Fakultät Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Julia Krause

Professur International Industrial Sourcing and Sales



„Love what you do, get inspired and sparkle, have a vision and the passion!“ - Krause

Die Professur International Industrial Sourcing and Sales verantwortet die Lehre in den Fächern: Technischer Vertrieb, Planung von Supply Chains, Produktion und Logistik, Businessplanseminar, International Supply Chain and Sales Management, Sustainable Supply Chain Management.
Die Lehrveranstaltungen der Professur werden in den Bachelor-Studiengängen WW, WB, IB  in Deutsch sowie in den Master-Studiengängen WWm, WIM, WM in Englisch angeboten.
Besondere Schwerpunkte/Spezialgebiete in der Lehre sind die Nachhaltigkeit in der Supply Chain, Internationalität in der Geschäftsabwicklung, innovative Businessplanung, CRM, Internationale Kommunikation und Verhandlungsführung.
Durch Prof.  Krause werden Praktika betreut, die in Anlagen- und Maschinenbauunternehmen in Funktionen Einkauf/Logistik/SCM, Vertrieb/Marketing/Key-Account Management, Kommunikation, Internationales Projektmanagement, Technische Compliance und Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement absolviert werden. An der Professur werden Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten zu den oben genannten Schwerpunkten betreut. Prof. Krause ist als Hochschulbetreuer für die ausländischen Partneruniversitäten in Russland – UNECON  in St. Petersburg, RUT/MIIT in Moskau und Plekhanov-University in Moskau zuständig.

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Julia Krause

Studiengangsverantwortliche Master International Management/German Business Culture and International Management

nach Vereinbarung

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Julia Krause

Allgemeine Themenvorschläge für eine Abschlussarbeit

Nachfolgend finden Sie mögliche Themen für Abschlussarbeiten. Die Themen sind beispielhaft zu verstehen und können auch dazu dienen Ihre eigene Fragestellungen zu entwickeln. Sollten Sie eigene, abweichende Ideen zu den aufgeführten Themen haben, können Sie diese gemeinsam besprechen. Dafür wenden Sie sich bitte direkt an Prof. Julia Krause.

  1. Genderaspekte im Technischen Vertrieb <o:p></o:p>
  2. Konzepte und Strategien für die Implementierung von Nachhaltigkeit im Maschinen- und Anlagenbau<o:p></o:p>
  3. Social Media im B2B<o:p></o:p>
  4. Digitalisierung als Enabler der Circular Economy<o:p></o:p>
  5. KI im Vertrieb und SCM<o:p></o:p>
  6. Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung<o:p></o:p>
  7. Nachhaltige Business-Modelle
  1. Gender aspects in technical sales
  2. Concepts and strategies for the implementation of sustainability in mechanical and plant engineering
  3. Social Media in B2B
  4. Digitalization as an enabler of the circular economy
  5. AI in sales and SCM
  6. Sustainability reporting
  7. Sustainable business models





  • Seit  2019 Professur an der HTW Dresden
  • 2018-2018 Technische Universität Chemnitz, Professur für Betriebliche Umweltökonomie und Nachhaltigkeit, Open Engineering 2
  • 2012-2018 Chemieanlagenbau Chemnitz GmbH, Technische Regulierung/Qualitätsmanagement
  • 2013-2015 Promotion zum Dr. (rer. pol.) an der Technischen Universität Chemnitz (Lehrstuhl für Öffentliches Recht) zum Thema „Regulierung von Investitionsprojekten im chemischen und erdölverarbeitenden Anlagenbau in Russland unter Berücksichtigung der Technischen Regulierung der EAWU“
  • 2008-2012 ALPHA Consulting GmbH, Vertrieb/Projektmanagement/Consulting
  • 2009-2011 MBA-Studium „Production Management“ an der Technischen Universität Chemnitz
  • 2000-2010 Technische Universität Chemnitz, Zentrum für Fremdsprachen, Dozentin
  • 1999-2009 Projektkoordinatorin/ freiberufliche Dozentin an div. Bildungsträgern und in der freien Wirtschaft: TÜV Rheinland, TÜV Süd, Dekra, VW, Robotron, Heitec, AFBB, BIP, STZ, IWS, Elop, SSA, Pscherer, Weiß & Partner, Fortbildungsakademie für Wirtschaft
  • 1994-1999 Studium „Pädagogik und Philologie“ an der Staatlichen Pädagogischen Universität Wolgograd, Russland


I3 - International – Interdisciplinary – Interactive

“My activities at HTW involve various exciting fields of interdisciplinary education, industrial research and international management

