - 404 kB
- A4 Python Poster - Grundlagen Programmierungpdf - 405 kB
- A2 Python Poster - objektorientierte Programmierungpdf - 376 kB
- A3 Python Poster - objektorientierte Programmierungpdf - 290 kB
- A4 Python Poster - objektorientierte Programmierungpdf - 291 kB
Weitere Dokumente/ Antragsformulare finden Sie hier: https://www.htw-dresden.de/en/university/facultys/info-math/research/smart-production-systems/projects/kiss-mint/translate-to-english-kiss-mint-workshop