Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Jens Engel
Professorship for Geotechnics
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Teaching Area:
Soil and rock properties
Considering the geological information and mineralogy in the assessment of the building material
Investigation of subsoil properties
laboratory tests
Soil mechanics basics
soil and rock Classification
Material laws and characteristic values of soils
Basics of static analysis of soil
Earthwork construction, foundation and dam
Building Foundation (construction methods, preliminary design and verification)
Excavations (shoring systems, dewatering, verification)
Dam construction for hydraulic and traffic engineering
Special topics
Damage to structures caused by foundation soil
Numerical methods for verifications in geotechnics
Service phases of geotechnical projects
research topics:
For more information on current and finished research projects, click here.
geotechnical project management
- Integrated system PrAG - an inclusive archive for geotechnical projects encompassing the records and administration of all work steps in the procedure of a project progress
- Geo-DATe - Recording and evaluating the laboratory tests
- TeRRaS - a systematic database for characteristic of soil and rock samples
- geo-PArc - characteristic values of subsoil layers
- geo-ExpReS - an interface to record exploration results
Development of novel foundation elements
Earthworks on loose soils
- Interdisciplinary German-Czech advanced training project
- Earthworks in landfill construction