  • focusing on a holistic approach of the production cycle process: from sourcing - till selling
  • concentrating on processes of optimization & sustainable approach of the whole supply chain
  • developing advanced practical skills and essential abilities in negotiating, leadership, managing of sophisticated production processes and dealing with complexity of a modern globalized business
  • exploring the complex issues of sustainability, responsibility and ethics within different business decisions
  • taking into account the issues of Technical Compliance and Standardisation
  • focusing on the issues of industrial and plant engineering businesses

In order to provide our students with inspiring and up-to-date and thought-provoking knowledge, develop and strengthen cross-cultural partnerships with educational and research organisations as well as globally acting businesses I am working on the concepts and implementation of innovative & interactive learning environments, as well as on the transfer of research findings into business concepts and companies´ inquiries into teaching curricular. In this way we create innovative and efficient solutions in close cooperation with a wide network of educational and industrial partners, taking advantage of my multicultural professional background.

I invite you to become an active partner for our common targets in a fascinating and challenging world of International Industrial Sourcing and Sales!”

Extra Curricular activities

Prof. Krause leitet die Arbeitsgruppe „Quality Infrustructure“ beim Ost-Ausschuss der deutschen Wirtschaft,  engagiert sich in diversen Projekten zur Technischen Regulierung in der Eurasischen Wirtschaftsunion und Asien (GIZ/BMZ, develoPPP),  hält Vorträge auf internationalen Konferenzen zu Themen der Technischen Regulierung bei Realisierung von Investitionsprojekten in Russland/EAWU und Nachhaltigkeit und berät Unternehmen und Organisationen in den Fragestellungen rund um das Thema der Technischen Compliance beim Großanlagenbau.



Im Dialog mit der Industrie
Bild von Adina Voicu auf Pixabay

In Dialogue with Industry

Apart from studying our students have the opportunity to gain practical experience in companies by working on different companies´ challenges related to their subject of study and writing their Bachelor- or Master Theses on those topics.  Some interesting projects have been done with some leading companies during the last two terms and I am glad that our partners enabled my students to finish their projects also during this exceptional Corona-Semester. It is always a huge advantage for my students and me to have an opportunity to see “behind the curtains”, to work on real-life challenges, to create solutions for industries and in such way to see the tangible results of our research. We have been working on different issues of Sustainable SCM, Customer Relationship Management, International Sales Organisation and Employees Qualification. It was challenging, exciting and rewarding! Through Collaboration to the Success!

Video "Students BA & MA" auf meinem Youtube-Kanal

"In Dialogue with Industry" session continued this week. The topic - Technical Sales in Plant Engineering business - a supreme discipline of mechanical engineering with a unique character and remarkable challenges.  Sincere thanks to our very much-engaged Guest - one of us, our alumni, who has found his home in the exciting business of international plant engineering & managed to fascinate my students. Heiko Wittig, CAC, let us into the world of challenges in customer acquisition, customer consulting & CRM, emphasized special features and contents of time-consuming offers/proposals, draw our attention to various political and financial risks, shared with us issues on quality of services and complexity of individual project management steps, told about patience and foresighted actions, as well as about cultural differences and special features in dealing with various customers in global business.  The students were highly interested in the proprietary technology of the medium-sized plant engineering company from Saxony - Syngas to Fuel (STF) - we discussed marketing strategies, USPs and obstacles in conquering the international market. Plant construction - an exciting business with so many engineering and economic interdependencies - our industrial engineers have got impressed by & have discovered a new possible field for practical training or future employment!

Very interesting insights into the practical world of the International Procurement we got from a very experienced & dedicated to the issues of Sustainability Sourcing Expert, Peter Köhne, within my Session “In Dialogue with Industry” this week. We learnt about Viessmann´s approach and strategies towards Sustainable Purchasing and that the main drive for any decision is the Compliance with social, environmental & economic aspects of Sustainability. We learnt about methods for Suppliers´ Qualification & ideas on how to cooperate with (sometimes develop) those considering various cultures & values in a global context. We learnt about challenges in Global Sourcing referring to the complex Logistics (using even helicopters for urgent processes), the need of new Warehousing Concepts & Demand Managing (esp. due to corona-crisis), Technical Compliance (certification & permission procedures for products to be used in different countries) and the importance of Documentation in global SCM.  We were fascinated by those daily routines (Morning Calls) Mr Koehne applies to motivate his global procurement staff. I was curious to know what kind of skills & knowledge we, involved into education, should provide for the future Procurement specialists. The answers: Leadership Skills, understanding of how a company works, Knowledge of Project Management, ability to Communicate (in English of course) & Teamwork. So, we work towards those targets – providing our industry and businesses with inspired & dedicated young people eager to “dive in”!

In spite of corona-crisis & online teaching, we continued our DIALOGUE WITH INDUSTRY! This time – online.

