people at an award ceremony
HTWD / Peter Sebb

Young Scientists Award

The Young Scientists Award honours outstanding achievements at HTW Dresden in the field of applied research. Researchers at HTW Dresden and ZAFT e.V. who have started a cooperative doctoral project or completed their doctorate no more than one year ago are eligible to apply. The jury consists of the members of the Senate Commission for Research of HTW Dresden.


Call 2025

Please send your application to the HTW Dresden Young Scientists Award 2025 by Friday, April 4th, 2025 at

You are currently pursuing your PhD at HTW Dresden or have successfully graduated after June 1st, 2024? If so, you are the right person for applying to our Young Scientists Award 2025. The endowment is up to 1.000 euros and the procedure is very simple: You only need a short outline and a presentation.


The procedure

  • Answer the questions on the application form below on three pages by Friday,April 4th, 2025.
  • The Senate Research Committee will then review all received outlines and score them according to evaluation matrix (Bewertungsmatrix) 1. The evaluation builds 50 per cent of the total score.
  • Three applicants will present their topic to the university public audience during the Young Scientists Symposium on June 3rd, 2025. You will be notified about three weeks before that whether you are going to be one of them.
  • On June 3rd, 2025 the Senate Research Committee will evaluate your contribution according to evaluation matrix (Bewertungsmatrix) 2. These points build again 50 per cent of your total score.
  • You can also gain some bonus points if exemplary science communication is used. This means communication tools that go beyond the usual presentation style. Examples may include: video / short film, illustrations or charts, live experiments, model or exhibit presentations, etc. A wide variety of tools, apps, etc. may be used for this purpose.
  • The announcement of the winner as well as the presentation of the award will take place on Dies Academicus at the HTW Dresden on June 4th, 2025. The 1st place is endowed with 1.000 euros; the 2nd place 500 euros and the 3rd one 250 euros. 

We are looking forward to presenting you as an applicant or award winner on this page soon.

If you have any questions, please contact me directly or write an email at forschung(at)


Weitere Dokumente/ Antragsformulare finden Sie hier:

Impressions of the Young Scientists Award 2024

Award winners of the past years

Award winner (1. place): Lucas Kurzweg

Topic: Untersuchungen zur Transformation von polymeren Materialien – Tribologie, Kohäsion, Adhäsion und Transport in mehrphasigen aquatischen Systemen

Faculty: Agriculture/Environment/Chemistry

Doctoral Supervision at the HTW Dresden: Prof. Kathrin Harre

awarded: 07.06.2023

Award Winner (1st price): Dr. Philipp Otter

Topic: "Solar-powered electrolytic oxidizer production for decentralized water treatment and its economic feasibility in developing regions" (dt. Solarbetriebene elektrolytische Oxidationsmittelproduktion für die dezentrale Wasseraufbereitung und dessen wirtschaftliche Machbarkeit in Entwicklungsregionen)

Faculty: Civil Engineering

Doctoral Supervision at the HTW Dresden: Prof. Thomas Grischek

Awarded: 01.06.2022

Award Winners: Franziska Bielefeldt und Lisa Obst

Topic: "Service robot use in inpatient geriatric care. Explorative analysis of relevant factors, taking into account various stakeholder perspectives as well as work-science analyses of a company in this service industry" (dt. Servicerobotereinsatz in der stationären Altenpflege. Explorative Analyse relevanter Faktoren unter Berücksichtigung diverser Stakeholderperspektiven sowie arbeitswissenschaftlicher Analysen eines Unternehmens dieser Dienstleistungsbranche)

Fakultät: Business Administration

Doctoral Supervision at the HTW Dresden: Prof. Rüdiger von der Weth

Awarded: 22.06.2021

Award Winner: Marcel Mokbel

Topic: "An ALE model for simulations of elastic surfaces in flow" (dt. Ein ALE Modell für Simulationen von elastischen Oberflächen in Strömung)

Faculty: Informatics / Mathematics

Doctoral Supervision at the HTW Dresden: Prof. Sebastian Aland

Awarded: 04.07.2020

Award Winner: Dr. Sebastian Paufler

Topic: "Studies on the control of manganese concentration in bank filtration and subsurface iron removal/de-manganization" (dt. Untersuchungen zur Steuerung der Mangankonzentration bei der Uferfiltration und Unterirdischen Enteisenung/Entmanganung)

Faculty: Civil Engineering

Doctoral Supervision at the HTW Dresden: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Grischek

Awarded: 05.06.2019

Award Winner: Dr. Claudia Scharff

Topic: "Influence of electromagnetic radiation on growth and metabolic processes in microalgae from the Chlorophyta department" (dt. Einfluss elektromagnetischer Strahlung auf Wachstums- und Stoffwechselprozesse bei Mikroalgen aus der Abteilung Chlorophyta)

Faculty: Agriculture/Environment/Chemistry

Doctoral Supervision at the HTW Dresden: Prof. Dr. agr. Fritz-Gerald Schröder

Awarded: 06.06.2018

Award Winner: Dr. Thomas Neumann

Topic: „Reconstruction, Analysis, and Editing of dynamically deforming 3D-Surfaces“ (dt. „Rekonstruktion, Analyse und Editierung dynamisch deformierter 3D-Oberflächen“)

Faculty: Informatics / Mathematics

Doctoral Supervision at the HTW Dresden: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Markus Wacker

Awarded: 14.06.2017

Award Winner: Loreen Pogrzeba

Topic: "Therapy analysis with markerless motion capturing using the example of Swedish function oriented music therapy" (dt. "Gesundheit nach Maß: Bewegungsanalyse in Therapie und Rehabilitation")

Faculty: Informatics / Mathematics

Doctoral Supervision at the HTW Dresden: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Markus Wacker

Awarded: 01.06.2016

Award winner: Michael Kuntzsch

Topic: Optische Synchronisation und Elektronenstrahldiagnose am Linearbeschleuniger ELBE

Faculty: Electrical Engineering

Doctoral supervision at the HTW Dresden:
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Wilfried Klix

awarded: 03.06.2015

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