Faculty of Electrical Engineering

Programmable logic controllers (PLC)

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The focus of the laboratory training of students in the fields of automation technology and computer engineering, electrical power engineering and drive technology and mechatronic systems and vehicle mechatronics in the PLC laboratory is on the design, implementation and commissioning of software-based control processes based on programmable logic controllers.

In order to achieve a high educational effect, the students work in small groups on typical tasks using modern control technology, such as B. the SIMATIC-S7.

The goal is the largely independent development and testing of control programs based on current PLC technical languages.

We provide you with basic knowledge of the structure of automation systems, their configuration and parameterization. You will learn how to use the STEP 7 basic software and the basics of programming, troubleshooting and basic knowledge of the HMI system WinCC. You will also get an overview of PROFIBUS DP.

Trial overview

Heating control (monitoring and controlling the model of a house heating system)
Belt control
XY positioning (cross table)
Flow control
CNC path control

Supervising professors and laboratory engineers