You can find a brief overview of the organization and process of studying abroad as a PDF here (no barrier-free access).
My Application - easy and uncomplicated
Completion of the first academic year (except Master students)
Enrolment at the HTW Dresden in full-time studies, which leads to a recognised degree
Study visit to an Erasmus+ partner university in the 27 EU member states + Turkey, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and FYR Macedonia (except Switzerland and own residence)
Existing inter-institutional Erasmus+ agreement with the partner university
The awarding of a mobility grant will be in accordance with the grant award procedure of the HTW Dresden. There is no legal entitlement to funding under the Erasmus+ programme and therefore can not be claimed against the university.
Before you apply for a study abroad, you should clarify for yourself where you want to go and with which goals. Is a particular language of instruction or language important to you? Do you want to deepen a certain focus of your studies, etc?
To find the right host university for you, inform yourself:
If you have short-listed one or more universities, consult with the respective programme coordinator (contact person for the respective partner university) in your faculty.
After the consultation, you can decide for a host university according to your subject-specific and language skills, as well as your personal wishes. Find your programme coordinator in the directory of partner universities.
If you are interested in a university that does not cooperate with your faculty but is a partner university, please contact the International Office. We will check whether you can apply for a free place there.
There are NO study fees for a study visit at one of our Erasmus+ partner universities.
Students at the HTW Dresden submit their application to the International Office for the following academic year (winter and summer semester) by 15 February at the latest by email (international(at)
IMPORTANT! If there are still exchange places available at the desired partner university, an application at a later date is definitely possible. However, this excludes inclusion in the selection process of the faculty.
Please submit the following documents by email:
Application for study abroad (please save on your computer first and then fill in, DO NOT fill in on your mobile or browser).
Letter of motivation (maximum one A4 page, in English or German)
The international coordinator of your faculty or the International Office informs you about the selection decision. After that, the International Office will nominate you to the partner university.
IMPORTANT! If there are still exchange places available at the desired partner university, an application at a later date is definitely possible. However, this excludes inclusion in the selection process of the faculty.
Selection criteria of HTW Dresden
Academic performance (grades) - Language skills - Study plans - Motivation - Crediting for the coursework after returning to the HTW Dresden - Extracurricular activities - In addition, faculty internal selection criteria may exist
Possible study contents during your stay
// lectures // project works (study projects/research projects) // final thesis (diploma thesis or Bachelor thesis or Master thesis)
Organisational expenditure
A stay abroad requires thorough preparation. This should start at least one year before the start of the stay. A longer lead time is required for certain countries and scholarship applications. Please inform yourself in good time about your country of study, the foreign university, the necessary subject and language requirements (e.g. GMAT, GRE, TOEFL) for enrolment and the entry and residence regulations.
Find out from the programme coordinator of your partner university and on the homepage of the partner university which additional registration formalities are required on the part of the partner university and apply there within the application deadline. As a rule, the host university should already have been informed of your nomination by the International Office. Don't forget to take care of your accommodation, financing, academic recognition, insurance and, if necessary, your study visa (e.g. for Turkey) at the same time.
There are no tuition fees for a study visit to an Erasmus+ partner university.
Free English language test (listening and reading comprehension only):
Language certificates from the Center for Interdisciplinary Education: "We are happy to support you with applications for a semester abroad with the relevant evidence of your acquired language skills.
DAAD form for semesters abroad (the same applies to comparable evidence): After successful course participation at the appropriate level, please contact us, stating all the necessary information (full name, matriculation, contact options and grading overview) and the pre-filled DAAD form to our secretariat. As a rule, the evidence can then be collected from the secretariat within two working weeks during office hours or will be emailed.
Standard certificates after successful course participation: Please note that proof by means of your official statement is typically sufficient. Should you nevertheless wish to receive a standard certificate, please report to the secretariat
Other certificates without any course participation: Thank you for your understanding that we are unfortunately unable to issue such certificates."
