Faculty of Informatics / Mathematics

[Translate to English:] Mensch-Roboter Interaktion am UR3 mittels Emotionserkennung

oSHOP Steering project - OHTranz

Project goals

Aim of the steering project “OSH Transferring Concepts (OHTranz)” is research and development of new transferring concepts, focusing on Open Source Hardware (OSH) in machinery and plant construction. OHTranz makes an important contribution in gaining knowledge in transfer research based on open innovation processes. Transfer is understood as a "directed process, that requires corresponding transfer structures, processes and framework conditions for the transmission of transfer objects". OHTranz is intended to identify the transferors, recipients and objects relevant for open source hardware-based transfer at different technology readiness levels (TRL). For this purpose, the project records and systematizes the current transfer activities in mechanical and plant engineering. It is assumed, that transfer objects address different transfer recipients per TRL and thus require different transfer instruments adapted to the transferor, transfer object and transfer recipient. The project takes up concepts of dialog chains for the configuration of different transfer paths. OHTranz aims to develop suitable dialog chains for OSH-based transfer and the transfer instruments required for their implementation. In such a dialog chain, the transfer process passes through different milestones (e.g., point of interest), which have an influence on the decision of the transferee to use and value the transfer object. Via TRL, OHTranz analyses the relevant milestones in such a process. After the completion of OHTranz, a successfully tested, modularized construction kit with transfer instruments for the OSH transfer is available.


The work of HTW Dresden makes a significant contribution to the following goals:

  • Systematization of transfer processes in mechanical and plant engineering. The HTW analyzes the current transfer processes in this field. It takes over the analysis and modeling of the transfer givers. The HTW develops the concepts for modeling the actors in the stakeholder group by means of persona and systematizes the results from the analysis as a basis for further R&D work.
  • Designing a transfer model based on Open Source Hardware (OSH). The model explicitly considers the specifics of the different Technology Readiness Levels (TRL). The HTW records the relevant transfer objects for each TRL. It develops the dialog chains for the TRL-oriented transfer and elaborates the transfer instruments for TRL 1-5. The HTW will work up tools and working aids for the implementation of the developed transfer concepts.
  • The HTW contributes to the distribution of the OSH transfer concepts. It produces parts of the training materials. It conducts multiplier trainings in the chamber district of Dresden, at universities and (together with IWU) in the chamber district of Leipzig.
  • To validate the project results, the HTW accompanies and coaches the projects in the steering area and improves the developed dialog chains as well as tools and working aids through an iterative procedure.


Dr.-Ing. Katarzyna Wiesenhütter

Research Coordinator

Dr.-Ing. Katarzyna Wiesenhütter

Dipl.-Psych. Cäcilia Veliu

Dipl.-Psych. Cäcilia Veliu

M.A. Tom Richard Pilk


M.A. Tom Richard Pilk

Cooperation partners

Technische Universität (TU) Dresden, Fraunhofer-Institut für Werkzeugmaschinen und Umformtechnik (IWU) Chemnitz


Project duration

Mai 2023 -  April 2026