Faculty of Business Administration

Created by Miriam Walther |

Development of an international Master's degree programme

Teachers and students from Germany, Jordan and Uzbekistan met for the third time to design a new Master's degree programme in the field of entrepreneurship.

The series of workshops on the international Master's degree programme in Entrepreneurship at the partner university New Uzbekistan University (NUU) in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, was successfully completed on 30 April 2024. The participants from HTWD, the German-Jordanian University and NUU used the week to work together on the further development of the programme and gain valuable insights into local entrepreneurship. The content of the module handbook was jointly developed and clear learning outcomes and appealing teaching formats were defined for each module.

Networking with local entrepreneurship in Uzbekistan was also an important part of the workshop series. Participants took part in discussions with local start-ups and entrepreneurs. In this way, they gained valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities of entrepreneurship in Uzbekistan and were able to incorporate these findings into the further development of the Master's programme.

In addition to academic work, the programme also included intercultural exchange. The participants explored Uzbekistan's diverse history and culture and deepened their connections with each other. The intercultural dialogue not only promoted understanding and awareness, but also enriched the entire co-creation process for the further development of the Master's programme.

About the research project

The project is funded by the DAAD with funds from the Federal Foreign Office as part of the "Higher Education Dialogue with the Islamic World 2023 - 2024" programme. HTW Dresden is cooperating with the German-Jordanian University in Amman (Jordan) and the New Uzbekistan University in Tashkent (Uzbekistan) under the project management of Professors Baierl and Thamm and is supported by TUM International GmbH. More information about the project can be found at ogy.de/iCCiEE

Created by Miriam Walther |


M.Sc. Kathleen Tomecko

M.Sc. Kathleen Tomecko

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. René Thamm

Dean of Studies Bachelor Business Administration

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. René Thamm