Happy & proud to welcome our first guest-speaker this term, Mr. Tilman Weide, Senior Vice President Global Execution, at Linde – a specialist with an enormous & various experience from different fields & in different countries of the fascinating & challenging plant engineering business.  Within my Masterclass on “International Supply Chain & Sales Management” we focused on the issue of global procurement in international Project Management.

Impressive numbers & facts were presented Linde Engineering deals with: the sizes of the plants, amounts of people involved, number of components to be purchased, logistics challenges on the way from countries of manufacturing to countries of destination, complexity of procurement procedures, cultural differences & communication difficulties. We learnt about the strict compliance policy and demanding projects &ambitious targets to provide more sustainable solutions to Linde´s customers and employees. The feedback of my students: “Amazing!”, “Fascinating!”, ”Awesome!”,  “Great!”, “Fantastic!” Glad to see my students so curious and eager to learn more! This is what education is about – to inspire for more!

A week full of new impressions for me & my enthusiastic students! As part of my practice-oriented course on Sustainable SCM, we wanted to gather practical experience in dialogue with companies & on actual examples & challenges in business, in addition to the usual "theory" 😊 content. On our first stage we got an opportunity to visit 2 internationally operating companies in Saxony & talk to experts from management, logistics, purchasing, HR & QM. The companies gave us great insights into production processes, the entire inbound-, inner- & outbound logistics, we talked about quality requirements, competitive pressure & challenges in international sourcing. We talked about the demands of the modern working world on the personnel of today & tomorrow, about the digitalisation of processes to increase efficiency, about further training, diversity & the values & principles of modern corporate management. We took some homework with us & will be working on further creative solutions & checklists for more sustainability in all processes along the entire Supply Chains! Many thanks to both companies - VEM in Dresden & Bosch Power Tools in Sebnitz for a great reception & open discussion! Clear Purpose, Passion & Collaboration across functions/ institutions - for more Sustainability!

Interesting insights into the complex and challenging world of international Logistics with focus on Sustainability were presented to my Students of the Master Class on “Sustainable Supply Chain Management” by Mr. von Müller – Chief Logistics Officer of both “Nord Stream” – Projects! We were curious to learn about the challenges in such a global & one of Europe´s largest infrastructure project as Nord Stream 2 with 1,230-km-long pipeline route, 200,000 pipes, 4 storage sites in Germany, Sweden and Finland, 3 concrete weight coating plants, 500 shipments to interim storage yards of the 300 football-fields–size and about a hundred suppliers & service providers. We wanted to know how to implement sustainability into the whole Supply Chain & how to manage all parts to be delivered at the right time & to the right place. We spoke about environmental and social requirements, concerning Assessment and Management of Environmental & Social Risks, working conditions, resource efficiency and pollution prevention, about certification and permission issues in different countries. With the green logistic concept and German Logistic award of 2010 our guest speaker presented to us interesting facts, stories “around the project” & Lessons Learned. One of the keys to success seems to be the ability to communicate!

Ein atemberaubender Vortrag unseres äußerst erfahrenen Gastredners & eines vielseitigen Wissensträgers, Herr Knobloch, Leiter Strategic Business Development SE-Asia, inspirierte mich und meine Studenten! Der Anlagenbau ist eine anspruchsvolle Welt aus Hunderten von Lieferanten, Tausenden von Ausrüstungsgegenständen und vielen Entscheidungen, die in Bezug auf eine Vielzahl von Faktoren getroffen werden müssen.

In einer spannenden Diskussion sprachen wir über die Herausforderungen in einem so global agierenden Unternehmen mit großen internationalen Projekten und die Faktoren für eine erfolgreiche Projekt-/Prozess-/Unternehmensführung. Anhand von Beispielen aus zwei aktuellen Projekten in Brunei & Ungarn durchliefen wir den gesamten Ausführungsplan - von der Vertragsspezifikation, Standards & den Einkaufsprozessen bis hin zur Logistik & zum Baustellenmanagement. Wir haben uns auf das Thema Nachhaltigkeit entlang der gesamten Lieferkette konzentriert - von der genauen Beschaffung bis zur Materialwirtschaft auf der Baustelle. Studenten der Fachrichtung Environmental Engineering wollten mehr über das Carbon2Chem-Projekt erfahren - wie metallurgische Gase aus der Stahlproduktion zu wertvollen Vorprodukten für Kraftstoffe, Kunststoffe oder Düngemittel werden. Ein Werksbesuch steht für das nächste Semester auf unserer "To-Do-Liste". Beeindruckt vom Abenteuer im Anlagenbaugeschäft nutzten meine Studenten die Gelegenheit, sich über die Möglichkeiten zu informieren, die junge angehende Ingenieure mit Thyssen Krupp als Arbeitgeber haben. Inspirierend, informativ, lehrreich!

Inspiring guests & great contributions this week as part of my Dialogues with industry! We are talking about big changes in many production processes and the entire supply chain due to new technologies. The German global player  has great visions & sophisticated concepts on how to make the supply chain more efficient with digitalization. Oliver Schuck & Dennis Unger presented to us tremendous insights into the latest trends in the field of production logistics & various digital tools that are available today for the design of logistics processes with numerous vivid practical examples.  Change management, innovative approaches, digital transformation in industry & education are closely linked to a fundamental rethinking of business models, business processes, customer experiences & also corporate values. In cooperation with our partners from society & industry we are looking for new ways to create value, increase efficiency, improve quality of life and live a holistic sustainability!

Proud and happy to welcome today a very special guest to my lecture on International Supply Chain and Sales Management, an outstanding expert in his field, a person with huge industrial and educational background, a 2018-Thomas A. Edison-Award holder, the Chairman of the IECEx Conformity Assessment System – Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thorsten Arnhold!

Thank you for inspiring insights and lovely discussion with inquisitive international students into the world of Standardization and into the relationship between Standardization and Globalisation. Controlling access to almost every market in global commerce and directly affecting our world trade, Standards & Technical Regulation need more attention to be payed to – within our educational programmes and while executing international projects -  to identify the challenges, realise the opportunities and to set the right targets for more efficient International Sourcing and Sales.

Schmuckbild Knowledge Transfer
Bild von Gerd Altmann auf Pixabay

Knowledge Transfer

Suppliers´ Monitoring reloaded

Uzbekistan is not just a tourist destination with all those beautiful cities of the ancient Silk Road  but a very attractive market for world-leading plant engineering and manufacturing companies. Lot´s of projects are being implemented & planned at the moment to modernise chemical, e.g. production of melamine,  synthetic and silicone fibers, adhesive elements, potash fertilizer, сaustic soda and chlorine in Fergana, Navoi, Tashkent, Karakalpastan, oil- and gas-processing plants, e.g. Bukhara Refinery with an investment of more than a half a billion $ and to initiate new infrastructure projects, e.g. Tashkent airport,  and new energy projects, e.g. modernisation of power units 1-7 at Novo-Angrensk thermal power station – over 1 Bio. $, Construction of several Hydroelectric PP on Pskem, Akbulak, Dargom – 1, 6 Bio.$,  etc. Lots of inspections, conformity assessment procedures & audits done by State Standardization Body, State Inspectorate for Industrial Safety & Ecology and Industrial partners – project owners are planned to be conducted in Europa & Asia. Happy to contribute with my ideas of effective Suppliers’ monitoring & audit execution for 90 participants to provide efficient control, the required quality and overall success of all those huge projects. Think Quality!

Communication for Auditors

My teaching adventure led me this week to Kyrgyzstan! Was glad to come back –although only online – within GIZ/BMZE/ALPHA DeveloPP –Program & to share my ideas on the issue of Successful Communication for Auditors. Among my “students”- Kyrgyz State Inspectorate for Environmental & Technical Safety, Kyrgyz Republic Centre for Standardisation and Kyrgyz Technical University. Globalisation of Supply Chains and Internationalisation of companies´ activities attract lots of foreign investors & suppliers of different goods to the “Silk Road” – country with the huge history & quite a popular tourist destination (e.g. for hiking in Tian Shan), which results in the increased number of audits & Conformity Assessments to be conducted in the last years. An effective communication is an essential instrument for successful audits to achieve the required productivity, develop strong working relationships between different stakeholders & to deliver value for both partners. Being able to create the right atmosphere, to listen, to understand the motives & anticipate the needs of all partners, to ask the right questions, to negotiate, sometimes to motivate, to deal with critical situations – is a crucial audit skill and an ability of every leader!

From Efficient to Agile Factories through Digitalisation and Cooperation

Was glad to be invited to the 1. International Conference on “Information Technology in Engineering” held at “Stankin” Moscow State University – one of the leading Russian technological universities in Mechanical Engineering. The only one woman among 50 speakers (the gender equality has to be considered for the next time J) I spoke about changes, challenges, reasons and opportunities which digitalisation brings with it. To be flexible, to be able to react to ever changing conditions, situations and wishes of our customers it is vital to have an agile approach also in manufacturing. Transparency of information to meet the compliance and ethical requirements, better ecological values to meet Sustainable Development Goals, better  Competitiveness to succeed among numerous product providers from other countries, new business models – to provide not just products but also services – just some of the advantages of digitalisation.

