![[Translate to English:] Studienanfang](/fileadmin/HTW/Zentrale_Dokumente/Bilder/study-741x486.jpg)
Introducing ZfB [in German language]
The video gives you an initial insight into our range of activities and selected subject areas. Please also note the detailed explanatory video at the bottom of this website.
You have just received the acceptance letter and enrolled in our university. With the beginning of this new phase of life, you are faced with numerous questions. On this page you will find answers about aspects of language education in your study programme as well as our additional offers.
On the sub-pages for foreign languages, you will find plenty of information about our language modules. Particularly important are the overviews of your language options. We have summarized the most frequently asked questions (FAQ) with the corresponding answers for you below.
We have recorded the essential information for you as a video and included it in the lower area of this website. Further detailed information can be found on our website.
In addition to a brief introduction to our center of interdisciplinary education, you will receive information on interesting additional offers, selected modules in the Studium Integrale and, in particular, on questions relating to the acquisition of foreign languages at our university.
Since there are several language modules anchored in the curriculum in almost all courses - in some courses at the faculty of business and economics even more than four or five semesters - the latter information is particularly relevant for you as a freshman. If your degree program does not include any language modules, we will inform you about additional offers to develop your foreign language skills.
We offer various placement tests. The question of whether you have to take the placement test cannot be answered across the board and depends on the foreign language chosen and its anchoring in the curriculum.
- The placement tests for French and Spanish in the International Business bachelor's degree are compulsory, as the group is assigned based on the test results.
- The placement test for English is basically voluntary.
- In the business administration and industrial engineering courses, an above-average test result leads to the opportunity to attend the modules at C1 level.
- In almost all other courses of study, an above-average test result leads to the opportunity to attend the modules at C1 level or to take another foreign language from our Studium Integrale offer.
- We strongly recommend that you take this placement test, as this will give you the language training that meets your individual requirements.
- Experience has shown that the following criteria speak for the C1 level, for example: high interest in foreign languages, advanced English course or above-average results in the basic course during your school days, longer English-language stays abroad, regular use of English-language literature, films, computer applications, etc.
You can find more information on our homepage, especially on the pages on the language options and the Studium Integrale.
All placement tests take place as part of the first semester induction (ESE) in the week before the start of the courses. We have summarized the exact dates for you in a news report.
The test aims to guarantee you optimal learning conditions in the coming semesters. This is not about classifying your linguistic abilities into "good" and "bad". Specific preparation is therefore not necessary and, if in doubt, not advisable. However, it is always safe to deal with a language of your choice, even beyond tests and language modules, in order to sharpen your personal profile.
Since the test results only lead to group assignment, a failure is not possible. In the case of the English placement test, you will automatically be assigned to a curricular B2 module if your English foreign language skills are insufficient for C1 or any other foreign language choice.
In the International Business bachelor's program, students are offered individual consultation as a result of the placement test if they do not have the recommended foreign language skills in French or Spanish for the language modules at level A2. Possible scenarios include additional language courses from our Studium Integrale offer, the use of external offers and a possible shift of participation in the language module anchored in the curriculum to a later semester. However, this has various consequences, which can range from possible overlaps in the timetable to inadequate examinations in the form of a 5ue if the examination is not cancelled on time. In this respect, it is urgently recommended to take advantage of this opportunity to talk.
The test results are used exclusively for group assignment, which we will publish here after the test evaluation has been carried out. In addition, your language teachers can prepare better for the teaching situation based on the results.
Please refer to the German version of this website for further information.
You can find information concerning all language classes all well as any updates in the lesson and room plan. To navigate directly to the class of your interest, please enter the module number under "Additional Information". The class will appear in the recommendations. Please choose your desired class and click on "Individual Timetable".
A recognition of already acquired achievements is possible on application. You will find all the necessary information in our organizational information.
Foreign Languages
Introductory video [in German language] with lots of important information for starting your studies
Additional Information
Weitere Dokumente/ Antragsformulare finden Sie hier: https://www.htw-dresden.de/en/studium/im-studium/qualifizierungsangebote-und-sprachen/schluesselqualifikationen-und-fremdsprachen/translate-to-english-informationen-fuer-studienanfaenger