If your application to the HTW Dresden for a study place abroad was successful, you should familiarize yourself with the modules and courses of the host university by then at the latest. In order to ensure that your academic achievements abroad are recognised at the HTW Dresden, you must conclude a learning agreement before your stay. This is often requested by the host university together with your application documents. In the learning agreement, you determine together with the programme coordinator (contact person for the partner university) or dean of studies in your faculty which modules you want to study abroad and which modules of the HTW Dresden you want to replace.
the learning objectives and competencies of the courses should be comparable
the courses at your host university should fit into the qualification goal and study profile of your degree program
do not choose modules that duplicate content you have already taken at HTW Dresden
you can supplement your module plan with a language module in the language of instruction at the host university and modules in the soft skills area
The workload during your semester abroad should be comparable to courses/modules of your study program at HTW Dresden. You can therefore orientate yourself to a maximum of 30 credits (ECTS) per semester.
You do not have to receive credit for all courses attended abroad. Expanding your knowledge of your field of study or exploring entirely new topics, as well as language courses, are also eligible. In the Learning Agreement, you must record whether courses are recognized for HTW modules or whether they are taken in addition (and then listed in the Diploma Supplement with your degree certificate).
In the internal area you will find detailed information about the process.
Students with German or EU citizenship do not require a visa for study stays at a partner university within the European Union.
Students of HTW Dresden with a non-EU citizenship must check whether a visa is required for a study stay at a partner university in the European Union. Please contact the International Office of the partner university and the respective embassy for information on the visa requirements. Also check whether the country is implementing the REST Directive.
If you spend part of your studies abroad, you must remain enrolled at HTW Dresden and re-register for the semester within the re-registration deadline. During this time you will retain your student status and the student health insurance. Depending on the course of study, it might be that you have to take a holiday semester. Please inform yourself at your Dean of Studies or in the Student Secretariat. However, a holiday semester may also be an advantage if it is not required.
Please note that you have to deregister from exams running during your semester abroad in time to avoid a '5ue'. The '5ue' is then considered as the 1st attempt. According to the examination regulations §23 Abs.9 you cannot have a module from the semester abroad credited for a module where a 1st attempt has already taken place. Inform yourself on the homepage of the examination office.
You can request an exemption from the semester ticket at the student council while you are abroad.
Funding - Erasmus for everybody
The Erasmus+ Grant Agreement is concluded between HTW Dresden and the student before the start of the stay abroad. It forms the contractual and financial basis of the stay abroad. The funding agreement contains, among other things, the duration of the funding period, the reporting obligations of the grantee as well as the intended financial Erasmus+ funding and the payment method.
As soon as your Erasmus+ stay has been confirmed by the partner university, please come to the International Office with the following application documents or send them by e-mail:
Online Learning Agreement (signed by you, the home university and the partner university via
Letter of Acceptance from the partner university (with start and end dates of the planned study visit, including welcome week and examination period).
Based on the period stated in the letter of admission from the partner university, the amount of funding will be calculated and recorded in the grant agreement. This is signed first by you and then by the International Office. All students will receive a copy of their Erasmus+ Grant Agreement.
The Erasmus+ grant will be paid once all documents are complete and all signatures have been submitted.
Note: The Erasmus+ Grant Agreement is the basis for the payment of the mobility grant to the Erasmus+ students. It is not an application to the partner university. The application to the partner university must be made separately by the student.
An Erasmus+ grant allows for a maximum of two exchange semesters at a partner university per study phase (Bachelor/Master) without payment of tuition fees and additionally a monthly financial support, the Erasmus+ scholarship (mobility grant). The Erasmus grant is not a full scholarship, but a partial scholarship. The financial grant is intended to help cover the additional costs abroad. The amount of the grant depends on which of the two country groups the respective host country is classified in by the NA DAAD.
Country group 1 (countries with the same cost of living): 600,- EUR/month (daily grant 20,- EUR) -> Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden
-> Partner country Great Britain
Country group 2 (countries with a lower cost of living): 540,- EUR/month (daily grant 18,- EUR) -> Bulgaria, Estonia, Greece, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, North Macedonia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Czech Republic, Turkey, Hungary, Cyprus
The amount of funding is determined by the duration of your physical stay abroad. In principle, this should be at least two months. The eligible academic period begins with the Welcome Week/Orientation days at the partner university and usually ends with the end of the (1st) examination period at the partner university.
If you travel to your host country earlier or stay longer to travel there, this is your private stay and cannot be funded via Erasmus+. Nor are rental agreements taken into account for the calculation of the eligible academic duration of stay.
The partner university confirms your physical mobility phase at the end of your study visit ("Letter of Confirmation").
