Faculty of Informatics / Mathematics

Symbol Image AI

KiWi - KI-Werkstatt: for the next generation in applied sciences for transfer to the economy

Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the key technologies for digitalization in business and society. Worldwide, AI research is currently experiencing dynamic growth. The project "KiWi - KI-Werkstatt: für den Nachwuchs in den angewandten Wissenschaften zur Transfer in die Wirtschaft" (KiWi - AI Workshop: for young researchers in applied sciences for transfer to the economy) as part of the program "Forschung an Fachhochschulen - KI-Nachwuchs@FH2021" (Research at universities of applied sciences - AI young researchers@FH2021) aims to strengthen the role of the HTW at the Dresden location in order to create, consolidate and bundle skills and abilities in the field of AI in the long term. The project will lay the foundations for excellent AI research in versatile fields of application in science, business and society through targeted investments. With KiWi, a network will be created at the Dresden location in which business, science and society can research and innovate together on knowledge gains for the use of AI technologies in various application areas and a rapid transfer of the results to companies and users in society takes place. In final theses with industry and cooperative PhDs and R&D projects, graduates and young scientists will explore the application of AI in a wide variety of domains. With KiWi, HTW Dresden will become one of the leading regional partners for applied AI research and the training of the next generation of AI scientists. Among other things, cross-university R&D projects in applied research for AI-supported innovations in the fields of agricultural equipment technology, service robotics, oncology, mechanical and plant engineering, and predictive quality are planned for this purpose.



M.Sc. Ingolf Gehrhardt

M.Sc. Ingolf Gehrhardt

Dipl.-Inform. (FH) Johannes Metzler

Dipl.-Inform. (FH) Johannes Metzler

Center for Information Services and High Performance Computing


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Project duration

August 2021 - January 2023