Your university library provides you with extensive access to various media. The library catalogue is usually the best tool for researching printed and digital media. Various databases are available for further research, including standards and patents. If you cannot find what you are looking for in our stock, please use our inter-library loan service or let us know what you would like to acquire!
Full-text access and the optimal search results
Full-text access to licenced
content is only available from the campus network - either
on-site or via VPN with the group profile "HTW-vpn-all".
Instructions for setting up the VPN client can be found in the link list.
Please note that you will receive more and better search results in the library catalogue if you log in under "My library card".
Useful links
- Instruction: Virtual Private Network (VPN) setup
Enables access to HTWD network resources as well as to HTWD-external services and databases that are authorised for HTWD members
- Catalogue of the Saxon State and University Library (SLUB)
Catalogue of one of the largest scientific libraries in Germany located in Dresden
- Karlsruhe Virtual Catalog (KVK)
Meta search engine for finding several hundred million books, journals and other media in library catalogues worldwide
- Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE)
One of the world's largest search engines for scientific web documents. The index includes over 100 million documents from over 5,000 sources
- EconBiz
Literature search in important economic databases including the holdings of the ZBW (Leibniz Information Centre for Economics)
Weitere Dokumente/ Antragsformulare finden Sie hier:
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