Faculty of Informatics / Mathematics

Recommended online courses on AI

Course Description
AI for everyone This course from DeepLearning.ai provides a largely non-technical social insight into AI.
Einführung KI The introductory course from KI Campus on AI for a broad target group, which introduces the key technical aspects and functions of AI.
Machine Learning HPC Introductory course at TU-Dresden on machine learning on HPCs.
DeepLearning MIT The popular introductory course from MIT on deep learning with many applications. Students acquire basic knowledge of deep learning algorithms and get hands-on experience building neural networks in TensorFlow. Prerequisites are calculus (e.g. derivatives) and linear algebra (e.g. matrix multiplication). Experience in Python is helpful, but not necessary.
Deep Learning for Coders Practice-oriented course on deep learning by Fastai. The course is aimed at practitioners and beginners. Apart from knowledge of the Python programming language, no other prerequisites are required.
Machine Learning Standford The course on machine learning at Standford University offers a very broad and theoretical introduction to the topic of machine learning. The mathematical foundations of supervised learning (parametric/non-parametric algorithms, support vector machines, kernels, neural networks) and unsupervised learning (clustering, dimensionality reduction, recommendation systems) are covered in detail. The course is free of charge.

Other learning platforms

Platform Description
LinkedIn Learning The learning platform LinkedIn Learning, formerly Lynda, formerly video2brain, offers training courses on a wide range of topics, including AI. Like Udemy, the content is primarily aimed at beginners and offers a good overview. Most of the content is free for HTW members.
Udemy The Udemy learning platform offers training courses on a wide range of topics, including AI. Like LinkedIn Learning, the content is primarily aimed at beginners and offers a good overview. The content is subject to a fee.
KI Campus The AI Campus is an R&D project funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and offers its own as well as curated training courses in various fields of artificial intelligence. Another component is podcasts on current AI topics. The learning opportunities teach both the basics and specific skills for individual specialist areas. The learning content is also free of charge and can be incorporated into your own teaching.
Nvidia DLI Nvidia's Deep Learning Institute offers training courses on various topics in the Nvidia ecosystem. The training courses are usually subject to a fee, but offer a good introduction to specific Nvidia products. There are courses for beginners as well as very specific courses for experts.
NHR Training As a location of the National High Performance Computing (NHR), the ZIH, together with the team of the ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig competence center, offers further education and training courses on the following key methods: Big Data & High Performance Data Analytics, Machine Learning, Innovative Storage Architecture, and much more. The training courses are primarily aimed at ZIH users.
HLRS Training The HLRS is the organizer of a comprehensive training program for scientists and engineers to make the best use of HPC's resources. There are training courses on the following topics: Parallel Programming, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Scientific Visualization, Compute Cluster Usage, and many more. The courses are very specific and have a high scientific level. The courses are usually subject to a fee, but there are generous discounts for students and university members.
Kaggle Kaggle is an online community aimed at data scientists. The main purpose of Kaggle is to organize data science competitions. However, scientific data sets can also be published and found via this platform. Areas of application can be found in the fields of big data, machine learning and data mining.

Recommended Youtube channels

Channel Description
NVIDIA Developer The official developer YouTube channel from Nvidia. Introducing new content, tutorials and tech talks in the Nvidia ecosystem.
Tensor Flow The official Youtube channel of Tensorflow. Presentation of new content, tutorials and tech talks in the Tensorflow ecosystem.
PyTorch The official Pytorch Youtube channel. Presentation of new content, tutorials and tech talks in the Pytorch ecosystem.
Python Programmer A private Youtube channel about Python programming with topics in data science and machine learning.
Jetson Hacks A private YouTube channel about the Jetson platform from Nvidia.