To succeed in implementation of digital projects we have
1)     to pay attention to our mindset first – embracing the changes and the unknown areas
2)     to consider the whole supply chains and have a systems thinking, understanding all interdependencies
3)     to collaborate with different stakeholders across the globe
4)     to keep learning and teaching – ourselves, our employees, our management, our children
5)     to harmonize standards to have one basis for the global implementation and communication
Not being afraid of losing jobs or not being able to cope with the new world, but looking forward to the new opportunities and new freedoms that digitalisation offers us!!!

Sustainable Development – challenges and opportunities

Was glad to open today an international Conference “Sustainable Development – challenges and opportunities”, held (online) at St. Petersburg State University of Economics. Thanks for inviting me to share my ideas on the holistic implementation of Sustainability issues into corporate businesses with my Matryoshka-model. Why Matryoshka? An extraordinary doll, symbolizing the new way of acting, thinking beyond any boarders & out of the box, looking for creative solutions, all the interdependencies & interdisciplinarity, which are of great importance for the holistic approach of all those SDGs. In the end all those different fields & topics have to fit into each other, like all Matryoshka dolls do to build the Single One. In my Matryoshka there are 5 dolls, symbolizing the Сore Processes of a company, the Strategic Сhallenges, the interests of internal Stakeholders (employees), as well as external ones (suppliers, customers and all the partners), and an outer shell – the environmental challenges – which provide the fundament for all other issues. This Matryoshka-tool should help our partners to find a practical & visual approach to the topic of Sustainability to embrace the issue and to educate all the involved within & outside the businesses.

Many thanks also to all my Russian, Swedish, Danish, German, Finnish, Belgian, Dutch colleagues for their great impulses and Case Studies presented. Together we will “get the seeds grow”!

Ost-Ausschuss zu Gast

It was a huge pleasure to welcome last week Mr. Böhlmann, Head of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses within German Eastern Business Association ( OAOEV) and this week a scientific delegation from Usbekistan together with BMBF to discuss and to show them opportunities our university offers for young people eager to get knowledge with practical experience in cooperation with our business-partners and for companies looking for university-partners to conduct specific research on different issues – from implementation of the holistic sustainability into corporate culture till testing of possibilities for internal Supply Chains with the help of digital tools. For this we are very proud to show our small but unique factory 4.0.- the Industrial IoT Test Bed. A special interest receives always our chess-playing robot. Collaboration - is SDG № 17!

Kahoot - the favourite tool of my students

In addition to professional qualifications, didactic knowledge and pedagogical skills play a decisive role in the success of any professorial activity.

Nowadays, university teaching requires a new approach to knowledge transfer and teaching design, taking into account various findings from psychology and neurolinguistics. The most important task of lecturers today is to make students curious about various topics, to awaken in them the desire to work independently on specific topics relevant to them, to strengthen their motivation through targeted impulses and your own examples, to create space for the development of their own abilities, to create opportunities to overcome their own limits and to recognize their own strengths. It is also a matter of practical, illustrative examples, well-proportioned and "digestible" contents.

A number of methods are available to us today for this implementation, including playing - an instrument of knowledge acquisition in a natural atmosphere that should not be neglected.

On Teaching Day, which takes place in September at the HTW Dresden, teaching staff has the opportunity to exchange ideas on various didactic topics and to learn from and inspire each other. A contribution from me to the favourite tool of my students - "Kahoot". In a playful and, if desired, anonymous form (here the students can especially enjoy their creativity) the content of the lectures is repeated - this can take place at the beginning of the lesson, at the end or in between. This instrument is also very suitable for repeating the content at the end of the course as a preparation for an exam. Highly motivated to get many points and to achieve top positions, students pay the highest attention to the questions during this task. Through active participation and a certain amount of excitement, the material is easier to remember. Through playing with passion to learning success!

Implementation of Technical Regulation and Quality Infrustructure in Uzbekistan

Next step of the "DEVELOPP" (GIZ/ ALPHA) led me to Uzbekistan - a pearl of the Central Asia, an economically booming region with an incredibly impressive cultural history! The state is providing ca. 40 bil. $ to support the processing & refining of gas & oil, construction, electricity, chemical, textile & mining industries. All innovations are closely linked to the topic of Standardization/TR. Many investment projects involve international partners planning plants, supplying equipment & commissioning them. Difficulties involved? Reasons for possible increase of costs & times? What to consider when signing contracts? Which standards to use? How can audits of intern. suppliers in Europe be conducted efficiently? What are the vital factors for successful handling of international projects? What to do, if there are no own standards e.g. for Ex-equipment? Implementing TRCU, Atex, IECEx? These were the questions of our 2-days-workshop with Uzbek certification & surveillance bodies, representatives from industry & science. A holistic approach is important in every decision & in all negotiations with customers & partners - knowledge of all steps, of all normative-legal requirements, as well as comprehensive communication between all parties in the supply chain!

