Faculty of Business Administration

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Christoph Mayer

Professorship Business Administration / Investment and Finance





The professorship of Investment and Finance is responsible for teaching in the basic modules on investment and finance as well as in the related in-depth areas such as investment management and risk management. These include International Finance and Monte Carlo Business Modelling. Furthermore, energy market management is a sub-field of the professorship.

A special focus is the integration of current issues from practice into teaching.

Prof. Mayer primarily supervises internships and theses in the context of finance, for example on the topics of risk management, profitability assessment, crowdfunding and portfolio management.

Prof. Mayer supervises the foreign partner university Università di Trento (Italy).

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Christoph Mayer


Mitglied des Fakultätsrates

Response times:
Thursday, 11:00 - 12:00.
Please make an appointment in advance!

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Christoph Mayer

General topic suggestions for a thesis

Below you will find possible topics for theses. The topics are to be understood as examples and can also be used to develop your own questions. If you have your own ideas that differ from the topics listed, you can discuss them together. To do so, please contact Prof. Christoph Mayer.

  1. Implications of DIN 77230 "Basic financial analysis for private households" for the financial sector
  2. Opportunities and limits of P2P lending
  3. Benefits and risks of robo-advisory
  4. Comparison of cryptocurrencies
  5. Investigation of the short- and long-term influence of company-specific, macroeconomic and regulatory events on the share price of a company
  6. [Other capital market topics, especially emprical (performance) studies]


  • Since 2013 Professorship at HTW Dresden for Business Administration / Investment and Financing.
  • Since 2019 HTW Dresden, member of the senate
  • 2018 Awarded the "Prize for Good Teaching 2017" by HTW Dresden
  • Since 2017 Risk Management Association e.V., Member of the Board of Directors
  • Since 2015 HTW Dresden, Dean of Studies Bachelor Industrial Engineering and Management
  • Since 2015 HTW Dresden, Faculty of Economics, Member of the Faculty Council
  • Since 2015 Energieforen Leipzig GmbH, science partner
  • 2008 - 2013 EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG, Risk Management & ICS
  • 2008 University of Mannheim, doctorate (Dr. rer. pol.) at the Chair of General Business Administration, Risk Theory, Portfolio Management and Insurance Economics on the topic "The development of the yield curve - An analysis of homogeneous affine multi-factor models based on the Kalman filter".
  • University of Mannheim, studies in business administration with a focus on banking, insurance and statistics


The main areas of interest of Prof. Dr. Christoph Mayer lie in the following topics

Risk perception by decision-makers in companies - Consistent paths from risk identification to risk processing and risk reporting

-Stochastic modelling and Monte Carlo simulation of the opportunities and risks of companies - Mapping the overall effect of uncertainties on relevant target variables, taking into account interdependencies and correlations.

Prof. Dr. Mayer is a board member of the Risk Management Association e.V. and promotes the dissemination of knowledge on value-based risk management. He lectures in particular in the field of risk management and advises companies on issues in this area.

Prof. Dr. Mayer publishes, among others, in the "... for Dummies" series of the Wiley-VCH publishing house. Further information on research projects and publications can be found in the research information system  Prof. Dr. Christoph Mayer

Further information on research projects

Research Information System
Jewellery Picture Books Publications
Bild von Wokandapix auf Pixabay


Exercise Book Business Mathematics for Dummies

2nd edition April 2019
398 pages, softcover
German Dummies

ISBN: 978-3-527-71620-3

Wiley-VCH, Weinheim

Book title: Linear Algebra for Economists
Book subtitle: With exercises and solutions

    Christoph Mayer
    Carsten Weber
    David Francas

6th edition, 2017
Publisher: Gabler Verlag
Copyright Holder: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH
Softcover ISBN: 978-3-658-14992-5
321 pages

Documents for the courses

Bildungsportal Sachsen

Winter semester 2024/25

  • Compulsory elective module in the study programme B17 - Infrastructure Management
    in the 5. semester
  • Compulsory module in the study programme W71 - Business Administration
    in the 3. semester
Module in Modulux
  • Compulsory module in the study programme I47 - Applied Informatics
    in the 2. semester in the field of study "Wirtschaftsinformatik"
  • Compulsory module in the study programme I46 - Applied Informatics
    in the 3. semester in the field of study "Wirtschaftsinformatik"
Module in Modulux

Summer semester 2025

  • Compulsory module in the study programme W74 - International Business
    in the 2. semester
Module in Modulux
  • Compulsory elective module in the study programme W76 - Management of small and mid-sized companies/family firms
    in the 1. semester
  • Compulsory elective module in the study programme W72 - Business Administration and Engineering
    in the 1. semester
Module in Modulux
  • Compulsory module in the study programme W72 - Business Administration and Engineering
    in the 1. semester
Module in Modulux