The Erasmus+ scholarships are paid out to the students in one installment by the International Office.
The International Office is obligated to the EU Commission to record your study visit on a daily basis. The "Letter of Confirmation" is used at the end to determine the actual duration of your study abroad. This determines the final amount of Erasmus+ funding. Mobility grants for study visits are awarded in the new Erasmus+ program generation 2021-2027 for a period between 2 months (60 days) and 12 months (360 days).
There is no legal entitlement to funding through the Erasmus programme and therefore no claim can be made against the university.
The special funding "fewer opportunities" is intended to address and mobilize all those in the Erasmus+ programme who, due to various obstacles, have only rarely or not at all been able to participate in the programme. If approved, you will receive an additional EUR 250 per month as financial support on top of the monthly funding rate (depending on the country group) if one of the following reasons applies:
Disability or chronic health problems
Study stay abroad with own child(ren)
Employment of students
First generation in the family to access higher education
If there are several reasons (e.g. first-time graduate and employed student), the additional funding can only be paid out for one reason (and therefore only proof of one special funding is required).
Disability or chronic health problems
You have a degree of disability of 20 or more or a chronic illness (see list of the RKI), which means that you will have additional financial costs to cover abroad.
You must provide the following evidence:
Honorary declaration for "additional funding"
Disability: disability card or notification from the state social welfare office
Chronic health problems: medical certificate confirming that additional financial costs will be incurred abroad because of chronic health problems (type of illness and amount/scope of additional requirements do not have to be noted or quantified)
Study stay abroad with own child(ren)
Your own child(ren) will be accompanying you on your study stay abroad. Double funding for a child is excluded if both parents take part in the study stay abroad. If there are two or more children, each parent can receive a top-up amount.
You must provide the following evidence:
Honorary declaration for "additional funding"
Birth certificate and travel documents for child/children’s round trip
If applicable, confirmation of being registered at a child care or educational institution
If applicable, confirmation of joint accommodation abroad through a tenancy agreement
Employment of students
A student’s previous employment of at least six continuous months must be terminated or paused due to their study stay abroad. The employment may not be continued during the stay abroad (this also includes mobile work, paid vacation, etc.). The period of employment must fall within a time frame of 6 months during the two semesters prior to the stay abroad. It can be a single employment relationship or several that immediately follow one another. The monthly net earnings must be between EUR 450 and EUR 850. In the case of several sources of income, the average per month applies.
You must provide the following proof:
Honorary declaration for "additional funding"
Pay slips
First generation in the family to access higher education
Parents or caregivers do not hold a degree in Germany that is considered academic (a list can be found from the Higher Education Compass and the German Accreditation Council). Degrees obtained abroad are considered non-academic in the country concerned.
If you want caregivers other than your parents to be taken into consideration, they should have had a continuous relationship with you for several years up to the start of your academic education. If only one parent or caregiver is available or familiar with you, then only this one person will be considered for the verification.
A degree from a vocational academy that leads to a degree comparable to a university degree is to be considered an academic degree. A master craftsman's certificate is not to be equated with an academic degree in this context. Degree courses completed abroad by one of the parents that are not recognized in Germany (e.g. physiotherapy) are deemed to be academic qualifications, meaning that there is no entitlement to additional funding.
You must provide the following evidence:
Honorary declaration for "additional funding"
Copy of the education certificate of the parent(s)/caregover(s)
Declaration of Honour from the parent(s) or caregiver(s), which states their highest level of qualifications
In line with the European Green Deal, the Erasmus+ program will lead by example by encouraging participants to use means of transport with lower CO2 emissions as an alternative to car/plane.
"Erasmus+ Green" stands for raising awareness among Erasmus+ participants on the issues of sustainability, climate change and environmental protection, and in particular on the environmental footprint that participants create through mobility. Through awareness raising as well as financial incentives, the number of mobilities with more environmentally friendly means of transport shall be increased and the ecological footprint of the Erasmus+ program shall be reduced.
What does environmentally friendly or green travel mean?
Green travel is defined as travel that uses low-emission modes of transportation such as bus, train, bicycle or walking. Travelling by car, plane or ship is not considered environmentally friendly.
The following regulation is valid only for winter semester 2024/25 and summer semester 2025!
