The federal and state program for female professors

[Translate to English:] 2 Studentinnen schauen sich im Labor gefülltes Fläschchen an

Women are still underrepresented in top scientific positions, especially in STEM fields. In Germany, only a quarter of professorships are currently held by women, although every second doctorate is written by a woman.

In order to increase the presence of women at all levels of academic qualification and, in particular, to increase the proportion of female professors, the Program for Female Professors was launched by the German federal and state governments in 2008. With the help of measures to promote gender equality, the program aims to bring about structural changes at universities and achieve equal opportunities.


The Female Professors Program III at HTW Dresden

HTW Dresden was able to successfully qualify for program phase III thanks to its gender equality concept and thus received start-up funding for a W2 professorship staffed by women. The funds that would have been spent on financing this position are now flowing into measures to promote equality.

The focus of the third program phase is on the area of "personnel development and recruitment on the way to professorship". The measures include, among other things, the implementation of workshops and application training for female students and young female scientists, as well as further training for managers on the topics of "gender- and family-friendly leadership". Projects to attract female first-year students to STEM degree programs are also supported.


You would like to apply for a professorship?

You can find our current advertisements in the job offers of HTW Dresden. You are welcome to seek advice from our Equal Opportunity Officers before and during the application process. You can find the procedure of the appointment process here. You are also welcome to take advantage of our continuing education and training offers for female applicants and scientists.


Ongoing actions and events

► Girls' Day 

Every year on Girls' Day, HTW Dresden invites schoolgirls from the 5th grade upwards to take part in exciting workshops in technology and the natural sciences.

► Scholarship program Career-Building Elements

The scholarship offers female STEM students the opportunity to get to know companies and students from other universities for one year and to be prepared for their career entry through learning modules. The pilot phase will start in the summer semester 2023.

Further Information

Special Training for female Students "Find your Leadership Personality"

A new round of special training for female students starts in April. 

Further Information


Workshop “Resilient Handling of Stress - Stress and Time Management for Women in Science”
June 27, 2024, 9am - 4pm, Room S219, Languages: English and German

Clear your head, recharge your batteries and learn methods for more balance in your worklife. In this workshop you will learn to be more attentive to yourself, to recognize stress triggers quickly and to deal with them better. Setting priorities is also an important building block for making everyday life more relaxed. 

Weitere Informationen und Anmeldung

Workshop "Sharing Care Responsibilities" - for Women in Science
August 29, 2024, 9am - 5pm

Further information tba

► Online Vocation Training & Coaching for Women, from November 28, 2023
What does the appointment process at a university of applied sciences look like? What requirements and expectations do I have to meet? How can I present myself professionally and confidently? These and other questions will be answered in the appointment training. The workshop offers interested participants strengthening, orientation and preparation for applying for an HAW professorship.

Online, 3 dates (half-day) & 1 coaching
Language: German

Dates, agenda and registration:  


► Workshop on Family and Gender Equitable Leadership being planned


► in planning: establishment of a parent-child room
