Faculty of Spatial Information

Dr.-Ing. Helga Tauscher


Graph-based methods for configurable transformation and integration of digital building models with other domains such as visualization, thermal energy simulation or geospatial data resources.

Publications: ORCID, Research profile: FIS


Student research assitants

We are looking for student assitants for the following projects. The full job posting with tasks and requirements are sent out on request.

  • testing, documentation and maintenance Opensource BIMserver
  • layout of UML diagrams for Industry Foundation Classes (IFC)

Project assignments and final thesis

Here are some keywords for possible subjects: BIM, data integration, IFC, CityGML, visualization, geometry derivation, FreeCAD, information modelling, UML, Opensource BIMserver. Send me a message if you know a suitable theme or have a first idea. A list with potential topics can be found here for students of HTW Dresden.

Dr.-Ing. Helga Tauscher


Dr.-Ing. Helga Tauscher


  • Compulsory elective module in the study programme B14 - Environmental Engineering
    in the 3. semester
  • Compulsory elective module in the study programme I49 - Computer and Geoscience in Archaeology
    in the 3. semester
Module in Modulux


since 2019 Postdoc HTW Dresden, Faculty of Spatial Information
2022-2023 Deputy Professor for Computing in Civil Engineering, Bauhausuniversität Weimar
2019-2023 Senior Software Developer for thinkproject, AEC3, fokus
2017-2019 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, National University of Singapore, IFC2CityGML
2015-2017 Research Fellow, TU Kaiserslautern, Fakultät Bauingenieurwesen, Built Environment department
2016 PhD TU Dresden, Applied Computer Science in AEC (Dr.-Ing.)
2010-2013 Researcher, TU Dresden, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Construction Informatics
2009-2010 Software Developer, conject AG Munich
2007-2008 Researcher, Bauhausuniversität Weimar, Computer Science in Architecture
2002-2006 Studies of Architecture, Kunsthochschule Berlin-Weißensee (Dipl.-Ing.)
1996-2001 Studies of Architecture, HTW Dresden (Dipl.-Ing. FH)