Students can receive financial support for sustainable travel for a maximum of six additional days with the country groups’ corresponding daily funding rate.
Prerequisite: You travel at least one way (outward or return journey) to/from your host university “green”.
You must provide the following proof:
Honorary declaration for “green travel”
copy of your train/bus ticket
We encourage you to avoid flights (at least within Europe) - and to value the journey to your semester abroad as part of the experience. Why don't you prefer to travel by public transport within the host country, avoid the weekend trip by cheap plane to XXX and take the time to be on the road - it's worth it!
Erasmus by train - Student-led initiative which aims to link the Erasmus & Interrail programmes for a more sustainable and united Europe.
EcoPassenger - Compares the energy consumption, the CO2 emissions and other environmental impacts for planes, cars and trains in passenger transport.
In order to be able to travel cheaply and green, the My Bahncard 25 or 50 is a good option for those under 27, which are available at low student rates.
In the new Erasmus+ project period 2025 (concerns the semester abroad in winter semester 2025/26 and summer semester 2026), funding for travel costs according to distance category is possible for all Erasmus+ student mobilities. Both the use of environmentally friendly (bus, train, bicycle) and non-environmentally friendly means of transportation (car, plane, ship) will be supported. The distance between the place of origin and the location of the partner university is calculated using the European Commission's distance calculator. If necessary, individual support to cover subsistence costs for travel time before and after the mobility is eligible, with a maximum of two travel days for students who do not use low-emission means of transport and a maximum of six travel days for those who use low-emission means of transport.
Expected travel grants in winter semester 2025/26 and summer semester 2026:
Standard Travel
Green Travel
10 to 99 KM
28 EUR
56 EUR
100 to 499 KM
211 EUR
285 EUR
500 to 1999 KM
309 EUR
417 EUR
2000 to 2999 KM
395 EUR
535 EUR
3000 to 3999 KM
580 EUR
785 EUR
4000 to 7999 KM
1.188 EUR
1.188 EUR
8000 KM and more
1.735 EUR
1.735 EUR
In principle, anyone with German citizenship can receive BAföG. However, citizens of the European Union, migrants and refugees living in Germany can also receive BAföG as financial support during their studies.
There is no insurance coverage associated with an Erasmus+ mobility grant. Neither the EU Commission nor the NA DAAD are liable for damages resulting from illness, death, accident, injury to persons, loss or damage to property in connection with Erasmus+ stays abroad. During your stay abroad, you should check your existing insurance coverage and extend it if necessary. This concerns in particular the following insurances:
>> Compulsory health insurance
Students who have statutory health insurance (AOK, Barmer, TK,...) have with the European Health Insurance Card in general also for the stay in the European foreign country a minimum protection, which pays according to the German and foreign social legislation. However, the coverage provided by the European Health Insurance Card or private insurance may be insufficient, especially if repatriation or special medical interventions are required. For such cases, supplementary private insurance may be useful. It is the student's own responsibility to ensure sufficient health insurance coverage abroad.
Erasmus+ students have the possibility to be included in the group insurance of the DAAD (combined health, accident and private liability insurance).
>> (International) accident insurance
Please check your existing accident insurance coverage (abroad).
>> Liability insurance
Please check your existing liability insurance coverage (abroad).
>> Supplementary health insurance abroad
Certain medical services, especially medical repatriation, are not covered by the compulsory insurance. Find out about the insurance conditions in the event of a pandemic, in risk areas and in the event of a travel warning being issued by the German Foreign Office.
The subsequent conclusion of an insurance abroad is usually not possible.
During your Erasmus+ semester abroad, you will be supported in the acquisition and consolidation of the language of instruction and/or the national language. For this purpose, the Online Language Support is available to you via the EU Academy platform.
Via the following hyperlink of the EU Academy you get access to language tests and language courses. Here you can improve your language skills in all languages available on the platform. The language tests (so called placement tests) can be taken at any time (in a language of your choice). Access to Online Language Support is available to all users via the EU login. When logging in to the EU Academy platform for the first time, it is also necessary to give consent to data protection.
There is currently no obligation to take a language test before the start of your Erasmus+ semester abroad (as of August 2024). Nevertheless, we would like to motivate you to actively use this free online language support.
During my studies abroad
If there are changes at the host university, e.g. because courses overlap or are not offered, you need to change your learning agreement. The changes must be confirmed by you, the examination board and the host university via no later than four weeks after your arrival at the host university.
