Diploma Correspondence Course: Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
Distance learning is a form of study equivalent to direct study. It consists of
- Basic studies (1st - 4th semester)
- Specialised studies (including diploma thesis, 5th - 10th semester)
The educational objective, course content and examination requirements of the distance learning diploma course correspond to those of the direct study course in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, whereby a combination of three study specialisations is possible:
Information and Electronics
with Automation and Mechatronics
Energy and Drives
with Automation and Mechatronics
As for all other degree programmes, a university entrance qualification (ger.: HZB) is required for admission.
- Module overview (incl. selectable specialisations)pdf - 134 kB
Weitere Dokumente/ Antragsformulare finden Sie hier: https://www.htw-dresden.de/en/university/faculties/electrical-engineering/study/diploma-correspondence-course-electrical-engineering-and-information-technology
Elektrotechnik und Informationsstechnik - Diplom-Ingenieur/-in (FH)
Sie sind fasziniert von den Möglichkeiten automatischer Produktion, Industrierobotern und Funktechnologien? Sie möchten, dass komplexe Elektroniksysteme in der Kommunikations-und Medizintechnik oder Elektromobile zuverlässig und ohne Risiko für Mensch und Umwelt funktionieren? Sie interessieren sich für die Vielfalt der Energieerzeugung und -nutzung? Und Sie möchten überwiegend im Selbststudium studieren und bei Bedarf auf regelmäßige Konsultationstermine bei Fragen zu den Lehrinhalten zugreifen können? Dann ist das Fernstudium Elektrotechnik und Informationsstechnik das Richtige für Sie!
Diplom (FH)
Study type
Correspondence course
Winter semester
![Certified until 31st August 2031 by HTW Dresden](/_assets/778a6f75a7d7c92abe6eb03e76937958/Images/certified.png)
Period of study
10 Semester(s)
ECTS credits
Teaching language
No longer matriculated
Elektrotechnik/Kommunikationstechnik - Diplom-Ingenieur/-in (FH)
Sie sind fasziniert von den Möglichkeiten automatischer Produktion, Industrierobotern und Funktechnologien? Sie möchten, dass komplexe Elektroniksysteme in der Kommunikations- und Medizintechnik oder Elektromobile zuverlässig und ohne Risiko für Mensch und Umwelt funktionieren? Sie interessieren sich für die Vielfalt der Energieerzeugung und -nutzung? Und Sie möchten berufsbegleitend und überwiegend im Selbststudium studieren und bei Bedarf auf regelmäßige Konsultationstermine bei Fragen zu den Lehrinhalten zugreifen können? Dann ist das Fernstudium Elektrotechnik/Kommunikationstechnik das Richtige für Sie! Der Studienablauf ist auf 10 Semester gestreckt, um die Anforderungen aus Beruf und Studium vereinbar zu gestalten.
Electrical Engineering/Communications Technology - Diplom-Ingenieur (FH)
Are you fascinated by the possibilities of automatic production, industrial robots and radio technologies? Would you like that complex electronic systems such as communication and medical technology or electric vehicles work reliably and without risk to people and the environment? Are you interested in the various ways to generate and use electrical energy? And you would like to study mainly in self-study and have access to regular consultation appointments for questions about the course content if required? Then the distance learning course Electrical Engineering/Communications Technology is the right course for you!
Diplom (FH)
Study type
Correspondence course
Winter semester
Period of study
10 Semester(s)
ECTS credits
Teaching language
Diplom (FH)
Study type
Correspondence course
Winter semester
Period of study
10 Semester(s)
ECTS credits
Teaching language
Diplom (FH)
Study type
Correspondence course
Winter semester
Period of study
10 Semester(s)
ECTS credits
Teaching language
Diploma Correspondance Course: Electrical Engineering/Communication Technology
This degree programme will be replaced by the Diploma Correspondance Course Electrical Engineering and Information Technology from winter semester 2024/25.
Students who are already enrolled on the Correspondance Course Electrical Engineering/Communication Technology will remain on it.
Distance learning is a form of study equivalent to direct study This degree programme consists of
- Basic studies (1st - 5th semester)
- Specialised studies (incl. diploma thesis, 6th - 10th semester)
The educational objective, course content and examination requirements of the distance learning degree programme in Electrical Engineering/Communication Technology at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering correspond to those of the direct study programme in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, whereby four study specialisations can be combined in different ways.
Appropriate combinations of the specialisations are
- Communications Engineering/Signal Processing
- Automation Technology/Signal Processing
- Automation Engineering/Electrical Power Engineering
As for all other degree programmes, the admission requirement is a university entrance qualification (ger.: HZB).
In addition to the self-study components, the programme also includes approx. 5 attendance days per semester, plus 2 - 3 online consultation sessions (each on Saturdays) and one attendance week (Monday to Saturday) in February and September under the consultative guidance of professors from the university In addition to seminar-based courses and laboratory practicals, they also serve to monitor academic performance and to conduct examinations.
- Study plan (from 2012/13)pdf - 48 kB
- Amendments to the study plan (from 2012/13)pdf - 327 kB
- Module overview (incl. selectable specialisations)pdf - 209 kB
Weitere Dokumente/ Antragsformulare finden Sie hier: https://www.htw-dresden.de/en/university/faculties/electrical-engineering/study/diploma-correspondence-course-electrical-engineering-and-information-technology
![Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Henker](/uploads/tx_xmhtwpeople/Frontend-Nutzer-Bilder/_processed_/0/8/csm_mhenker_5f04495c40c58_29f214382e.jpg)