
Introduction to LaTex

LaTeX is a textsetting programme developed by Donald E. Knuth (the author of the standard work ‘The Art of Computer Programming’) and Leslie Lamport (1978-1986). In contrast to conventional word processors, it offers the possibility of achieving a typographic quality similar to that of professional book printing: From WYSIWYG (‘What you see is what you get’) to WYSIWYAF (‘What you see is what you asked for’)!


LaTeX is particularly suitable for extensive works such as theses and dissertations, which often have to fulfil strict typographical requirements. In mathematics and the natural sciences in particular, LaTeX makes it easier to produce documents thanks to its convenient formulation options compared to conventional word processing systems.



Workshop with Prof. Dr. Elena Klimova

The workshop teaches the most important basics for writing a paper with LaTeX and takes place every semester during the introductory week. The course includes block phases as well as time for self-study and takes place in the PC training room (B 202) of the university library. Latex is pre-installed at the computer workstations. If you would like to use your own end device, please install the ‘TexStudio’ software in advance. The number of participants is limited to 12 and registration via the event calendar is required.



Useful links

Do you have questions? Please contact us!