We are very happy about postcards. They will receive a place of honour on our pinboard.
Address: HTW Dresden - International Office, Friedrich-List Platz 1, 01069 Dresden
After my studies abroad
At the end of your study stay (not earlier than 10 days before departure), please confirm your stay at the host university on the form "Confirmation of Stay". The start date of the financial Erasmus funding period is the first day on which the grantee is present at the partner university for academic purposes. The end date is the last day on which a grantee must be present at the partner university for academic purposes.
Please send the Confirmation of Stay upon receipt to the International Office by email or hand it in directly at the International Office during office hours (room Z 232).
Upon successful completion of the study visit, the host university will issue you with a Transcript of Records in accordance with the learning agreement. Please send the transcript of records upon receipt to international(at) or hand in a copy directly at the International Office (Room Z 232) during office hours. Please note: If a student does not bring home any of the credits provided for in the Learning Agreement, the Erasmus+ mobility grant can be partly or fully reclaimed.
At the end of your stay, your host university will send you a Transcript of Records of the modules you have taken and the examination results you have achieved.You submit this together with your first and possibly changed learning agreement as well as the “After the mobility” part to the responsible examination board. If, contrary to the learning agreement, examination results are not to be recognised or modules are to be recognised as additional achievements, inform the examination board informally. The examination board enters the previously approved, recognised achievements with the corresponding grade in the last part of the learning agreement (after mobility) and confirms these.
Note: You cannot have a module from the semester abroad recognized for a HTW module where a 1st attempt at an exam has already taken place. A 1st attempt is also considered to be a '5ue' if, for example, you forgot to deregister for an HTW exam in time before the semester abroad.
The conversion of grades takes place in the faculty. For this purpose, you submit the necessary information about the foreign grading system to the examination board. In the case of incomparable grading systems, the note "passed" is included (and the examination results are not included in the further grading calculation). This is done in such a way that the ECTS points of this module are also included in the total amount of ECTS points.
Your results from abroad are then transferred to the HIS POS. On the certificate, examinations taken and recognised abroad are marked in a suitable manner. Please note that the process description P U15 - Recognition of examination performances is binding for the procedure.
The home university guarantees that ECTS credits earned abroad will be credited towards the credits/time required to obtain a degree at the home university. The academic achievements can only be recognised if a clearly defined study programme has been agreed with you in writing in a learning agreement. Academic recognition takes place after successful completion of the mobility stay on the basis of the proof of achievement issued to you by the host university. You may be refused credit or recognition for your academic achievements if you have not achieved the academic level required by the host university or have otherwise failed to meet the conditions required by the participating institutions for recognition.
If you would like further information on recognition procedures and guidelines for a good recognition process, we recommend the following addresses:
The nexus project of the German Rectors' Conference (HRK) promotes study visits abroad and has therefore made it one of its tasks to create quality standards for the recognition of academic achievements. In this context, the project publishes important information and practical examples on the recognition of study and examination achievements on its website and also provides basic publications.
The brochure "Promoting Mobility by Facilitating Recognition" from the International Office of the University of Leipzig also deals with good recognition practice for study and examination achievements. The HTW Dresden supported the project together with other institutions.
You are obliged to complete and submit the EU Survey online survey within 30 days of the end of your stay abroad. You will receive your login after your return. The HTW Dresden can demand partial or full repayment of the financial support received from Erasmus+ EU funds from students who do not complete and submit the EU Survey Online Survey.
We would also like to ask you to send us a report (with photos if possible) of your experiences abroad so that as many future students as possible can benefit from your experiences. With your consent, the experience report will be uploaded to the HTW website under "Experience Reports". Please send us your experience report as a PDF file with a short confirmation about the approval of the publication.
An extension (additional Erasmus+ semester) of the current mobility period may be agreed under the following conditions:
application (also informally by e-mail) by the student up to one month before the originally planned end date at the latest
creation of a new learning agreement for the additional semester
extension period immediately following the current stay
the extended mobility must not extend beyond the Erasmus+ project duration
the extension may not result in exceeding the maximum funding period (max 360 days)
Documents and papers
The documents are not yet accessible without barriers. Information can be obtained by telephone at +49 351 462 -2590 or -3458.