![[Translate to English:] Kompass mit Icons](/fileadmin/HTW/Fakultaeten/Informatik_Mathematik/Forschungsgruppen/Modellfabrik/Bilder/Projekte/AdobeStock_143394752.jpeg)
Project LOTSE
Project Description
A central challenge of modern semiconductor production is to combine the best possible quality with the optimum lead time. This is particularly compelling and challenging with diversified technologies and possibly small individual order quantities. Customer satisfaction in the global semiconductor market depends to a large extent on the shortest possible production times for the products. In the LOTSE project, we are researching and developing new methods together with Globalfoundries in order to be able to deliver on time at all times, even with short-term and frequent order changes. To achieve this, the key objectives of material flow control in the semiconductor factory - throughput time, capacity utilization and quality - must be analysed and solved as a multi-criteria planning problem.
Cooperation partners
GlobalFoundries, Advanced Data Processing GmbH, FlowLogiX GmbH, Dresden University of Technology
![[Translate to English:] Logo Kofinanziert durch EU](/fileadmin/HTW/Fakultaeten/Informatik_Mathematik/Forschungsgruppen/Modellfabrik/Bilder/Logos/DE_Kofinanziert_von_der_EuropOuAEischen_Union_POS.png)
![[Translate to English:] Logo Förderung durch Freistaat Sachsen](/fileadmin/HTW/Fakultaeten/Informatik_Mathematik/Forschungsgruppen/Modellfabrik/Bilder/Logos/Sachsen_logo_quer.jpg)
Project duration
May 2023 - April 2025