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Office opening hours
in the coworking area: Mon-Fri 6am-8pm
with HTW student card: Mon-Fri 6am-10pm, Sat 6am-4pm
Interested in a place? We look forward to receiving your application!
- 1. Factsheet (2-3 pages).docx - 2,16 MB
- 2. User agreementdocx - 64 kB
Weitere Dokumente/ Antragsformulare finden Sie hier: https://www.htw-dresden.de/en/entrepreneurship/coworking/-rooms
Visit us at the Gründungsschmiede
Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Dresden
A-Building, 4th floor - left
Andreas-Schubert-Str. 23
01069 Dresden
Tel.: +49 352 462 3837
E-Mail: gruendung@htw-dresden.de
Web: www.htw-dresden.de/gruendung