
The DEAL agreement with Elsevier

  • HTWD members have reading access to around 2,500 Elsevier journals.
  • Elsevier charges a publication fee of 2,575 euros (net) for publishing in one of the approximately 1,800 subscription journals ("Core Hybrid").
  • Elsevier grants a discount of 20 percent on the publication fees for a publication in one of the 660 Gold Open Access journals ("Core Gold").
  • Members of the HTWD can apply for a grant from the publication fund to pay these fees before submitting their publication.

The DEAL agreement with Elsevier in detail:

By participating in the DEAL agreement with Elsevier, HTWD members receive reading access to the publisher's entire journal portfolio. This includes around 2,500 titles in volumes since 1995 - including the "brands" Cell Press and The Lancet.

The DEAL agreement continues to provide standardized conditions for Open Access publishing at Elsevier: The publisher distinguishes between traditional subscription journals ("Core Hybrid") and Gold Open Access journals ("Core Gold").

Elsevier charges authors a publication fee of 2,575 euros (net) for a publication in one of the approximately 1,800 subscription journals. This fee is charged for both Open Access and Closed Access publications. For a publication in one of the approximately 660 Gold Open Access journals, Elsevier charges authors publication fees according to their current price lists. A discount of 20 percent is granted on these list prices on the basis of the DEAL agreement. For the payment of these fees, HTWD members can apply for a grant from the Publication Fund before submission.

Find out where and how to identify a suitable journal in our publication guide under "Step 2 - Find the right publication venue!". On the Publication Fund page, you can find out how and under what conditions you can apply for funding.


Are you planning a publication with Elsevier? Get in touch with us!