![[Translate to English:] Gelbe Schreibmaschine auf blauem Hintergrund](/fileadmin/HTW/Studium/3_nach_dem_Studium/Alumni/Bilder/23_Alumni_Webseite_Stories_.png)
After graduation, it goes on!
Alexander Paul Finke - product design (2007)
As a product designer Alex Finke deals with current events and trends. In his company dreizehngrad he develops, produces and distributes modern lighting for private and business interiors.
![[Translate to English:] Porträt von Alexander Paul Finke](/fileadmin/HTW/Hochschule/1_Aktuelles/23_Bilder_News/2307_Alex_Finke_Alumni_Portraet.jpg)
Fabian Naumann, Faculty Spatial Information Systems
After his studies, the cartographer founded the company Apus Systems together with the geographers Mario Hehne and Linda Kolata. Read his success story in our current alumni story.
![[Translate to English:] Fabian Naumann im Porträt](/fileadmin/HTW/Hochschule/1_Aktuelles/23_Bilder_News/01_Fabian_Naumann_Geoinformation.jpg)
Alumni report in an interview what they are doing professionally today
What happens after I graduate from HTWD? What career fields or industries are open to me? What qualifications are important if I want to get my dream job? This is where our alumni have their say, and they have probably asked themselves the same questions. They tell us what they are doing today and give tips on what else is important in addition to the specialist knowledge gained during their studies.
When the plan for my self-employment was in place, I went back to the university's start-up incubator. Until then, I didn't know that not only students but also alumni could take advantage of what the institution had to offer.
Cathleen Scharfe
Interview with Cathleen Scharfe
Cathleen Scharfe studied at the Faculty of Computer Science and started her startup business with the support of the Gründungsschmiede. Today she is successful on the market with her app agency herzdigital. Find out how she made the step from university to self-employment in our interview with her.
Christoph Süße
Christoph Süße in portrait
Bicycles have inspired Christoph Süße since he was 12 years old. The HTW Dresden graduate has turned his passion into a profession. He finished his studies in production engineering in 2016. After a brief excursion into being an employee, the 33-year-old went into business for himself with his own bicycle factory. A year ago, in March 2020, he founded Sour Bicycles.
Our robots should be able to relieve the often overworked nursing staff of various tasks. Linguistic communication is an important capability here.
Oliver Guhr - Informatik
Oliver Guhr studied computer science and is now a doctoral student in the field of "Artificial Intelligence/Cognitive Robotics" at our university. His ambition and the possibilities of using artificial intelligence for the "good cause" become clear in his projects. You can read more about the research topic AI in this news article.