Application of Sustainable Materials for International Logistic Solutions
is a collaborative effort by esteemed institutions & companies:
- Dresden University of Applied Sciences (HTWD),
- Hochschule Zittau / Görlitz (HSZG),
- Technical University Dresden, Institute of Natural Materials Technology (TUD INMT),
- Von Ardenne GmbH, Dresden
- Lausitzer Naturfaser Company Network, Ebersbach-Neugersdorf
Overall responsibility:
Dresden University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gunther C. Stehr
Here’s what awaits you:
- Learn from Leading Experts:
Engage directly with domain-leading teams as they delve into the latest research and technological advancements in material science.
From breakthroughs in Sustainable Materials to innovative applications in Logistic Solutions, you’ll gain insights that shape the future.
- Diverse Topics Covered:
Our comprehensive curriculum spans a range of topics.
- International Collaboration: Immerse yourself in a dynamic learning environment by joining an international student team representing two different countries. Exchange ideas, perspectives, and cultural insights while working together on exciting learning topics.
- Explore Dresden & Saxony: Beyond the classroom, discover the vibrant city of Dresden—soon to be the European Capital of Culture in 2025.
Engage in captivating activities, connect with fellow students, and broaden your horizons.
Earn 3 Credits (ECTS) for your study. The Summer School “Sustainable Logistic Solutions” is rewarded by 3 Credits (ECTS, Modul M969) as part of the HTWD Studium Integrale.
Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of a global community of bright minds.
Klick here for the Impression Video 2023 of our international and interdisziplinary Summer School 2023 with German and Vietnamese students. It tooks place in Ho-Chi-Minh-City and South Vietnam.
Klick here for the Impression Video 2024 of our international and interdisziplinary Summer School 2024 with participants from Vietnam, India, China, Namibia and Germany! It tooks place in Saxony/Germany.
Program details:
Responsible Person for the daily program: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gunther C. Stehr
HTW Dresden, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
14:00 Arrival in Dresden
14:30 Check-in International Guest House
GATHERING OF ALL PARTICIPANTS: 17:45 International Guest House, Hochschulstr. 50, main entrance
18:00 Get together & Dinner with international students from VGU Vietnam, HTWD, HSZG and TU Dresden, room Z146a
Responsible Person for the daily program: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ingo Gestring
HTW Dresden, Faculty of Business Administration
GATHERING OF ALL PARTICIPANTS: 08:45 International Guest House, Hochschulstr. 50, main entrance
09:00 Get together, HTW Dresden. main building, cafeteria
09:15 Official Welcome & Opening Ceremony, room S235
10:00 Introduction to the partner institutions and companies
11:00 Sustainable Packaging Solutions for Machine Parts, Part A: introduction & tasks
13:00 Sustainable Packaging Solutions for Machine Parts, Part B: team work session
15:00 HTWD Campus Tour: Materials Sciences, VR Lab Building Systems Engineering, Library, Lab Factory I4.0
18:30 Dinner at Campus Bar & Restaurant
Responsible Person for the daily program: Dr.-Ing. Ulf Seyfert
Von Ardenne GmbH, Director Technology and R&D-Cooperation
GATHERING OF ALL PARTICIPANTS: 07:30 International Guest House, Hochschulstr. 50, main entrance
09:15 General Introduction to Von Ardenne company
10:00 Requirements for international shipping of wear and spare parts for coating plants
11:00 Company Visit: Von Ardenne GmbH
13:00 Sustainable Packaging Solutions for Machine Parts, Part C: presentations
15:00 Work Shop: based on part C and VA requirements: assessment of ideas & solutions, prizing
17:00 Dinner at cozy beer garden restaurant “ElbeGarten”, next to the historical bridge “Blaues Wunder”
Responsible Person for the daily program: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gunther C. Stehr
HTW Dresden, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
GATHERING OF ALL PARTICIPANTS: 09:00 International Guest House, Hochschulstr. 50, main entrance
09:30 sightseeing tour, Dresden city center
11:00 free time, shopping
16:00 museum visit “Mathematisch-Physicalischer Salon”, Zwinger Dresden
18:00 dinner at restaurant “Watzke am Goldenen Reiter”
Responsible Person for the daily program: Dr.-Ing. Linh Tuan Mai
HTW Dresden, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
GATHERING OF ALL PARTICIPANTS: 09:00 International Guest House, Hochschulstr. 50, main entrance
10:00 Königstein Fortress, 800 years of history of kings and the Middle Ages
13:00 Bastei Bridge in the Elbe Sandstone Mountains
16:00 transfer to Zittau
Responsible Person for the daily program: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Jens Weber
HSZG Zittau, Faculty of Nature and Environmental Sciences
08:30 Welcome, introduction to the topics
09:00 Introduction to HSZG, Faculty of Natural and Environmental Sciences
10:50 team work: which resources can be used for sustainable packaging? Part A: introduction & tasks
13:20 team work: which resources can be used for sustainable packaging? Part B: problem solving by the students, Q&A
15:10 Lab Tour: Material Sciences - separation and processing of natural fibres
Responsible Person for the daily program: Dr. rer. nat. Matthias Kinne
Lausitzer Naturfaser UG, Ebersbach-Neugersdorf, General Manager
10:00 General Introduction to Lausitzer Naturfaser Ebersbach UG
11:00 lecture & seminar: The use of natural residual fibers in the production of single-use materials, packaging, and consumables represents a sustainable approach to manufacturing
13:00 team work session: Life Production of single use consumables
14:00 KI-assited Brain Storming: Substitution and Reduction: A Mind Map to a Better World!
Responsible Person for the daily program: Dr. rer. nat. Matthias Kinne
Lausitzer Naturfaser UG, Ebersbach-Neugersdorf, General Manager
09:00 Linnaeus Competence Center Hemp
10:00 museum visit: Lenten Veil of Zittau
13:00 departure to Zittau Mountains
13:30 Oybin Castle & Monastery
17:00 transfer to Dresden
19:00 arrival International Guest House
Responsible Person for the daily program: Prof. Dr.-Ing. André Wagenführ
Technical University Dresden, Institute of Natural Materials Technology, Wood & Fibre Material Technology
GATHERING OF ALL PARTICIPANTS: 07:30 International Guest House, Hochschulstr. 50, main entrance
09:00 workshop: Presentation of the Chair of Wood Technology and Fiber Materials Technology
10:45 Lab visit: Wood technology (Pirna, Pratzschwitzer Str. 15)
10:30 hands-on: production of compostable packaging examples
13:30 Lab visit: Paper technology (Dresden, Marschnerstr. 39)
15:30 Lab visit and presentation: introduction to packaging machinery (Dresden, Bergstr. 120)
Responsible Person for the daily program: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gunther C. Stehr
HTW Dresden, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
GATHERING OF ALL PARTICIPANTS: 08:00 International Guest House, Hochschulstr. 50, main entrance
08:30 Introduction to the summarizing of achievements, room S235
09:00 teamwork session #1: preparation of final presentations of the student groups
10:45 teamwork session #2: preparation of final presentations of the student groups
13:00 group presentation: final presentation learnings, achievements, experiences and conclusions
15:00 free time for shopping
18:00 Awards Ceremony: Awarding of the best presentations
18:30 Farewell Event at HTWD Rosengarten
This Summer School will be continued in 2025!
At our partner university Vietnamese German University (VGU), we will continue this Summer School in 2025. Sources of sustainable packaging material like bamboo and other natural resources are processed in South Vietnam, next to the river Mekong delta.