![[Translate to English:] Kommunikationsmittel im CD der HTWD](/fileadmin/HTW/Hochschule/4_Organisation/1_Leitung/OeA/Bilder/230314_HTWD_PressKit_Header_4.jpg)
Corporate Design
The Dresden University of Applied Sciences (HTWD) is a modern and lively university of applied sciences. With its main areas of study and research in engineering and natural sciences, economics, environment and design, it underlines its claim to modernity and practical relevance.
With the new corporate design, HTWD has created a concise visual appearance and a high level of recognition. The new appearance conveys the values and messages that the university wants to send out to the education and research market.
Central design idea
The HTWD sees itself as an interface in the sense of a connection between different areas of society. It is an institution that opens up spaces for education and research, and builds bridges between science and business, technology and design, and between the academic community and society. This connection opens up new levels and other perspectives for all university members and cooperation partners.
This self-image is introduced in the word mark in terms of design through a diagonal 45 degree cut and contrasting design elements that meet at the point of connection. The "D" symbolises the city of Dresden and is executed in a serif font. This expresses the productive tension between tradition and modernity that is a distinctive part of Dresden's city culture.
In addition to the new brand colour orange, which ties in with the existing colour scheme, there is a broad and friendly colour palette. The two fonts of the word mark, the sans serif Open Sans and the serif Linear Antiqua Besley, are used as house fonts.
The start of the roll-out on 15 March 2023 marks the beginning of a transition phase lasting several months, during which the new design elements will be introduced step by step. The Design Guide can be obtained from the Press and Public Relations Office.
Views of the new look