![[Translate to English:] Sickerschlitzgraben im WW Dresden-Hosterwitz](/fileadmin/HTW/Fakultaeten/Bauingenieurwesen/Bilder/wasser/Sickerschlitzgraben_im_WW_Dresden-Hosterwitz.jpg)
5. International Summer School on Managed Aquifer Recharge from 03/07 to 14/07/2023
The Division of Water Sciences at the Dresden University of Applied Sciences is organising the 6. International Summer School "Managed Aquifer Recharge" (MARISS) in August/September 2025. Due to climate change, groundwater recharge, in addition to demand management, is an important measure to conserve, convey and safeguard groundwater systems and to protect and improve water quality. Managed aquifer recharge - MAR-, also called groundwater recharge, water banking and artificial recharge, is the targeted recharge of water in aquifers for later recovery or environmental benefit. It includes methods such as bank filtration, infiltration ponds and injection wells, and uses natural water sources and appropriately treated urban storm water, wastewater and other effluents to increase groundwater storage, protect and improve water quality, and provide supplies during drought and emergencies. MAR can play an important role as a measure to control over-abstraction and restore groundwater balance, can also be used to maintain or improve ecosystem function and groundwater quality. The one-week International Summer School MARISS focuses on sharing and exchanging knowledge and new ideas in the field of MAR and Riverbank filtration (RBF).
The two-week summer school is an advanced training course for Master's students, Ph.D. students, and young engineers and scientists on applied aspects of managed aquifer recharge with a focus on bank filtration. The course includes lectures, computer work, laboratory experiments, and technical field trips to MAR sites. Candidates must have at least a BSc. in environmental engineering, environmental sciences, geology, hydrogeology, hydrology, geosciences, groundwater and water resources management, and water sciences. As the summer school is held in English, applicants are expected to have advanced knowledge of the language.The number of participants is limited to 12.
The Summer School is structured in:
- 8 days of class lectures, laboratory experiments and numerical modelling exercises
- 2 days Technical Excursions to MAR/RBF sites in Saxony and waterworks
- Half a day of MAR discussion and open questions
The class lectures are divided into 6 Blocks/Modules: 01 - Hydraulic Aspects, 02 - Well Design and Site Selection, 03 - Numerical Modelling, 04 - Water Quality Aspects, 05 - Monitoring and Post-treatment, 06 - Regulations and Guidelines
A highly interdisciplinary approach is taken to teaching, drawing on the diverse skills of key staff at the University of Applied Sciences (HTWD), Technical University Dresden (TUD) and Technological Centre for Water Dresden (TZWD).
Free and open-source software is used for the applied lectures.
Assessment and awarding of credits
The recognition of 5 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) is foreseen for participants who attend 100% of the summer school programme and pass the MARISS exam and the group project. At the beginning of the summer school, the participants will be divided into 3-4 groups to work on a MARISS group project on the topic of "MAR design and site selection", comprising 2 ECTS. The results will be shown in the form of a .ppt presentation on Thursday 13/07/2023. The MARISS exam, comprising 3 ECTS, will take place on Thursday 13/07/2023 and will cover all topics presented during the summer school in the form of multiple-choice questions and simple calculations.
All participants will receive a Certificate of Attendance listing the topics covered during the summer school and a Studium Integrale Certificate indicating the number of credits and the grade obtained in the exam and the oral presentation of the group project.
Applicants are requested to submit their application together with the following attachments by email to mariss(at)htw-dresden.de by 28/02/2023:
- Registration form with motivation and expectations (.pdf) Important! The motivation letter/expectations should not exceed 70/100 words.
- Recent curriculum vitae (.pdf).
- A scanned copy of a valid passport (.pdf).
The MARISS Selection Committee will evaluate the documents submitted by the applicants and select the most suitable applicants to participate in the Summer School on the basis of a ranking list. Successful applicants will be notified by email by the end of March at the latest.
Upon receipt of the acceptance email, you will be asked to confirm your participation in the MARISS Summer School. However, if unforeseen events occur (e.g. travel restrictions due to COVID-19, illness, family reasons), please inform us as soon as possible so that we can place participants on the waiting list. In this case, please DO NOT forget to cancel your room reservation and flight tickets.
Registration fee
The summer school is free of charge for all lecture materials, professional excursions, coffee breaks and the Icebreaker dinner. However, the costs for accommodation, travel, visa and meals during the lectures have to be paid by the participants themselves.
Scholarships of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
Within the framework of the DAAD project Future.East - HTW Dresden, up to 5 scholarships are awarded to Master's and doctoral students studying abroad. The scholarships partially cover the costs for travel, accommodation and meals for the duration of the summer school.
Candidates are requested to submit their application by email to mariss@htw-dresden.de by 28/02/2023. The required documents are those mentioned above and in addition
- A scanned copy of university affiliation (proof of enrolment in a Master's or Doctoral degree program) valid until at least 31/07/2023.
Successful applicants will be notified by the end of May at the latest. The scholarship will be paid in cash upon registration for the MARISS Summer School on Monday, 03/07/2023.
MARISS has reserved rooms at the International Guest House (IGH) from 02/07/2023 (arrival) to 15/07/2023 (departure) (https://www.studentenwerk-dresden.de/english/wohnen/gastinfo.html, 5 minutes walk from the MARISS venue):
- 6 x 1-room apartment for one person (for students: 450 €; for non-students: 524 €) *New prices!*
- 6 x single rooms in shared apartments (for students: 373 €; for non-students: 447 €) *New prices!*
All prices include bed linen and towels. All rooms/apartments are equipped with a kitchen. The costs are stated subject to a price adjustment as of 01/01/2023. The participant is responsible for the booking and the cancellation of the room. Please note: Cancellations up to 30 calendar days before arrival are free of charge. Thereafter, up to 80% of the accommodation costs will be charged. Cancellation is no longer possible from 3 working days before arrival.
You are welcome to come to Germany/Dresden before the MARISS Summer School starts and stay longer after 15/07/ to enjoy the summer season in Saxony. Please note, however, that the rooms at the IGH are only available from 02/07 to 15/07/2023. Before/after this date, please arrange your own accommodation.
Meals are not included in the price, but several canteens, cafés, restaurants, and shopping centers are within 2-3 minutes' walking distance from the IGH and the MARISS venue.
Click here, or click here, to find out if you need a visa to enter Germany. Be aware that the application process can take several weeks. If you require a letter of invitation, please send us an email.
Arrival in Dresden
Dresden can be reached by Train and long-distance buses, as well as via international airports, e.g. International Airport Dresden, International Airport Berlin, or International Airport Prague, all of which are connected to trains and long-distance buses.
Summer Schools in Europe
IAH Commission on Managed Aquifer Recharge
The international summer school on Managed Aquifer Recharge, MARISS, is funded by the DAAD within the framework of Future.East "HAW.international" Project.