International Summer School on Sustainability

Devoted & ardent Collaboration with Colleagues, Business Partners and different Stakeholders of the society is the key to successful accomplishment of any project. Lots of inspiring insights and fruitful discussions with colleagues & partners from Russia, Sweden, Denmark and the Netherlands on the issue of Multidimensional Sustainable Development Management last June-week in St. Petersburg: from development of sustainable cities (with examples of Copenhagen and ambitious targets of St. Petersburg´s government & administration to create the most sustainable city in Russia and the Baltic Region to become an outstanding example of modern environmental, social and economic growth) through more responsible  businesses (creating sustainable Business-models) and to first-class Education for more sustainability in our global   society.

Summer School on Conformity Assessment in Kyrgyzstan

Proud to be a part of the develoPPP.de-Project on improving the systems of standardisation and market surveillance in Asia. Three days full of desired experience exchange, multilateral contribution and developing of new philosophy in executing audits and inspections by certification and supervising bodies at foreign machine manufacturing and plant engineering companies. A holistic approach and CO-operation are the key-factors for success. Thank you for an active participation and fruitful contribution to our common mission to Kyrgyzstandart, Kyrgyz State Inspectorate, Kyrgyz Gazprom, Kyrgyz Businesses, Members of Technical Committees and colleagues from Kyrgyz Universities. Look forward to meeting you all next year for continuing of our dialogue!


Proud to have been a part of the WoMentYou-Programme at Chemnitz University of Technology (TUC)! Inspiring and experienced coaches, encouraging and appreciative colleagues, challenging and thought-provoking workshops, precious and stimulating opinion exchange! Moving, colourful, unique! Tonight at “ Meteor” - honoured to be invited to speak to graduated mentees and "coming generation"!

International Cooperation with the leading Economic Grammar School in Moscow

Was glad to welcome this week 24 pupils from Moscow Plechanov-lyceum – one of the leading educational schools for economics in Russia - interested in opportunities our university offers to young people for studying! Motivated, open-minded & communicative young people eager to get experience in a foreign country, within international curriculum, to get to know our German educational system, our language, our culture & our people. Lots of questions were asked & many ideas discussed: regarding courses and modules we offer, the requirements for studying & possibilities for extracurricular activities, a short lecture held, the university campus and our state-of-the-art library presented. Our internationally oriented university with a wide range of practice-oriented courses combined with a variety of experience in application-oriented research is open for such international projects that contribute to more diversity and inclusion! We support the Initiative of the German-Russian Year of University Cooperation and Science and have a range of ideas and plans for successful achievement of our common targets towards continuous dialogue that embodies the 17th goal of sustainability for collaboration of various stakeholders across all borders!

The role of Cross-Cultural Communication in Business

Proud to give a welcome speech as a guest of honour at one of the largest universities in Russia, or partner university, RUT/MIIT, in Moscow during a conference on Intercultural Communication

All fields of business and all topics of the economy are closely connected with communication. Whether we negotiate contracts, select suppliers, distribute our products and services - everywhere we have to do with convincing our colleagues and partners, inspiring them, making ourselves understood and finding common solutions. Every problem arises from faulty communication, and every success depends on the quality of communication between all members of the demanding and comprehensive Supply Chain Network.

Every year we organise one-week-trips for our students to RUT/MIIT and welcome Russian students in Dresden. In Summer Term 2020 we are starting our double- degree programme – a unique opportunity for students from both universities to experience studying at foreign university and after successful accomplishment  to get two degrees from both universities.

Regulatory and Normative Challenges in Plant Engineering

Interesting and first-hand insights into the current projects in chemical and gas industry in Russia, Belorussia and Uzbekistan at Syngas Congress last week in Moscow. Heated discussions on huge challenges in the field of normative-regulatory requirements while executing investment projects with international engineering companies and technology & equipment providers. To ensure Technical Compliance on all stages of investment projects a systemic approach is required: identifying and considering all the regulation aspects, logical allocation all the responsibilities between involved parties and a final-target-oriented handling! We should re-think the issue of Normative-Regulatory Compliance for more efficient project execution!

Technical Regulation at German Eastern Business Association

In this time of trade war, political tensions, economic sanctions and “me-first-politics” it is crucial to create channels for continuing the dialogue. Thanks to all participants for joining us this week for the first bilateral discussion between German and Russian business communities regarding the wide range of question in the field of technical regulation, organised by OA and RSPP. Taking the lead of the “Quality Infrastructure” some ideas were introduced for dealing with horizontal issues, such as conformity assessment, standardization, market surveillance and vertical ones comprising different industries: from Chemicals and Construction Material, through Transportation facilities up to Mechanical and Plant Engineering. Another important issue we are going to work on is the digital transformation, including IoT, Smart City, Smart Energy Grid and Smart Manufacturing. There are so many fields to work on to be able to “speak one language” in the future. Thanks to all colleagues involved and companies (Siemens, SMS Group, BASF, Knauf, Alpha) and unions supporting the initiative!

Sustainability in Event Management

Glad to be invited to the 10th scientific Conference “Eventforschung“ by the Chair of Marketing and Trade Management to share my ideas on Sustainability with professional audience! With a passion for plant construction, the decision about my research was made very quickly in favour for THE event of the year - the Achema exhibition! Through 44 partially standardized interviews with plant engineering companies I aimed at finding out how sustainability is implemented into internal processes, whether sustainability is taken into account at the fair and how the topic is communicated internally and externally.

Thanks to all interviewees for their participation and exciting insights!  There are innovative projects in the industry and it is important that the knowledge transfer takes place in both directions: from the universities - to the industry AND vice versa. However, there is still a lot of catching up in the event management: the organisers, the exhibitors and we in education have to put more effort to make our contribution to a sustainable future!

 Sustainability and CSR are not just hype or fads! If you want to be economically successful in the FUTURE, you have to integrate the quality of society and the environment into your core business TODAY! This applies to all industries and all companies!

Schmuckbild "It's time to inspire!"
Bild von Gerd Altmann auf Pixabay

Lessons insights

Influenced in my own education by Maria Montessory (supportive learning), Barbara Oakley (neuroscientific insights) and Hans-Georg Mehlhorn (Creativity Education) I have been constantly looking for new formats for teaching at universities & in adult education. Those instruments that would inspire students and  keep them motivated, tools that would enable students to work on their own by doing their own research & in this way to learn how to learn, to develop a passion for some subjects and topics, to learn working in teams & to contribute to one common goal,  to have a strategic vision for their own achievements, sometimes to be patient but to know that they are developing their “root system” for “growing” later.  In this Corona- Semester among other creative tools, I tried the format of an Online Conference. Overwhelmed by the huge resonance from students and the quality & creativity of students´ Presentations & Posters. The geography of our participants was also amazing – exactly the right instrument in times of lock-downs to stay connected and being heard & visible!

Video "Students online conferece SS 2020" auf meinem Youtube-Kanal

This unusual Corona-Semester is almost over. All lectures and seminars have been performed online. My outcome - 57 webinars, 4 Students Online Conferences, 13 Bachelor- & Master thesis defences (some are still to come)-  proud to have managed them all. We used some other collaborative tools to ignite the interaction with & between students in this online semester:

  1. OPAL – for exchanging different documents
  2. Gotomeeting – for broadcasting, chatting & video recordings
  3. Kahoot – for practising and repeating the learned material in form of online quizzes
  4. Jamboard – for brain storming and feedback
  5. Yourpart – for collaborative organisation & allocating the work among students
  6. Padlet – for creative collecting of ideas and information
  7. Invote - for surveys & polling purposes during lectures
  8. CESIM – an online simulation game to experience the  complexity of operating an international company from a strategic & general management perspective

Therefore, we worked not just on our issues of International Trade &  SC & Sales Management, but by implementing new tools and developing new teaching-learning scenarios – on developing new digital competencies. Some of them can also be used in business communication. Feel free to try them out and to share what other tools can be helpful. In Cooperation – to Success!

Video "Online Semester SS 2020" auf meinem Youtube-Kanal

Teaching nowadays requires a new approach on how the knowledge is conveyed & lessons are held at modern Educational Institutions- self-determining, creative, practice-oriented. Teaching is also about mentoring, enabling & motivating students to participate actively in studies & social life, to think in a problem-solving-oriented way, to go new ways, to create something new. This also includes an active business planning. Proud of my extraordinarily creative students progressing this term with great topics & startup ideas as part of my business plan seminar: Ideas that would make life easier for older people & families with children, that could ensure a more flexible work of tomorrow, that create modern interactive teaching concepts for early childhood development, that contribute to more sustainability in events & university life and that can improve the life of the whole society & the state of our planet. Think big! Think out of the Box! Go for your Passion! Business planning should become an integral part of every university education! (waiting for the "lion" 😊 for experience sharing & a new portion of motivation!)

Master-Course Sustainable Supply Chain Management 

I hoch 5 :

  • International 
  • Interdisciplinary
  • Interactive
  • Innovative
  • Inspiring

Video "SSCM" auf meinem Youtube-Kanal

Herewith a short summary of INSIGHTS into our lessons – the target is always to inspire, to activate and to motivate our curious students for more!!! By using different types of exercises that allow them to be creative, to implement new chunks of knowledge, to develop solutions, to communicate with each other, to do some research of their own and TO LEARN HOW TO LEARN!!!

