Care4All - Initial - Include all
Duration: | 27.04.2017 - 30.04.2019 |
Funding: | Europäischer Fonds für regionale Entwicklung ( EFRE ) |
Project collaborator: | TU Dresden, Cognitec Systems GmbH, Cultus gGmbH der Landeshauptstadt Dresden, Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg |
Artificial Intelligence Lab: | Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Hans-Joachim Böhme, Frank Bahrmann, Robert Erzgräber, Stefan Vogt, Christian Bischoff, Richard Lehmann |
We expect the project to provide important impetus for improving the care of dementia patients both at home and in institutional care. Care4all-Initial researches and investigates several core processes in order to establish such care both in institutions and at home. This is done with the help of a mobile robot assistant in two dimensions.
- Monitoring function: The project starts immediately in practical application. In the foreground are the further development and validation of already established care aids in case of running away tendencies, challenging behaviour as well as the recording of potentially critical situations. This is to be implemented essentially as a mobile night watchman in the retirement home and in the clinic and further developed to application maturity.
- Treatment and therapy function: The prevention of delirious conditions begins with occupational therapy and resource-appropriate training. The focus is on the conception and implementation of therapeutically effective interaction scenarios. These will be developed to prototype maturity in Care4All Initial. An extension for telemedical applications is perspective possible. For the home emergency call, this should already be conceived and investigated in the project (assisted living).
PD Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Hans-Joachim Böhme
- Z 367
- +49 351 462 2540

Dipl.-Inf. Stefan Vogt
- Z 902
- +49 351 462 3842