Faculty of Informatics / Mathematics

mobile MIR robot in a factory hall
mit Hilfe von KI Firefly generiert

Project Future Mobility

Project description

Rapid urbanization and globalization as well as the associated environmental impact are causing new challenges and objectives, such as the pursuit of increased decarbonization, particularly in mobility applications, and digitalization. The joint research project led by Infineon Technologies Dresden GmbH & Co. KG therefore aims to develop innovative solutions along the entire value chain - from product design and development to technology development, process innovation and high-volume production - in order to enable new types of power-products and -systems for future automotive electronics solutions. To this end, the partners Infineon Technologies Dresden GmbH & Co. KG, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf e.V., Dresden University of Applied Sciences, Fabmatics GmbH, Fraunhofer Institute for Photonic Microsystems, Fraunhofer Institute for Material and Beam Technology, LEC GmbH, Systema Systementwicklung Dipl.-Inf. Manfred Austen GmbH, Chemnitz University of Technology, Dresden University of Technology; Chair of Technical Logistics and West Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zwickau are working together to advance future technologies in the three subject areas.  

In the sub-project Robotics and Work Design in the Digital Factory, HTWD is working together with Infineon Dresden (IFD), Fabmatics and TU Dresden to extend automation and digitalization within the increasingly complex value chains in high-volume production into processes that are still manual today. More transparent and highly efficient methods are being developed to improve manufacturing processes with a very high product mix and thus make production more stable and resilient. With the help of the solutions to be developed, it will be possible in future to establish new types of automation solutions in production much more quickly. Based on standardized and automated processes, workflows will be significantly improved as part of digitalization, thereby increasing competitiveness. The use of innovative robot systems based on mobile applications will be transferred to production and maintenance in the future and new maintenance concepts will be developed to improve factory efficiency. In collaboration with its partner Fabmatics, which specializes in automation, IFD will investigate the entire value chain from the specification, production and integration of new automation solutions through to the start of semiconductor production in order to achieve a significant reduction in the time it takes from the development of applications to production. IFD will also conduct joint research with the HTWD on mobile robot platforms, software architectures and sensors in order to establish new types of automation solutions in the future. Together with the TUD, procedures for improving maintenance processes are being developed. 


Dipl.-Ing. Saskia Schäfer


Dipl.-Wirt.-Inf. (FH) Paul Patolla

Research Staff

Dipl.-Wirt.-Inf. (FH) Paul Patolla

Dipl.-Ing. Dang Nguyen


Cooperation partners

Infineon Technologies Dresden GmbH & Co. KG, TUD Dresden University of Technology and Fabmatics GmbH


Project duration

June 2023 to June 2026