Russia Impressions

The Moscow Metro is a legend! It is one of the most extravagant architectural projects of the former USSR and one of the most beautiful in the world! The main station of the Circle Line Nr. 5 are touristic highlights, decorated with mosaic, chandeliers (like in a theatre), Colourful Paintings and Interesting Statues. Some are dedicated to certain events or famous people.

Do you know which of the following is called “Mendeleevskaja”? Do you know who Mendeleev was? Did you pay attention in chemistry class at school?

Do you know that in these lecture hall with balconies like in a theatre Mayakowsky  held one of his last speeches and Vysozkiy gave a concert? Do you know this famous and very popular with students and all Russian Movie makers lecture hall with a marvellous Foucult Pendulum? The oldest Russian economic university has a huge history and offers a variety of opportunities for young people to master their skills and experience the science, politics and culture life in the heart of the Russian capital city! Proud to announce that we are offering a unique double-degree-programme for Bachelor students in “International Business”, which enables them to go for one year to the beautiful city of Moscow and to get 2 degrees at the end! The number of places is limited. For more information please check our website: https://www.htw-dresden.de/hochschule/fakultaeten/wirtschaftswissenschaften/studium/doppelabschlussprogramme/plekhanov

Умом Россию не понять,
Аршином общим не измерить.
У ней – особенная стать –
в Россию можно только верить.

Verstand wird Russland nie verstehen,
Gemeines Maß will auch nichts taugen
Es hat ein sonderbares Wesen –
An Russland kann man einzig glauben.

Who would grasp Russia with the mind?
For her no yardstick was created:
Her soul is of a special kind.
By faith alone appreciated.

Fedor Tyutchev, 1866
Picture Source –JK´ own photo,
Tretyakovskaya Gallery, Moscow. Paintings by Levitan, Yuon, Shishkin, Levitan.

A spectacular program with numerous company visits, such as Russian Railways/RZD, RUSAL, SAP, PWC, C1, great lectures by the business and scientific elite and indescribable impressions and experiences of one of the most beautiful capitals in the world! We are enthusiastic about the country and its people, fully motivated to build up further relationships with Russia, Russian culture and Russian society and thus to contribute to better international understanding, to break down still prevailing stereotypes and to promote the openness, tolerance and interdisciplinary for our cooperation. Many thanks to the Russian University of Transport ( RUT/ MIIT) welcoming us and contributing enormously to the success of this week! Unique! Unforgettable! Impressive! Educational! Life enriching!


Prof. Julia Krause engagiert sich für die vielschichtige Nachhaltigkeit – in der Gesellschaft, in der Lehre, in der Wirtschaft und in der Industrie und ist seit 2018 Mitglied im Nachhaltigkeitsnetzwerk Hoch N.

Nachhaltigkeit 3 an der HTW – durch a) Lehre, b) Kooperationen und c) Wissenstransfer.

Video zur Nachhaltigkeit auf meinem Youtube-Kanal

Schmuckbild Nachhaltigkeit Grüne Erde wird in der Hand gehalten
Bild von Gerd Altmann auf Pixabay

Wintersemester 2024/25

  • Pflichtmodul im Studiengang W71 - Betriebswirtschaft
    im 1. Semester
Modul in Modulux
  • Pflichtmodul im Studiengang W74 - International Business
    im 3. Semester
Modul in Modulux

Sommersemester 2025

  • Wahlpflichtmodul im Studiengang W71 - Betriebswirtschaft
    im 4. Semester in der Vertiefung "Vertiefungsmodule"
  • Wahlpflichtmodul im Studiengang W72 - Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen
    im 4. Semester in der Vertiefung "Vertiefungsmodule BWL"
Modul in Modulux
  • Pflichtmodul im Studiengang W74 - International Business
    im 2. Semester
Modul in Modulux
  • Pflichtmodul im Studiengang I42 - Wirtschaftsinformatik
    im 2. Semester
Modul in Modulux
  • Wahlpflichtmodul im Studiengang W78 - International Management
    im 2. Semester
  • Wahlpflichtmodul im Studiengang W79 - German Business Culture and International Management
    im 2. Semester
  • Wahlpflichtmodul im Studiengang W75 - International Management
    im 1. Semester
  • Wahlpflichtmodul im Studiengang W76 - Management mittelständischer Unternehmen
    im 1. Semester
  • Wahlpflichtmodul im Studiengang W72 - Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen
    im 1. Semester
Modul in Modulux
  • Wahlpflichtmodul im Studiengang W76 - Management mittelständischer Unternehmen
    im 1. Semester
  • Wahlpflichtmodul im Studiengang W72 - Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen
    im 1. Semester
Modul in Modulux