Dear Graduates of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at HTW Dresden!
Since 1992 electrical engineers have been successfully trained at the HTW Dresden and you are now one of them! Congratulations!
During this period there have been many changes and innovations in the Faculty of Electrical Engineering. In the future, the professors and staff will continue to put a lot of effort into the further development of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and to meet the new challenges.
Would you like to know how the Faculty of Electrical Engineering will continue?
Would you like to be informed about events (scientific seminars, official events, ...) of the faculty in the future and keep in touch with your university?
Perhaps you would even like to contribute to the future design of our faculty with suggestions?
Then subscribe to our alumni list (e-mail to: so that we can add you to the distribution list. (The data will be used exclusively for the alumni work of our faculty in compliance with the data protection regulations).
We hope that you will have fond memories of your time studying at our faculty and we are also pleased to receive feedback from a wide variety of fields of activity.
We greet you most sincerely
on behalf of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ralf Collmann

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