Bilateral Student Workshops on Human Maschine Interaction & Visualization
- 23th Bilateral Student Workshop
Located at the HTW Dresden from 29.11.2019 to 30.11.2019.
- 22th Bilateral Student Workshop
Located at the HTW Dresden from 30.11.2018 to 01.12.2018.
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Summer School: „Voice Interaction and Voice Assistants in Health Care“ ( VIVA 2019 )
The event VIVA2019 organised by DRESDEN-concept took place from 21 to 29 September. A unique network of scientists and cultural institutions consisting of the Technische Universität Dresden, HTW Dresden, SLUB Dresden, Technische Sammlungen Dresden and supported by the university hospital "Carl Gustav Carus" was the starting point for numerous formats. The series of events was thus very well received by the international and interdisciplinary participants.