Committee work
Confirmation of committee activity and crediting of committee activity according to § 21 paragraph 4 SächsHSG
If, during an election or appointment period, students have served on the governing bodies of the university, the student body, the student union, or the study commission, or if they have served as equal opportunity officers or officers for students with disabilities or chronic illnesses, a period of study of one semester will not be credited to their standard period of study. For each additional term of election or appointment, an additional semester will be non-credited, for a total of no more than three semesters.
Not counting toward the standard period of study means that the semesters in question do not count as subject semesters, but only as university semesters. Thus, the later submission of a certificate of achievement or funding beyond the maximum funding period can be justified.
To have the committee activity confirmed and/or to apply for non-credit towards the standard period of study, please use the corresponding application form (form currently under revision).
Please note:
In any case, please report in due time and regardless of the status of application processing. You can take a printout of your registration certificate for the coming semester only after the application has been approved.
The Student Secretariat is there for you.

form currently under revision
Weitere Dokumente/ Antragsformulare finden Sie hier: https://www.htw-dresden.de/en/studies/while-studying/student-service/committee-work