Femtec Career-Building Elements Scholarship Programme

Next application phase

30.09. - 20.10.2024

Auf der Suche nach MINTSPIRATION?!

In cooperation with Femtec and the HAWtech university network, we are implementing the "Career-Building Elements" program for the first time. The focus of the program is on consciously planning your own development, gaining new perspectives and making exciting contacts - and enabling you to grow both personally and professionally. We connect you with like-minded female STEM students from six participating universities and a wide variety of companies who will show you the megatrends of the working world. Joining the network not only brings you closer to your personal goals and strengths, but also shows you how to successfully navigate male-dominated industries and career fields.

A total of 25 places are available throughout Germany for the first round. Thus, approximately four to five female students of HTW Dresden will be accepted.

For more information and questions about the program, feel free to contact the program coordinator: