Study requirements, application and application period
This course is specially designed for international students who are interested in the German language and would like to continue their studies in German. In addition, the Studentenwerk denies you the opportunity to obtain BAföG.
We offer you the following alternative courses of study:
By studying Electrical Engineering/Elektrotechnik you gain both broad electrotechnical basic knowledge and know-how in subject-specialized modules. Our applied methods of analysis, design, dimensioning, calculation, measurement and inspection will equip you with an academic, practice-oriented competence preparing you for a various range of working areas of electrical engineering such as renewable energies, medical technology as well as industrial control. You will be able to plan and construct complex electrical systems, to manage projects, to coordinate quality management and much more.
Master’s programme at HTW Dresden
Master Electrical Engineering (in German language)
My decision to study at the HTW was one of the best I ever made. The patience and consideration I encountered as a foreign language student at the HTW was paramount to my success.
Study Process
Basic studies & German course
1st - 4th Semester
Acquisition of basic knowledge (e.g. Electrical Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science) in English and German language.
Basic studies
5th Semester
Acquisition of basic knowledge (e.g. Electronics, System and Control Theory) in German language.
Professional studies
6th - 7th Semester
Acquisition of application oriented knowledge (e.g. Digital Systems) in German language.
• Electrical power generation and supply • Telecommunications and information technology • Transport and drive technology • Computer and medical technology
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