Faculty of Business Administration

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Anne-Katrin Haubold

Professorship Human Resource Management





The professorship of Human Resource Management (HRM) is responsible for teaching in the various sub-areas of national and international human resource management as well as related fields. The professorship's courses are offered in all three Bachelor's programmes as basic lectures and in-depth courses.  In the Master's programmes, the Chair is represented by the modules "Current Issues in Human Resource Management" and "International Project Management". A special focus in teaching is on the international perspective, which is expressed in the English-language HRM electives.
Prof. Haubold supervises internships that are completed in the HRM department in companies from various industries.
Final theses are supervised at the professorship, which focus on the topic of human resources.
Prof. Haubold is responsible for the foreign partner universities Helsinki and Joentsu (Finland) as well as Edmonton (Canada).


Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Anne-Katrin Haubold

Prorector for Teaching and Studies

Response times:
Individual appointment - please contact Antje Scharfe (antje.scharfe@htw-dresden.de) if required.

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Anne-Katrin Haubold

General topic suggestions for a thesis

Below you will find possible topics for theses that you can work on together with a practice partner (company/organisation). The topics are to be understood as examples. You are welcome to select different topics from everyday business life together with your practice partner and discuss them with Prof. Haubold. The topics must have an empirical component, i.e. they must allow for the analysis of either existing internal company data or new data on the topic collected as part of the thesis. It is advisable to tailor the respective topic to a (possibly exemplary) part of the HR organisation or the employee structure in order to enable a meaningful treatment within the framework of a thesis. Please understand that for capacity reasons Prof. Haubold can currently only supervise theses that are written together with a practice partner. Contact: Prof. Anne-Katrin Haubold.

1.) New ways of solving the shortage of skilled workers in occupation/field of activity x using the example of XYZ GmbH

2.) Challenges of personnel management in virtual work settings using the example of the ABC department of XYZ GmbH

3.) Potentials and challenges of the use of AI in the recruitment of trainees/specialists/managers using the example of XYZ GmbH


  • Since 2020 Prorector for Teaching and Studies at HTW Dresden
  • Since 2011 Professorship at HTW Dresden
  • 2006-2011 The Boston Consulting Group, Düsseldorf, Topic Manager Organisation and HR Practice Group
  • 2001-2010 Diploma in Business Administration, Distance Learning University of Hagen
  • 2004-2006 Fraport AG, Frankfurt, Human Resources Officer
  • 2001-2004 Dr. rer. pol. (s.c.l.), University of Göttingen Chair of Corporate Management (Prof. Dr. Schanz) on "Integration of Acquired Companies - An Employee-Oriented Analysis
  • 1997-2000 Diploma in Psychology, University of Jena
  • 1996-1997 Master of Science in Social and Applied Psychology (with distinction), University of Kent at Canterbury, UK
  • 1994-1996 Intermediate Diploma in Psychology, University of Münster, Germany


Prof. Haubold is co-head of the Human Factors and Resources working group and conducts research on the effects of demographic change and the digitalisation of work environments on human resource management, especially in the service sector (especially care). A list of current third-party funded projects and the staff involved can be found under Human Factors and Resources.

Anne-Katrin Haubold gives lectures and advises companies on the above-mentioned issues. Further information on research projects and publications can be found in the research information system.

Organised by Prof. Haubold, there are regular practitioner lectures in courses and excursions, e.g. to the automotive supplier Eberspächer Exhaust Technology Wilsdruff GmbH & Co. KG in Wilsdruff.

Anne-Katrin Haubold is an honorary lecturer for the German National Academic Foundation.

Further information in the research information system

Research Information System

Winter semester 2024/25

  • Compulsory module in the study programme W72 - Business Administration and Engineering
    in the 2. semester
Module in Modulux
  • Compulsory elective module in the study programme W72 - Business Administration and Engineering
    in the 5. semester in the reinforcement "Vertiefungsmodule BWL"
  • Compulsory elective module in the study programme W74 - International Business
    in the 3. semester in the reinforcement "Vertiefungsmodule"
  • Compulsory elective module in the study programme W71 - Business Administration
    in the 5. semester in the reinforcement "Vertiefungsmodule"
Module in Modulux

Summer semester 2025

  • Compulsory module in the study programme W71 - Business Administration
    in the 2. semester
Module in Modulux
  • Compulsory elective module in the study programme W74 - International Business
    in the 4. semester in the reinforcement "Vertiefungsmodule"
  • Compulsory elective module in the study programme W71 - Business Administration
    in the 4. semester in the reinforcement "Vertiefungsmodule"
  • Compulsory elective module in the study programme W72 - Business Administration and Engineering
    in the 4. semester in the reinforcement "Vertiefungsmodule BWL"
Module in Modulux
  • Compulsory elective module in the study programme W79 - German Business Culture and International Management
    in the 2. semester
  • Compulsory elective module in the study programme W75 - International Management
    in the 1. semester
  • Compulsory elective module in the study programme W76 - Management of small and mid-sized companies/family firms
    in the 1. semester
  • Compulsory elective module in the study programme W78 - International Management (4 sem)
    in the 2. semester
  • Compulsory elective module in the study programme W72 - Business Administration and Engineering
    in the 1. semester
Module in Modulux
  • Compulsory elective module in the study programme W76 - Management of small and mid-sized companies/family firms
    in the 1. semester
  • Compulsory elective module in the study programme W72 - Business Administration and Engineering
    in the 1. semester
Module in Modulux
  • Compulsory module in the study programme I42 - Business Informatics
    in the 6. semester
Module in Modulux