Capacity Building in Africa - CEMEREM
CEMEREM Kenyan-German "Centre of Excellence for Mining, Environmental Engineering and Resource Management"
8th African-German centre of excellence
Joint project between the Taita Taveta University (TTU), the University of Applied Sciences Dresden (HTWD, Projectleader), TU Bergakademie Freiberg to develop at TTU a centre of excellence in mining, environmental engineering and resourcemanagement education and research. This project aims to foster scientific and cultural exchange between the project partners, industrial and governmental institutions in Kenya and Germany.
Specific Objectives
- Develop and improve curricula for new and existing academic programmes (B.Eng., M.Sc. and PhD) to ensure practice-oriented education & training of local engineers & managers.
- Train a new generation of mining, process and environmental engineers and resource managers for industry and government.
- Build human capacity at TTU to offer training in mining and environmental engineering and resource management.
- Network with industry and governments in the region in quality assurance for the proposed training programmes as well as research and training of engineers and resource managers.
- Integrate sustainability concepts (societal, environmental, spatial and economic) into the pedagogical and implementation framework of the training, research and project activities.
Kenya has a huge mining potential but still in the early exploration phase as it was mapped as an agricultural zona. However, Kenya is an important player in markets of non-metallic minerals such as soda ash (3rd world producer) or fluorspar (7th world producer). It is also an important producer of metallic minerals like titanium, gold or iron. Moreover, rare earth elements were recently discovered in the coastal region which, if well exploded, could lead Kenya to the world top 5 producer countries. All in all, it is expected that the mining sector will increase its contribution to the GDP from the current 1% to 6.5 % (Kenyan Mining Investment Handbook 2015). The development of the extractive sector is one of the six priority goals stated in the Kenya Vision 2030 Strategic Development and therefore, in the short run, more mining experts will be required in order to fulfil this goal. On the other hand, currently Kenya is already suffering a lack of research and practice-oriented specialist which could sustainably manage a mine.
CEMEREM bietet folgende Programme an:
- BSc Mining and Mineral Processing Engineering
- MSc Mining Engineering
- MBA Natural Resource Management
- MSc Process Engineering
- MSc Environmental Engineering
- PhD Mining Engineering
- PhD Process Engineering
CEMEREM offers scholarships for these programs. Teaching is supported by German partner universities.
- Development of an online sales platform for gemstones,
- Improving the quality of the potable water the region,
- Improvement of the waste water treatment,
- Pilot plan for biogas production,
- Generation of solar power energy,
- Development of support and services for small scale mining communities,
- Improvement of waste management.
Taita Taveta University, Voi, Kenia - Prof. Fred Simiyu Baras
TU Bergakademie Freiberg - Prof. Dr. Carsten Drebenstedt
University of Applied Sciences Zittau / Görlitz - Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen I. Schoenherr
Project Leader
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Ulrike Feistel
Dean of Studies Master Environmental Engineering
- Z 841
- +49 351 462 2668

Project Coordinator: