![[Translate to English:] Menschengruppe steht am Fluss, daneben VW Bus](/fileadmin/HTW/Fakultaeten/Bauingenieurwesen/Bilder/wasser/Langbild_Uferfiltration1.jpg)
Bank Filtration
Bank filtration is a process during which surface water is subjected to subsurface flow prior to extraction from vertical or horizontal wells. The raw water discharged from the abstraction well consists of a mixture of infiltrated river water and groundwater recharged on the landside catchment. From a water resources perspective, RBF is normally characterised by an improvement in water quality. Therefore, RBF is a well-proven treatment step, which at numerous sites worldwide is part of a multi-barrier approach to drinking water supply.
Dr.-Ing. Cornelius Sandhu
senior researcher
- U 203
- +49 351 462 2661
Bank Filtration Projects in India